Another Fail in Court for Trump

Trump wanted to get a Judge to rule against the Committee. The subpoena was withdrawn because Trump stalled. Trump was playing games and his lawyers were all scrambling. Trump has been trouble since he rode down that stupid escalator

Trump wanted to get a Judge to rule against the Committee. The subpoena was withdrawn because Trump stalled.

So Trump won.
They got more than they wanted. Him testifying would have been a plead the fifth case/ Get real. He's been criminally referred History books
More speculation. If your assertion was true, why, pray tell, did they subpoena him? Just keep twisting yourself around your own bullshit--you might make a nice pretzel.
You aren't real quick are you. Nope, I KNOW it to be true. You are the one speculating about what "most people" believe. Do you have a link to support that assertion?
Quick study, Dante is. Being on the outside looking in, you are unaware of what most people think. Sad, but most people need protection from the likes of your kind
you seem to think it's amusing a creep gets away with some things?
Naw, I think it is criminal. That is why I think the entire democrat party should be disbanded for the anti-American tactics and waste of taxpayer dollars that they frittered away over the last seven years for a vindictive partisan cause instead of doing what they were hired to do.

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