Another HUGE Leap Toward FASCISM: SCOTUS Rules Cops can do no knock midnight raids.

Good way to get shot.

The libtard gun grabbers don't give a flying fart. While the cops do the raids they are safe at home in the beds, literally.

Rough time to be a LEO, when the fascists run the government to destroy the peace, wealth and tranquility of American citizens.
Another thing about these SWAT teams that have volunteers to do these kinds of raids.

These guys are not typical cops. They are trained in military assault tactics, obviously, but the kind of man picked is not typical if they are willing to do this kind of tyrannical and oppressive raid, not giving the owner any warning that they are coming in and they know there is a high probability that the gun owner will pick up his gun to defend himself and that will result in his murder.

That is not a typical cop. That is the kind of militant fascist thug who will gladly go raid OTHER COPS once the time comes for them to do so.

LEO's; can you trust the people in your department's SWAT team to not raid your house and shoot you in the middle of the night? or shoot those in your family?
They don't seem to think this is a problem.

they seem to think the laws should stand as is.

Do you agree they think this type of activity should continue because they refusd relief to the case seeker?
They don't seem to think this is a problem.

they seem to think the laws should stand as is.

Do you agree they think this type of activity should continue because they refusd relief to the case seeker?

I think you are a fascist cock sucker.

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Against ?No-Knock? Police Raid of Gun Owners Home

Libtard gun grabbing whores here in

Remind me again, Jim..who was POTUS in the early 1980s What LIBTARD was in charge back then?

The Department of Justice writes:

Federal judges and magistrates may lawfully and constitutionally issue "no-knock" warrants where circumstances justify a no-knock entry, and federal law enforcement officers may lawfully apply for such warrants under such circumstances. Although officers need not take affirmative steps to make an independent re-verification of the circumstances already recognized by a magistrate in issuing a no-knock warrant, such a warrant does not entitle officers to disregard reliable information clearly negating the existence of exigent circumstances when they actually receive such information before execution of the warrant.

The number of no-knock raids has increased from 3,000 in 1981 to more than 50,000 in 2005, according to Peter Kraska, a criminologist at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond.[1] Raids that lead to deaths of innocent people are increasingly common; since the early 1980s, 40 bystanders have been killed, according to the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.[1]

YOU and EVERY LIBERAL I KNOW hate the no knock laws.

But unlike you most liberals I know understand that CREEPING totalitarianism has nothing to do with which party is in power because its been happening for at least 3 DECADES.

Your OBAMA DERANGMENT SYNDROME is making you look like an ignoramus, mate.

Know how all thos shit started dude?

RICO laws, that's how.

And after that the excuse was the WAR on DRUGS

WAKE up, citizen.

Your country needs you to stop being a partisan WANKER and to wake up that your neighbors are NOT the enemy
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so why didn't the SCOTUS give the case seeker relief?

why did they not take the case?

was the SCOTUS unaware the tactic would continue if they didn't take the case?
Do you look at this case and believe the information given and trust the source is real and valid?

or do you just deny its reality?
If you are mad at the SCOTUS for not taking this case and claim its proof of their fascism then you must trust the info given you by the courts as being valid right?
what if I JUST FLAT OUT DENY any of this is real?

would that be wrong of me?
If you accept this as definitive information that can not be denied and PROOVES the SCOTUS is backing this type of police work then you need to be consistant.

YOU have to accept the republican party has cheated in elections for decades and the court record all the way to the SCOTUS proves it.

You see you don't get to ONLY call fact the things you like to hear
You want your FACTS accepted as fact?

then accept all the facts.

Not just the facts that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside
see what happens when you INSIST on refusing cold hard evidence.

you don't get to pick and choose what is reality for your political gain
stupid insults because caught you using sources you deny when it suits your dumb asses makes you a true idiot

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Against ?No-Knock? Police Raid of Gun Owners Home

Libtard gun grabbing whores here in

Not really. No-Knock warrants have been very widely used for at least 40 years. There is nothing unusual about them. The rule is that knock and announce is the norm but the knock and announce rule can be dispensed with in certain circumstances, for example where police have reasonable suspicion that an exigent circumstance exists. Such circumstances include:

Circumstances that present a threat of physical violence
There is "reason to believe that evidence would likely be destroyed if advance notice were given"
Knocking and announcing would be dangerous or "futile"

in such circumstances, a no knock warrant may issue.

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