Another example of totally business ignorance of Obama costing AMericans!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Five Guys: Obamacare will boost burger prices

Any added costs are going to have to be passed on," said Mike Ruffer, a Five Guys franchise holder with eight of the popular restaurants in the Raleigh-Durham, N.C. area. He will need all the profits from at least one of his eight outlets just to cover his estimated added $60,000-a year in new Obamacare costs.
Five Guys: Obamacare will boost burger prices |

It is so typical of this economically business challenged President to comprehend how businesses work!
People like the above companies ARE Trying explain Economics 101 to a President who used a very fundamental
LIE to pass by just 6 votes Obamacare!

That LIE is 50 million people want and need health insurance!
This LIE was the basis for some "YES" votes to pass Obamacare! Many yes voters never seemed to look at what Obama used in coming up with that number!
10 million are NOT citizens per the Census!
14 million ARE ALREADY covered by Medicaid!
Now here is the biggest LIE and number!!!

YES there are 18 million "uninsured" BUT THEY WANT TO BE!!!
They are under 34. They make over $50,000 a year! They qualify but don't want employer health insurance because it costs them more then what
the currently spend for health services which is about $1,000 a year!
But Obama never told the voters this!
Obama included them as part of the phony 50 million!
THERE ARE truly less then 8 million that want and do need coverage!

Another Omission by Obama is so blatantly tied to $300 million campaign donations to Democrats/Obama!
Lawyers according to 90% of physicians surveyed cause $850 BILLION BILLION a year in defensive medicine because physicians fear lawsuits!

But would Obamacare tax 10% of the lawyers $200 billion a year in fees like they blatantly did tanning salons because salons cause cancer?
Hell no! And this is where it gets worse!
So uninsured going to hospitals that if the take Medicare the hospitals by LAW must treat the uninsured!
As a result Medicare has NO problem in paying 6,000% MORE then the costs that hospitals bill Medicare!
Because Medicare knows the 1986 EMTALA forces hospitals to see uninsured!

So here we have hospitals doing duplicate test that Medicare will pay for that is part of the $850 billion in "defensive medicine" cost out of fear of lawsuits!

TAX lawyers 10% of $200 billion in fees that will be lowered when the $850 billion in defensive medicine lowers!
That $20 billion a year will buy health insurance for the uninsured that when they go to the hospital the hospital is reimbursed by claims submitted for the
Problem solved! Hospitals will NOT be able to over charge Medicare 6,000%
Lawyers will pay for the the uninsured!
PROBLEM solved!!!
NO need for the MASSIVE INTRUSIVE totally inane Obamacare that is adding trillions of dollars in new costs, taxes, premiums,etc.!
NO NEED for that!!!

Take the meds.

Leave the exclamations.

Well obviously you! Need to stop taking your tranqs!

If you don't comprehend the enormity of the LIES about Obamacare that's because you are either STUPID, on tranquilizers, or senile!

This issue of Obama blatantly LYING about 50 million uninsured passed the bill that is RAISING prices all around and obviously someone who gets FREE food delivered hot daily doesn't care cause YOU got yours!

Well Grandma... want till you are told by your DEATH PANEL that you won't be getting that hip replacement .. you are too old and the money needs to be spent on younger people!

You think I'm making that up???

Put your specs in Granny and pay attention!!!!

While the term "death panels" certainly takes it to an extreme, Americans should be aware of how government's increased involvement in the provision of health treatments—and their understandable desire to control rising healthcare costs—will impact the availability of some medical care, and is already doing so. Moreover, experience suggests that Americans can expect decisions about best practices will be made not only with an eye toward keeping down costs, but also toward politics.

For example, in 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (that's a panel charged with reviewing evidence and making recommendations for preventive services) changed their guidance on best practices for screening women for breast cancer, suggesting that women in their 40s should not have annual mammograms and older women should reduce the use of this screening device.
The Truth Behind Obamacare's 'Death Panels' - US News and World Report

But when Nobel Economics Prize winner, Princeton professor professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman predicts the same thing-

"Eventually we do have a problem. That the population is getting older, health care costs are rising...there is this question of how we're going to pay for the programs. The year 2025, the year 2030, something is going to have to give.... .... We're going to need more revenue...Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well.. We won't be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes... on the middle class, maybe a value added tax...And we're also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits . So the snarky version...which I shouldn't even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this."

Oh no Professor Krugman, you won't get in trouble for stating the snarky obvious version--you'll just get another honor and praise for speaking courageously. However Sarah Palin, an attractive female Republican moose hunter and non economist, and therefore not credible to liberals for not agreeing with them, got in trouble for bravely stating the truth.

But in the ongoing Democratic war on women, her non snarky version was mocked because she said it first.

Read more: Blog: Paying for Obamacare with death panels
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You don't get it. "Five Guys" is complying with the intent of Health Care reform. They intend to conduct business as usual, pay the price, and make internal adjustments accordingly. They'll still turn profit and insure employees in the process. An additional $60k/year is a drop in the bucket to these capitalistic hucksters. Pass along increased costs to their customers and pray that they can sustain demand.

But what about growth for the company? Forget about it. They will die a slow and painful death.

IMO 5 Guys is marketing at its finest. Drab food with glitzy pinache. I ate that same shit at a bus stop 50 years ago.
You don't get it. "Five Guys" is complying with the intent of Health Care reform. They intend to conduct business as usual, pay the price, and make internal adjustments accordingly. They'll still turn profit and insure employees in the process. An additional $60k/year is a drop in the bucket to these capitalistic hucksters. Pass along increased costs to their customers and pray that they can sustain demand.

But what about growth for the company? Forget about it. They will die a slow and painful death.

IMO 5 Guys is marketing at its finest. Drab food with glitzy pinache. I ate that same shit at a bus stop 50 years ago.

I've been a fan since there were only 3 locations. There's been a notable drop in quality over the years in both the burgers and the fries. And no one has come around to pick up their torch : (

It was incredible once.
You don't get it. "Five Guys" is complying with the intent of Health Care reform. They intend to conduct business as usual, pay the price, and make internal adjustments accordingly. They'll still turn profit and insure employees in the process. An additional $60k/year is a drop in the bucket to these capitalistic hucksters. Pass along increased costs to their customers and pray that they can sustain demand.

But what about growth for the company? Forget about it. They will die a slow and painful death.

IMO 5 Guys is marketing at its finest. Drab food with glitzy pinache. I ate that same shit at a bus stop 50 years ago.

What I don't get is how you seemingly STILL don't comprehend the enormity of Obamacare's impact on ALL our lives that was PASSED by just 6 votes of which most of the YES votes believed the Obama lie of 50 million uninsured!

This enormous LIE that is now destroying 1/6th of our economy is so simple that I guess it proves the ignorance of people like you!

Why aren't you upset that
A) Obama LIED about 50 million when there are less then 8 million..
B) Obama LIED when he said "if you like your plan you can keep it" and now 30% of employers are going drop the plans people liked!
C) Obama LIED when he said.. "premiums will drop by $2,500 " when IN FACTthe experts, "actuaries" predict 122% INCREASE in premiums!

And ignorantly ignore the magnitude of this???
The 10 million illegals aren't going anywhere, and cost big bucks in ER care, the stupidest and most expensive way. Make them pay if they can and get cheaper care if they can't. The freeloaders too.

Krugman means the population is growing older, a problem, but also believes O-care will lower health costs, like everyone else who knows what they're talking about and aren't bought off. This GOP "system" is pure crappe, dupe.

Care guidelines will lower malpractice costs, as well as people having insurance fer chrissake...add more if you want, but THIS "system" now is NUTS.

Sorry about your free toothpaste, but that program is a stupid giveaway.

Take the meds.

Leave the exclamations.

Well obviously you! Need to stop taking your tranqs!

I do't do downers.

If you don't comprehend the enormity of the LIES about Obamacare that's because you are either STUPID, on tranquilizers, or senile!

This issue of Obama blatantly LYING about 50 million uninsured passed the bill that is RAISING prices all around and obviously someone who gets FREE food delivered hot daily doesn't care cause YOU got yours!

Well Grandma... want till you are told by your DEATH PANEL that you won't be getting that hip replacement .. you are too old and the money needs to be spent on younger people!

You think I'm making that up???

Put your specs in Granny and pay attention!!!!

My specs are on. I'm getting new ones in December. I won't be needing any hip replacement, but if I did it would be covered.

What the hell does
"obviously someone who gets FREE food delivered hot daily doesn't care cause YOU got yours!" mean?

While the term "death panels" certainly takes it to an extreme, Americans should be aware of how government's increased involvement in the provision of health treatments—and their understandable desire to control rising healthcare costs—will impact the availability of some medical care, and is already doing so. Moreover, experience suggests that Americans can expect decisions about best practices will be made not only with an eye toward keeping down costs, but also toward politics.

Indeed, it does take it to an extreme. What you don't understand is that we don't have universal or single-payer health care. The government, therefore, is not responsible for any cuts in coverage issued by insurance companies. Yes, that's right, if you were denied a boob job, blame your insurance company, not Obama.

For example, in 2009, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (that's a panel charged with reviewing evidence and making recommendations for preventive services) changed their guidance on best practices for screening women for breast cancer, suggesting that women in their 40s should not have annual mammograms and older women should reduce the use of this screening device.
The Truth Behind Obamacare's 'Death Panels' - US News and World Report

Mammograms are not needed every year, except for at-risk women. I haven't had one in decades and my boobs are doing just fine.

But when Nobel Economics Prize winner, Princeton professor professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman predicts the same thing-

"Eventually we do have a problem. That the population is getting older, health care costs are rising...there is this question of how we're going to pay for the programs. The year 2025, the year 2030, something is going to have to give.... .... We're going to need more revenue...Surely it will require some sort of middle class taxes as well.. We won't be able to pay for the kind of government the society will want without some increase in taxes... on the middle class, maybe a value added tax...And we're also going to have to make decisions about health care, doc pay for health care that has no demonstrated medical benefits . So the snarky version...which I shouldn't even say because it will get me in trouble is death panels and sales taxes is how we do this."

Gee, I guess we'll have to cut subsidies and grants to businesses showing millions of dollars in profits. Maybe we'll have to bring the jobs back from ASian sweatshops so people can get off welfare and pay taxes.

Oh no Professor Krugman, you won't get in trouble for stating the snarky obvious version--you'll just get another honor and praise for speaking courageously. However Sarah Palin, an attractive female Republican moose hunter and non economist, and therefore not credible to liberals for not agreeing with them, got in trouble for bravely stating the truth.

Sarah Palin's a non-intellectual. She's but a very few IQ points away from the short bus.

But in the ongoing Democratic war on women

You just blew to hell any chance at seeming credible.

, her non snarky version was mocked because she said it first.

At whose command? Bitch don't read the papers, she has no fucking idea what's going on.

Read more: Blog: Paying for Obamacare with death panels
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
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Take the meds.

Leave the exclamations.

Well obviously you! Need to stop taking your tranqs!

I do't do downers.

My specs are on. I'm getting new ones in December. I won't be needing any hip replacement, but if I did it would be covered.

What the hell does
"obviously someone who gets FREE food delivered hot daily doesn't care cause YOU got yours!" mean?

Indeed, it does take it to an extreme. What you don't understand is that we don't have universal or single-payer health care. The government, therefore, is not responsible for any cuts in coverage issued by insurance companies. Yes, that's right, if you were denied a boob job, blame your insurance company, not Obama.

Mammograms are not needed every year, except for at-risk women. I haven't had one in decades and my boobs are doing just fine.

Gee, I guess we'll have to cut subsidies and grants to businesses showing millions of dollars in profits. Maybe we'll have to bring the jobs back from ASian sweatshops so people can get off welfare and pay taxes.

Sarah Palin's a non-intellectual. She's but a very few IQ points away from the short bus.

You just blew to hell any chance at seeming credible.

, her non snarky version was mocked because she said it first.

At whose command? Bitch don't read the papers, she has no fucking idea what's going on.

Read more: Blog: Paying for Obamacare with death panels
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

YOU showed such stupidity when you wrote this:
"Gee, I guess we'll have to cut subsidies and grants to businesses showing millions of dollars in profits. Maybe we'll have to bring the jobs back from ASian sweatshops so people can get off welfare and pay taxes."

In first sentence you say cut "subsidies showing millions of profits".. If they show profits they pay taxes!
THEN the really stupid comment.."bring jobs back and pay taxes"!
GOD... why do you think the jobs went Asia in the first place??? YOU are asking for the minimum wage to be reduced you dummy!
The only reason jobs went over seas was because the Chinese will work for a $.14 a day whereas the UNIONS force auto makers to pay
grass cutters $65/hour in the USA! Grass cutters!
Unlike I'll back that statement with a source something you did NOT do in any of your RANTS granny on tranks!

"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.

In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker: an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
What is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker? - Yahoo! Answers

So if unions count grass cutters at $65/hour how in the...fuc... GRANNY are jobs going to come back from sweatshops that pay $.14/hour???
Average Chinese worker's hourly wage: $0.14.
What is the average wage for auto worker
Granny says dey's fulla beans...
A Shrinking Federal Government is Why There’s Little Private Sector Growth
March 11, 2013 - Del. Eleanor Norton (D-District of Columbia) says private sector jobs are not showing much growth because the federal government is shrinking.
“What is shrinking is not the private sector – it’s hard for them to grow because the public sector, both the state sector and the federal government is shrinking and they are having to grow it all by themselves and that is why we don’t have much growth,” Holmes Norton said.

The delegate discussed her economic theory during last Friday’s House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee hearing on "The Impact of Sequestration on Women and Families."

As previously reported, according to the U.S. Treasury and the Census Bureau, inflation-adjusted federal spending per person increased by $822.90 between 2008 and 2012. In constant 2012 dollars, the federal government spent $3,176,376,470,000 in 2008 and $3,538,446,000,000 in 2012.

Del. Holmes Norton: A Shrinking Federal Government is Why There?s Little Private Sector Growth | CNS News

See also:

‘Spending Growth Has Been Exceptionally Low Under Obama’
March 11, 2013 - New York Times columnist Paul Krugman says government spending under President Barack Obama “has been exceptionally low.”
On ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Krugman, a liberal economist, said it’s a “real shame” that the sequester will hit the economy “just at the moment the engine is catching.” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) interjected: “At what point do we restrain the growth in government? At what point?”

“Spending growth has been exceptionally low under Obama,” Krugman replied. “We just need to say that.” According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product was 22.8 percent in fiscal 2012. reported in Feb. 2013 that the federal government spent (in constant 2012 dollars) $3,538,446,000,000 in FY 2012 compared with $3,176,376,470,000 in FY 2008. That’s a difference of $362,069,530,000. In terms of the amount of spending per household, government spending increased by $2,437.64 from FY 08 to FY 12, which works out to a $609.41 per year increase.

Krugman: ?Spending Growth Has Been Exceptionally Low Under Obama? | CNS News

Take the meds.

Leave the exclamations.

Well obviously you! Need to stop taking your tranqs!

I do't do downers.

My specs are on. I'm getting new ones in December. I won't be needing any hip replacement, but if I did it would be covered.

What the hell does
"obviously someone who gets FREE food delivered hot daily doesn't care cause YOU got yours!" mean?

Indeed, it does take it to an extreme. What you don't understand is that we don't have universal or single-payer health care. The government, therefore, is not responsible for any cuts in coverage issued by insurance companies. Yes, that's right, if you were denied a boob job, blame your insurance company, not Obama.

Mammograms are not needed every year, except for at-risk women. I haven't had one in decades and my boobs are doing just fine.

Gee, I guess we'll have to cut subsidies and grants to businesses showing millions of dollars in profits. Maybe we'll have to bring the jobs back from ASian sweatshops so people can get off welfare and pay taxes.

Sarah Palin's a non-intellectual. She's but a very few IQ points away from the short bus.

You just blew to hell any chance at seeming credible.

, her non snarky version was mocked because she said it first.

At whose command? Bitch don't read the papers, she has no fucking idea what's going on.

Read more: Blog: Paying for Obamacare with death panels
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

"Sarah Palin's a non-intellectual. She's but a very few IQ points away from the short bus."
She did something Obama has never done! Run the largest state in the Union.
Plus she knows how to say "coreman" NOT corpse man" as Obama the smartest president said!
She knows there are 50 states not 57 as the supposedly learned Obama stated!
She KNOWS not to call fellow Americans baby killers as Obama who said the following about our military..
"we are air-raiding villages killing children" What a stupid f..k! He now salutes the people he INSULTED and most likely helped some
get killed by patting the enemy on the back justifying the killing of US troops as he did!

Yea Palin has business experiences something Obama doesn't even fathom!
I bet you like him haven't a clue as to the fact that employers match SS/Medicare payments! YOU don't know that because if you
did then YOU'd have some shred of understanding what this stupid costly Obamacare has done to businesses.

YOU have no idea what an actuary because if you did YOU'd Comprehend what they project as the real world insurance premiums skyrocketing 141% over the next 5 years... ALL because of Obamacare!

President Obama?s claim that insurance premiums ?will go down? - The Washington Post

The problem with you granny is you depend on the 3 networks for all your news which when you consider the 3 networks 85% of the 1,353 employees gave over a $1 million Democrats/Obama last election! YOU are so dense you have no idea what that means i.e.
people didn't donate to Obama and then show negative stories about him! They biased everything you see and because you are obviously so ignorant to source YOUR hyperbolic unsubstantiated statements.. no one believes you!

Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

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