Another flawed poll, another reason to expect Republicans to cave in shutdown battle?


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Once again, the liberal media proves its nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat Party.

Another flawed poll, another reason to expect Republicans to cave in the shutdown battle? |

If reports of Republican panic on Capitol Hill are accurate, a big reason is likely the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, which purports to show the public overwhelmingly disapproves of the GOP's role in the government shutdown.

And on the surface, the news does indeed look grim for the GOP, as explained by NBC's political editor, Mark Murray:

"The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party's popularity declining to its lowest level.

"By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

And worst of all, from the Republican perspective anyway, is this:

"And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent)."

But there is much less here than at first appears. For one thing, the survey is based on interviews with "adults," not "likely voters," which significantly lessens its usefulness in predicting the shutdown's impact on the 2014 election.

The sample size is only 800 when 1,000 or more is preferable because it usually boosts the confidence level in the results and lowers the margin of error.

But what really detracts from its usefulness is the fact the survey, which was conducted jointly for NBC and the Wall Street Journal by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and GOP pollster Bill McInturff, uses a seriously flawed sample.

As BlueCollarPerspective's Charles Hawkins points out, the sample is heavily over-weighted by the presence of government workers — 20 percent, which is two-and-a-half-times the rate for the general public — and there too many Democrats and too few Republicans being interviewed.

From a statistical perspective, public opinion surveys absolutely depend upon randomness in sample selection. The most accurate survey is produced when every potential respondent has exactly the same chance of being selected as every other potential respondent.

It's impossible to achieve perfect randomness, but the closer a sample gets to it, the more accurate it will be. Hart and McInturff are reputable pollsters, so it appears they simply drew what amounts to an outlier survey sample.

That makes the survey all but useless as support for strategic decisions by anybody involved in the shutdown debate. But it is perfectly consistent with the conventional wisdom of the traditional media, which is heavily skewed against the Republicans, so expect to hear it cited repeatedly in the next few days.
but wasn't THAT the same lame excuse the conservative media gave when they ALL predicted a Romney win? That the Dems were over polled?

IT turned out NOT to be as conservative media proclaimed....yet you are following what these same conservative media outlets are saying AGAIN?

Isn't that the definition of lunacy?
The bripat reactionary delusional syndrome (BRSD) continues. There is nothing to show the polls are significantly flawed.

Yeah, the GOP really needs to be careful denigrating pollsters after the 2012 embarassment.

The bripat reactionary delusional syndrome (BRSD) continues. There is nothing to show the polls are significantly flawed.

So says Jake the commie who posted Cuban government propaganda on this website.
Yeah, bripat demonstrates BRSD by suggesting that I posted a wide-range from right to left sources while he exclusively posted WHO (communist-front) propaganda in that thread.

Classic example of BRSD.
Once again, the liberal media proves its nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat Party.

Another flawed poll, another reason to expect Republicans to cave in the shutdown battle? |

If reports of Republican panic on Capitol Hill are accurate, a big reason is likely the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, which purports to show the public overwhelmingly disapproves of the GOP's role in the government shutdown.

And on the surface, the news does indeed look grim for the GOP, as explained by NBC's political editor, Mark Murray:

"The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party's popularity declining to its lowest level.

"By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

And worst of all, from the Republican perspective anyway, is this:

"And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent)."

But there is much less here than at first appears. For one thing, the survey is based on interviews with "adults," not "likely voters," which significantly lessens its usefulness in predicting the shutdown's impact on the 2014 election.

The sample size is only 800 when 1,000 or more is preferable because it usually boosts the confidence level in the results and lowers the margin of error.

But what really detracts from its usefulness is the fact the survey, which was conducted jointly for NBC and the Wall Street Journal by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and GOP pollster Bill McInturff, uses a seriously flawed sample.

As BlueCollarPerspective's Charles Hawkins points out, the sample is heavily over-weighted by the presence of government workers — 20 percent, which is two-and-a-half-times the rate for the general public — and there too many Democrats and too few Republicans being interviewed.

From a statistical perspective, public opinion surveys absolutely depend upon randomness in sample selection. The most accurate survey is produced when every potential respondent has exactly the same chance of being selected as every other potential respondent.

It's impossible to achieve perfect randomness, but the closer a sample gets to it, the more accurate it will be. Hart and McInturff are reputable pollsters, so it appears they simply drew what amounts to an outlier survey sample.

That makes the survey all but useless as support for strategic decisions by anybody involved in the shutdown debate. But it is perfectly consistent with the conventional wisdom of the traditional media, which is heavily skewed against the Republicans, so expect to hear it cited repeatedly in the next few days.

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey says "when you are in charge of running the government, closing it is not in the job description." I have always believed it is impossible for a natural human to actually belong to a political party with rigid ideas.
The Republican party and especially the Certifiable Tea Party wing are not unlike the world is flat thinkers of the past. Lets see in the last election they tried to stop the minority vote, wanted to TELL a woman what they could or not do with their own body, wanted to give free reign for companies to pollute by deregulation of EPA standards. Deregulate the bankers, let them run wild again like in Bush term, to collapse the economy further. Wanted and still want to repeal a healthcare law that will help millions. Wants to get rid of "entitlements", that one cracks me up. What are they for? Lets see give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires who hide their money in tax loopholes and not one cent goes toward creating jobs here in the U.S. They are raising interest rates on student loans so many will not be able to attend. This is known as the lets keep them dumb so we can get what we want approach. It seems to me that the fact a black man is in the white house is driving the tea party faction crazy. The start of the 2012 voting run said it all. The republicans stated they were not going to listen to the polls really paid off for them didn't it? It is my personal belief that the Tea Party is made up of a lot of old grouchy white people. They are opposed to any black person period. Some other supporters are most likely the multitude of white supremacist groups as well as the very crazy anti government everything crowd. Why do I say these things? I am a 50+ year old white male born and raised in the south. One would think I would have the same ideology as the nut job Tea Partiers. But unlike the sheep of the Tea Party movement I have the ability to make my OWN decisions. I do research and draw my own conclusion. Ask yourselves these questions. What is the Tea Party is really after? What am I going to do when they get it?
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Once again, the liberal media proves its nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat Party.

Another flawed poll, another reason to expect Republicans to cave in the shutdown battle? |

If reports of Republican panic on Capitol Hill are accurate, a big reason is likely the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, which purports to show the public overwhelmingly disapproves of the GOP's role in the government shutdown.

And on the surface, the news does indeed look grim for the GOP, as explained by NBC's political editor, Mark Murray:

"The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party's popularity declining to its lowest level.

"By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

And worst of all, from the Republican perspective anyway, is this:

"And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent)."

But there is much less here than at first appears. For one thing, the survey is based on interviews with "adults," not "likely voters," which significantly lessens its usefulness in predicting the shutdown's impact on the 2014 election.

The sample size is only 800 when 1,000 or more is preferable because it usually boosts the confidence level in the results and lowers the margin of error.

But what really detracts from its usefulness is the fact the survey, which was conducted jointly for NBC and the Wall Street Journal by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and GOP pollster Bill McInturff, uses a seriously flawed sample.

As BlueCollarPerspective's Charles Hawkins points out, the sample is heavily over-weighted by the presence of government workers — 20 percent, which is two-and-a-half-times the rate for the general public — and there too many Democrats and too few Republicans being interviewed.

From a statistical perspective, public opinion surveys absolutely depend upon randomness in sample selection. The most accurate survey is produced when every potential respondent has exactly the same chance of being selected as every other potential respondent.

It's impossible to achieve perfect randomness, but the closer a sample gets to it, the more accurate it will be. Hart and McInturff are reputable pollsters, so it appears they simply drew what amounts to an outlier survey sample.

That makes the survey all but useless as support for strategic decisions by anybody involved in the shutdown debate. But it is perfectly consistent with the conventional wisdom of the traditional media, which is heavily skewed against the Republicans, so expect to hear it cited repeatedly in the next few days.

You can't be serious.
A sample of 800 respondents is perfectly acceptable and accurate.
Once again, the liberal media proves its nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democrat Party.

Another flawed poll, another reason to expect Republicans to cave in the shutdown battle? |

If reports of Republican panic on Capitol Hill are accurate, a big reason is likely the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, which purports to show the public overwhelmingly disapproves of the GOP's role in the government shutdown.

And on the surface, the news does indeed look grim for the GOP, as explained by NBC's political editor, Mark Murray:

"The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party's popularity declining to its lowest level.

"By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96."

And worst of all, from the Republican perspective anyway, is this:

"And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent)."

But there is much less here than at first appears. For one thing, the survey is based on interviews with "adults," not "likely voters," which significantly lessens its usefulness in predicting the shutdown's impact on the 2014 election.

The sample size is only 800 when 1,000 or more is preferable because it usually boosts the confidence level in the results and lowers the margin of error.

But what really detracts from its usefulness is the fact the survey, which was conducted jointly for NBC and the Wall Street Journal by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and GOP pollster Bill McInturff, uses a seriously flawed sample.

As BlueCollarPerspective's Charles Hawkins points out, the sample is heavily over-weighted by the presence of government workers — 20 percent, which is two-and-a-half-times the rate for the general public — and there too many Democrats and too few Republicans being interviewed.

From a statistical perspective, public opinion surveys absolutely depend upon randomness in sample selection. The most accurate survey is produced when every potential respondent has exactly the same chance of being selected as every other potential respondent.

It's impossible to achieve perfect randomness, but the closer a sample gets to it, the more accurate it will be. Hart and McInturff are reputable pollsters, so it appears they simply drew what amounts to an outlier survey sample.

That makes the survey all but useless as support for strategic decisions by anybody involved in the shutdown debate. But it is perfectly consistent with the conventional wisdom of the traditional media, which is heavily skewed against the Republicans, so expect to hear it cited repeatedly in the next few days.

You can't be serious.

don't bother responding Bri....this asswipe wont answer you.....he doesn't function to well in a 2 way conversation....
That makes the survey all but useless as support for strategic decisions by anybody involved in the shutdown debate.

... useless as support for strategic decisions

no one can accuse Republicans of thinking outside the Box ...

The GOP will cave.

I believe you are correct. And we will see the results in a blood bath during the upcoming primaries.

I have not seen a poll asking about specific reps in their home districts. Anyone seen one? Wonder why?
The claim that the survey was 20% government employees is not true. I actually read the pdf. The 20% was if you, or someone in your household, was employed by the government.

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