Another Fine Example Of Conservative Values

So far ZERO Rapes related to Bill Clinton

and that is what they said about dennis hastert in the 80s, 90, 2000s...too....and dittos for bill cosby....same thing.... are willing to protect bill clinton........on the belief that over 12 women are lying...and he is the only one telling the truth.....

You democrats are vile.
Yes....all of these women are lying...and bill clinton is telling the truth....and these are just the ones we know about.....just like bill cosby and dennis hastert......the victims are ashamed, afraid...and have reason to be....hilary made it clear to them, using private detectives and the power of her husbands political offices that they had better not speak up.....

Clinton's list of ignored accusers

With so much media interest in the accusations against Herman Cain, one wonders where were the "truth-seeking" press was during the Clinton presidency? Clinton is now the godfather of the Democratic National Party and still one of its most revered leaders and profitable fundraisers. The list of women that stepped forward and publicly complained about the former President are:

  • Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
  • Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
  • Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
  • Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
  • Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
  • Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
  • 22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
  • Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
  • Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
  • Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
  • Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
  • 1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
  • 1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
  • Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
  • Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
  • Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
  • Sally Perdue - post incident threats
  • Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
  • Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned
What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

Yes.....keep defending bill clinton...make fun of the one knew that dennis hastert raped boys until last one knew bill cosby was raping women his entire career.....

19 women are lying.....only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
And some detail to some of the assaults..

The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton - Breitbart

All of this raises the question: how many more sexual victims of Bill Clinton are out there? The common theme among many of Bill Cosby’s sex victims was that they did not want to challenge a rich, powerful and popular public figure. People at the level of Cosby and Clinton have an army of lawyers, PR people and nasty private detectives who they use to crush any woman who would dare to tell the truth about them.

The Washington Post’s Roger Morris, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (now with NBC), and former Clinton Military Aide Buzz Patterson all have written about Bill Clinton’s other anonymous alleged sex abuse victims.

Capitol Hill Blue interviewed other secret alleged sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton. According to Capitol Hill Blue, in 1972, while Bill was dating Hillary at Yale Law School, a 22-year-old woman told campus police that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her.She confirmed the assault to Capitol Hill Blue but did not want her name used. Clinton was still president in 1999 when the article was written.

Bill Clinton’s trail of alleged attacks dates back even further to the University of Arkansas, where he was a law instructor. There, Clinton allegedly sexually attacked a female student, groped her and tried to physically trap her in his office. This secret sex victim of Clinton also confirmed her attack to Capitol Hill Blue. She is not alone. Other former Arkansas students confirmed that Clinton tried to force himself on them when he was a professor, according to the article’s authors Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton.

Another alleged secret sex victim of Clinton was identified by journalist Roger Morris, who wrote in Partners In Power, his book about the Clintons:

A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. “If you ever approach her,” he told the governor, “I’ll kill you.” Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.[iii]

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip. He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time. Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

Another alleged secret sex abuse victim of Bill Clinton, the wife of a prominent Democrat, contacted Michael Isikoff, who wrote in his book Uncovering Clinton (p. 162) about what he did to this (also married) woman in the Oval Office in 1996:

Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted–and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”[v]

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, the military attaché who used to carry the “nuclear football” in the Clinton White House, wrote a book about Clinton called Dereliction of Duty. Not only does Patterson describe Hillary as an abusive, yelling, ultra-profane harpy, he also tells the story about yet another alleged secret sex victim of Bill Clinton. Patterson recounts:

“Buzz, we have a problem,” he [Lt. Col. Mark Donnelly, a presidential pilot] said grimly. “One of my female stewards claims she was approached and touched inappropriately by President Clinton and she’s upset.”

I knew the woman Mark was referring to, and I liked her. She was bright, cheery, and beautiful. She was also an enlisted member of the United States Air Force — and had just, apparently, been sexually molested by the commander in chief.

“Where did this happen, Mark?”

“In one of the galleys on Air Force One on a recent trip. Apparently, he cornered her.”

“Is she going to come forward? How does she want to handle it?”
Another fine example of conservative values on display. Guilty until proven innocent.

What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

Yes.....keep defending bill clinton...make fun of the one knew that dennis hastert raped boys until last one knew bill cosby was raping women his entire career.....

19 women are lying.....only bill clinton is telling the truth.....
And some detail to some of the assaults..

The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton - Breitbart

All of this raises the question: how many more sexual victims of Bill Clinton are out there? The common theme among many of Bill Cosby’s sex victims was that they did not want to challenge a rich, powerful and popular public figure. People at the level of Cosby and Clinton have an army of lawyers, PR people and nasty private detectives who they use to crush any woman who would dare to tell the truth about them.

The Washington Post’s Roger Morris, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (now with NBC), and former Clinton Military Aide Buzz Patterson all have written about Bill Clinton’s other anonymous alleged sex abuse victims.

Capitol Hill Blue interviewed other secret alleged sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton. According to Capitol Hill Blue, in 1972, while Bill was dating Hillary at Yale Law School, a 22-year-old woman told campus police that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her.She confirmed the assault to Capitol Hill Blue but did not want her name used. Clinton was still president in 1999 when the article was written.

Bill Clinton’s trail of alleged attacks dates back even further to the University of Arkansas, where he was a law instructor. There, Clinton allegedly sexually attacked a female student, groped her and tried to physically trap her in his office. This secret sex victim of Clinton also confirmed her attack to Capitol Hill Blue. She is not alone. Other former Arkansas students confirmed that Clinton tried to force himself on them when he was a professor, according to the article’s authors Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton.

Another alleged secret sex victim of Clinton was identified by journalist Roger Morris, who wrote in Partners In Power, his book about the Clintons:

A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. “If you ever approach her,” he told the governor, “I’ll kill you.” Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.[iii]

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip. He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time. Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

Another alleged secret sex abuse victim of Bill Clinton, the wife of a prominent Democrat, contacted Michael Isikoff, who wrote in his book Uncovering Clinton (p. 162) about what he did to this (also married) woman in the Oval Office in 1996:

Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted–and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”[v]

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, the military attaché who used to carry the “nuclear football” in the Clinton White House, wrote a book about Clinton called Dereliction of Duty. Not only does Patterson describe Hillary as an abusive, yelling, ultra-profane harpy, he also tells the story about yet another alleged secret sex victim of Bill Clinton. Patterson recounts:

“Buzz, we have a problem,” he [Lt. Col. Mark Donnelly, a presidential pilot] said grimly. “One of my female stewards claims she was approached and touched inappropriately by President Clinton and she’s upset.”

I knew the woman Mark was referring to, and I liked her. She was bright, cheery, and beautiful. She was also an enlisted member of the United States Air Force — and had just, apparently, been sexually molested by the commander in chief.

“Where did this happen, Mark?”

“In one of the galleys on Air Force One on a recent trip. Apparently, he cornered her.”

“Is she going to come forward? How does she want to handle it?”
We should hang George Bush for lying us into a war.

Bush "raped" a lot more than 12 people
This is something the rape victims all had in common when they told their friends immediately after the rape...the lip biting thing was independently reported by both broaderick and Gracen......

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip.

He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time.

Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

These women are lying....bill clinton is the only one telling the truth.....
And some detail to some of the assaults..

The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton - Breitbart

All of this raises the question: how many more sexual victims of Bill Clinton are out there? The common theme among many of Bill Cosby’s sex victims was that they did not want to challenge a rich, powerful and popular public figure. People at the level of Cosby and Clinton have an army of lawyers, PR people and nasty private detectives who they use to crush any woman who would dare to tell the truth about them.

The Washington Post’s Roger Morris, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (now with NBC), and former Clinton Military Aide Buzz Patterson all have written about Bill Clinton’s other anonymous alleged sex abuse victims.

Capitol Hill Blue interviewed other secret alleged sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton. According to Capitol Hill Blue, in 1972, while Bill was dating Hillary at Yale Law School, a 22-year-old woman told campus police that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her.She confirmed the assault to Capitol Hill Blue but did not want her name used. Clinton was still president in 1999 when the article was written.

Bill Clinton’s trail of alleged attacks dates back even further to the University of Arkansas, where he was a law instructor. There, Clinton allegedly sexually attacked a female student, groped her and tried to physically trap her in his office. This secret sex victim of Clinton also confirmed her attack to Capitol Hill Blue. She is not alone. Other former Arkansas students confirmed that Clinton tried to force himself on them when he was a professor, according to the article’s authors Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton.

Another alleged secret sex victim of Clinton was identified by journalist Roger Morris, who wrote in Partners In Power, his book about the Clintons:

A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. “If you ever approach her,” he told the governor, “I’ll kill you.” Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.[iii]

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip. He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time. Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

Another alleged secret sex abuse victim of Bill Clinton, the wife of a prominent Democrat, contacted Michael Isikoff, who wrote in his book Uncovering Clinton (p. 162) about what he did to this (also married) woman in the Oval Office in 1996:

Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted–and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”[v]

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, the military attaché who used to carry the “nuclear football” in the Clinton White House, wrote a book about Clinton called Dereliction of Duty. Not only does Patterson describe Hillary as an abusive, yelling, ultra-profane harpy, he also tells the story about yet another alleged secret sex victim of Bill Clinton. Patterson recounts:

“Buzz, we have a problem,” he [Lt. Col. Mark Donnelly, a presidential pilot] said grimly. “One of my female stewards claims she was approached and touched inappropriately by President Clinton and she’s upset.”

I knew the woman Mark was referring to, and I liked her. She was bright, cheery, and beautiful. She was also an enlisted member of the United States Air Force — and had just, apparently, been sexually molested by the commander in chief.

“Where did this happen, Mark?”

“In one of the galleys on Air Force One on a recent trip. Apparently, he cornered her.”

“Is she going to come forward? How does she want to handle it?”
We should hang George Bush for lying us into a war.

Bush "raped" a lot more than 12 people

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth
This is something the rape victims all had in common when they told their friends immediately after the rape...the lip biting thing was independently reported by both broaderick and Gracen......

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip.

He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time.

Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

These women are lying....bill clinton is the only one telling the truth.....
I had a women bite my lips while we were making out. That's weird
What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever
Quoted from my previous links....

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews.

A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

All of those people are lying....only bill clinton is telling the truth......
And some detail to some of the assaults..

The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton - Breitbart

All of this raises the question: how many more sexual victims of Bill Clinton are out there? The common theme among many of Bill Cosby’s sex victims was that they did not want to challenge a rich, powerful and popular public figure. People at the level of Cosby and Clinton have an army of lawyers, PR people and nasty private detectives who they use to crush any woman who would dare to tell the truth about them.

The Washington Post’s Roger Morris, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (now with NBC), and former Clinton Military Aide Buzz Patterson all have written about Bill Clinton’s other anonymous alleged sex abuse victims.

Capitol Hill Blue interviewed other secret alleged sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton. According to Capitol Hill Blue, in 1972, while Bill was dating Hillary at Yale Law School, a 22-year-old woman told campus police that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her.She confirmed the assault to Capitol Hill Blue but did not want her name used. Clinton was still president in 1999 when the article was written.

Bill Clinton’s trail of alleged attacks dates back even further to the University of Arkansas, where he was a law instructor. There, Clinton allegedly sexually attacked a female student, groped her and tried to physically trap her in his office. This secret sex victim of Clinton also confirmed her attack to Capitol Hill Blue. She is not alone. Other former Arkansas students confirmed that Clinton tried to force himself on them when he was a professor, according to the article’s authors Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton.

Another alleged secret sex victim of Clinton was identified by journalist Roger Morris, who wrote in Partners In Power, his book about the Clintons:

A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. “If you ever approach her,” he told the governor, “I’ll kill you.” Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.[iii]

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip. He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time. Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

Another alleged secret sex abuse victim of Bill Clinton, the wife of a prominent Democrat, contacted Michael Isikoff, who wrote in his book Uncovering Clinton (p. 162) about what he did to this (also married) woman in the Oval Office in 1996:

Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted–and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”[v]

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, the military attaché who used to carry the “nuclear football” in the Clinton White House, wrote a book about Clinton called Dereliction of Duty. Not only does Patterson describe Hillary as an abusive, yelling, ultra-profane harpy, he also tells the story about yet another alleged secret sex victim of Bill Clinton. Patterson recounts:

“Buzz, we have a problem,” he [Lt. Col. Mark Donnelly, a presidential pilot] said grimly. “One of my female stewards claims she was approached and touched inappropriately by President Clinton and she’s upset.”

I knew the woman Mark was referring to, and I liked her. She was bright, cheery, and beautiful. She was also an enlisted member of the United States Air Force — and had just, apparently, been sexually molested by the commander in chief.

“Where did this happen, Mark?”

“In one of the galleys on Air Force One on a recent trip. Apparently, he cornered her.”

“Is she going to come forward? How does she want to handle it?”
We should hang George Bush for lying us into a war.

Bush "raped" a lot more than 12 people

19 women are lying about being raped or sexually assaulted by bill clinton......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth
How many prosecutors believe them?
What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever

And dennis hastert never raped little boys either...right? And bill cosby never raped any women...right?

19 women and 30 employees have said bill clinton is a rapist and a serial sexual predator......but only bill clinton is telling the truth.
Quoted from my previous links....

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews.

A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

All of those people are lying....only bill clinton is telling the truth......
If they refuse to go public then piss off. Case closed
What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever

Show me the documents on dennis hastert and bill cosby genius........

19 women are lying that bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them and only bill clinton is telling the truth...him and his convicted rapist/pedophile good friend.....
Quoted from my previous links....

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews.

A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

All of those people are lying....only bill clinton is telling the truth......
If they refuse to go public then piss off. Case closed

19 women are lying about being raped and sexually assaulted by bill clinton....and only bill clinton is telling the truth......

Again......after he was almost caught in Britain...and narrowly escaped because Oxford didn't want a scandal..after he raped Eileen Wellstone.....he knew he had to change tactics....since he wanted to be President one day....he began targeting women he had power and authority students...employees....people his political office had power over......typical sexual predator tactics.........
What....? twit. You guys have a known serial rapist and sexual predator..

Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever

Show me the documents on dennis hastert and bill cosby genius........

19 women are lying that bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them and only bill clinton is telling the truth...him and his convicted rapist/pedophile good friend.....
He may be a serial womanizer and he might like it kinky but he's no rapist. Remember that woman who lied and said Kobe raped her? Some women lie. They want money or maybe they felt pressured but what do they think happens when you get in Clinton's limo?
The law students accuse their professor....the law school doesn't want a scandal...right...back in the is his word vs. theirs.....

Attorney General of Arkansas....assaults employees.....his word...the freaking Chief Law enforcement officer for the state....vs. low level clerks and secretaries.......

And Miss Arkansas.....who is raped by the Governor of Arkansas...her whole perceived future ahead of her...........and she is supposed to accuse the most powerful man in the state of rape.....?

You guys.......

19 women say bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them......bill clinton is the only one telling the truth....
Link ?

None of the links you provided document any rapes by Clinton much less serial rapes...
Supposedly he would rape then in his limo and secret service reluctantly would keep an eye out and keep people away from his rapemobile

make fun of the victims..........

It should be "alleged victims" ... In other words YOU ARE UNABLE TO DOCUMENT ANY RAPES whatsoever

Show me the documents on dennis hastert and bill cosby genius........

19 women are lying that bill clinton raped or sexually assaulted them and only bill clinton is telling the truth...him and his convicted rapist/pedophile good friend.....
He may be a serial womanizer and he might like it kinky but he's no rapist. Remember that woman who lied and said Kobe raped her? Some women lie. They want money or maybe they felt pressured but what do they think happens when you get in Clinton's limo? least 3 women.......who told friends right after the rape....and at least 16 others....are all lying....and only bill clinton is telling the truth......

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