Another family getting screwed by Obamacare

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It turns out that those crappy policies from bad apple insurers aren't crappy policies, and that the insurers aren't bad apples either. Does anyone think Obama will admit it.

The best part about this is how the reporter, who supports Obamacare, admitted they are getting screwed. In other words, it is already screened for the Obamazombies that insist that all these stories are lies.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.
I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.
So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.

Hammack recalled his reaction when he and his wife received a letters from Kaiser in September informing him their coverage was being canceled. “I work downstairs and my wife had a clear look of shock on her face,” he said. “Our first reaction was clearly there’s got to be some mistake. This was before the exchanges opened up. We quickly calmed down. We were confident that this would all be straightened out. But it wasn’t.”

What is their biggest beef?

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica
Wasn't Obama care supposed to fix all those horror stories.
Isn't that the whole point of Obama Care.
Wasn't Obama care supposed to fix all those horror stories.
Isn't that the whole point of Obama Care.

O'care starts Dec & January. Its open enrollment up until that point. It can't be judged until the enrollment process is finished.
The Obama administration's response to these cases could be, "We're sorry you've been harmed; we'll make it up to you."

Instead they're just annoyed at the media for following cases like that.

Keep it up, reporters -- you're finally doing something right!
It turns out that those crappy policies from bad apple insurers aren't crappy policies, and that the insurers aren't bad apples either. Does anyone think Obama will admit it.

The best part about this is how the reporter, who supports Obamacare, admitted they are getting screwed. In other words, it is already screened for the Obamazombies that insist that all these stories are lies.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.
I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.
So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.

Hammack recalled his reaction when he and his wife received a letters from Kaiser in September informing him their coverage was being canceled. “I work downstairs and my wife had a clear look of shock on her face,” he said. “Our first reaction was clearly there’s got to be some mistake. This was before the exchanges opened up. We quickly calmed down. We were confident that this would all be straightened out. But it wasn’t.”

What is their biggest beef?

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica

ya know what.... booohhoooo. I feel SO bad they have to pay more and their god lied to them.

i hope every single person who voted for obama gets screwed to the wall and fleeced for health care insurance right into bankruptcy. I truly hope they get the worst bottom of the barrel care and pay through the nose for it.
It turns out that those crappy policies from bad apple insurers aren't crappy policies, and that the insurers aren't bad apples either. Does anyone think Obama will admit it.

The best part about this is how the reporter, who supports Obamacare, admitted they are getting screwed. In other words, it is already screened for the Obamazombies that insist that all these stories are lies.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.
I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.
So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.

Hammack recalled his reaction when he and his wife received a letters from Kaiser in September informing him their coverage was being canceled. “I work downstairs and my wife had a clear look of shock on her face,” he said. “Our first reaction was clearly there’s got to be some mistake. This was before the exchanges opened up. We quickly calmed down. We were confident that this would all be straightened out. But it wasn’t.”
What is their biggest beef?

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”
Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica
Clearly their insurance company LIED to them to try to rip them off before they could get a better plan from the exchanges. And to the insurance taking advantage of the suckers is pure Capitalism in action!!!!

Special Investigation: How Insurers Are Hiding Obamacare Benefits From Customers

Across the country, insurance companies have sent misleading letters to consumers, trying to lock them into the companies' own, sometimes more expensive health insurance plans rather than let them shop for insurance and tax credits on the Obamacare marketplaces -- which could lead to people like Donna spending thousands more for insurance than the law intended. In some cases, mentions of the marketplace in those letters are relegated to a mere footnote, which can be easily overlooked.
The extreme lengths to which some insurance companies are going to hold on to existing customers at higher price, as the Affordable Care Act fundamentally re-orders the individual insurance market, has caught the attention of state insurance regulators.
The insurance companies argue that it's simply capitalism at work.
It turns out that those crappy policies from bad apple insurers aren't crappy policies, and that the insurers aren't bad apples either. Does anyone think Obama will admit it.

The best part about this is how the reporter, who supports Obamacare, admitted they are getting screwed. In other words, it is already screened for the Obamazombies that insist that all these stories are lies.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.
I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.
So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.

Hammack recalled his reaction when he and his wife received a letters from Kaiser in September informing him their coverage was being canceled. “I work downstairs and my wife had a clear look of shock on her face,” he said. “Our first reaction was clearly there’s got to be some mistake. This was before the exchanges opened up. We quickly calmed down. We were confident that this would all be straightened out. But it wasn’t.”
What is their biggest beef?

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”
Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica

ya know what.... booohhoooo. I feel SO bad they have to pay more and their god lied to them.

i hope every single person who voted for obama gets screwed to the wall and fleeced for health care insurance right into bankruptcy. I truly hope they get the worst bottom of the barrel care and pay through the nose for it.
First of all, it was the Capitalistic insurance company that lied to them! The insurance industry maintains that their lies are simply Capitalism at work!

But you are so consumed with pure HATE and SPITE you can only pray for the suffering of those Americans you hate so much, simply because they had the gall to vote in a way you didn't approve! Of course you are only mindlessly following the hateful example of your MessiahRushie who spitefully hoped ALL average hard working Americans would SUFFER the loss of their jobs because they also had the gall to vote different from what he wanted.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
These folks are doing well compared to some of the people I've seen. People you will never see on the news because it don't makes mo ratings money.
It turns out that those crappy policies from bad apple insurers aren't crappy policies, and that the insurers aren't bad apples either. Does anyone think Obama will admit it.

The best part about this is how the reporter, who supports Obamacare, admitted they are getting screwed. In other words, it is already screened for the Obamazombies that insist that all these stories are lies.

What is their biggest beef?

Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare - ProPublica

ya know what.... booohhoooo. I feel SO bad they have to pay more and their god lied to them.

i hope every single person who voted for obama gets screwed to the wall and fleeced for health care insurance right into bankruptcy. I truly hope they get the worst bottom of the barrel care and pay through the nose for it.
First of all, it was the Capitalistic insurance company that lied to them! The insurance industry maintains that their lies are simply Capitalism at work!

But you are so consumed with pure HATE and SPITE you can only pray for the suffering of those Americans you hate so much, simply because they had the gall to vote in a way you didn't approve! Of course you are only mindlessly following the hateful example of your MessiahRushie who spitefully hoped ALL average hard working Americans would SUFFER the loss of their jobs because they also had the gall to vote different from what he wanted.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
You listen to Rush far more than I do, you moron. :lol:
Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -
Story Highlights
Study: More than 60 percent of bankruptcies are linked to medical bills
Three-quarters of people with a medically-related bankruptcy had health insurance
Researcher: "You're one illness away from financial ruin in this country"
Situation likely to worsen: study was done a year before recession

Nope, no problems there :rolleyes:

Yep.... Those substandard policies don't do people any favors.
LOL @ all the Democrats whose only alternative to Obama being dishonest is that he willingly handed even more power over people's policies to the horrible insurance corporations he and his compatriots so despise.
A lot of ObamaCare supporters are now finding out that they are the ones who are supposed to pay for everyone else...and I bet most of them don't like it.
there are PLENTY of pre-O'care horror stories to go around as well. Your point?

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

so with obamacare driving prices up, how will that improve?

Supposedly the people he is driving the prices up for can afford it. There's a cap on out-of-pocket expenses.

So people won't go bankrupt over $100,000 medical bills. Not if they have been able to buy insurance.

They might still go bankrupt over $10,000 medical bills added to the rest of their finances, or they might still go broke over $100,000 medical bills if they couldn't find a way to afford the new premiums.

But the number of people who go bankrupt should decrease, and the amount they are in default should decrease.

Too damn bad for the responsible people who arranged their lifestyles and budgets around insurance which was previously affordable, who now can't afford it or who have to reach into their savings to pay the new costs. Doesn't sound like Obama has any interest in helping the people who were playing by the rules who he has now pulled the rug out from under.

But overall the number of bankruptcies will hopefully decrease.
A lot of ObamaCare supporters are now finding out that they are the ones who are supposed to pay for everyone else...and I bet most of them don't like it.

Those are the best stories.

Like that former congressional aide in Illinois who advocated for Obamacare on an official level, who now damns the ACA as the Available Care Act because it is not affordable for her.

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