Another il conceived Biden scheme: “Free” in home Covid tests.

Leftists simply can't understand that someone has to pay for it.
Republicans always have this false sense of superiority and manliness when they talk about the left. “I’m tough as nails! I have a job! I pay taxes! All unlike those democrats on food stamps! Derp! Derp! Derp!”

I get that it makes you feel superior assuming these things, but the truth is the large majority of US adults fit the description of paying taxes and being employed. You aren’t special because you have a job. Sorry to break it to you.
Republicans always have this false sense of superiority and manliness when they talk about the left. “I’m tough as nails! I have a job! I pay taxes! All unlike those democrats on food stamps! Derp! Derp! Derp!”

I get that it makes you feel superior assuming these things, but the truth is the large majority of US adults fit the description of paying taxes and being employed. You aren’t special because you have a job. Sorry to break it to you.
Never said I was. I do, however, understand that there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Odd how you got angry about me pointing that out.
Biden's response to the pandemic has done EXACTLY the same good as Trumps - essentially none at all.

Biden has been trying to get a federal mandate passed. Trump was scheming to downplay the virus and holding super spreader events whenever and wherever he could. He even told ppl who had covid to go to work knowing what he knew. Trump may very well be one of the main factors we have so many dead republicans refusing to get the vaccine today with his massive propaganda campaign. Even if you feel Biden hasn't done a good job, this is world's apart from actively downplaying and promoting covid. In fact, it's not even on the same plane of existence. Let's have a reality check shall we?
Biden has been trying to get a federal mandate passed. Trump was scheming to downplay the virus and holding super spreader events whenever and wherever he could. He even told ppl who had covid to go to work knowing what he knew. Trump may very well be one of the main factors we have so many dead republicans refusing to get the vaccine today with his massive propaganda campaign. Even if you feel Biden hasn't done a good job, this is world's apart from actively downplaying and promoting covid. In fact, it's not even on the same plane of existence. Let's have a reality check shall we?
A reality check is the last thing you want, Skippy.
Never said I was. I do, however, understand that there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Odd how you got angry about me pointing that out.
See this is what I am talking about. The large majority of adults know there is no such thing as a free lunch. You’re preaching to no one. It just makes you feel superior to assume I don’t understand such basic logic.
Biden has been trying to get a federal mandate passed. Trump was scheming to downplay the virus and holding super spreader events whenever and wherever he could. He even told ppl who had covid to go to work knowing what he knew. Trump may very well be one of the main factors we have so many dead republicans refusing to get the vaccine today with his massive propaganda campaign. Even if you feel Biden hasn't done a good job, this is world's apart from actively downplaying and promoting covid. In fact, it's not even on the same plane of existence. Let's have a reality check shall we?
And it has all been ineffective.

Like I said, they had basically the same impact - none.
See this is what I am talking about. The large majority of adults know there is no such thing as a free lunch. You’re preaching to no one. It just makes you feel superior to assume I don’t understand such basic logic.
If you do, why did you get angry?

Moreover, I submit there are a great many people who don't understand that somebody has to pay for "free" things.

They seem to vote Democrat, mostly.
If you do, why did you get angry?

Moreover, I submit there are a great many people who don't understand that somebody has to pay for "free" things.

They seem to vote Democrat, mostly.
Lol thank you for proving my point. You’re a sad, insecure man.
They were raping us long before 9/11. Every single day for centuries they lobby congress to let them rape us just a little bit more.
I'd be OK outlawing lobbying. All it amounts to is bribery anyway. If retired politicians need something to do, let them get paper routes.
At this time last year, Trump was busy trying to cover up the dire extent of the covid pandemic instead of trying to protect citizens. Biden is a boob and completely impotent as a leader, but compared to Trump he may as well be Winston Churchill and FDR combined.
protect how. Still waiting for what was expected. Please enlighten the class since you volunteered.
Biden's response to the pandemic has done EXACTLY the same good as Trumps - essentially none at all.
because, it's a virus. If mankind could get rid of viruses, there wouldn't be viruses over the course of mankind. I can't help the ultimate stupid demofks. they have no value here. Ignoramuses' one and all.
Republicans always have this false sense of superiority and manliness when they talk about the left. “I’m tough as nails! I have a job! I pay taxes! All unlike those democrats on food stamps! Derp! Derp! Derp!”

I get that it makes you feel superior assuming these things, but the truth is the large majority of US adults fit the description of paying taxes and being employed. You aren’t special because you have a job. Sorry to break it to you.
then why do you celebrate doubled gasoline prices and limiting supply chains, and mandates and............ giving out free shit? It seems you all enjoy beating on people. rubbing them down, causing them pain and suffering. You are hate based people. Your demofks use to lynch blacks for being black. Now they want to punish unvaccinated people. fk, you all are nasty pukes.
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What's the sense in supplying free tests if you refuse to treat positive cases? Biden and his boy, Fauci, are murdering people by withholding treatment. And what the hell is with our so called doctors? Why aren't they calling them out?
Looks like Obama was correct about Biden being able to screw up anything he touches. He announces this plan and says it will be implemented in 4 days. He gave insurers no notice to get set up for this, so to start with it may take 6 months for people to get reimbursed.

And where does Biden get the unilateral authority to dictate what private insurance companies are required to cover?

The Free tests are rapid PCR tests which the CDC had to remove Emergency Authorization from because they throw out a ton of False Positives.

Now you know why Joe Biden wants to give you a "FREE" COVID Test.
then why do you celebrate doubled gasoline prices and limiting supply chains, and mandates and............ giving out free shit? It seems you all enjoy beating on people. rubbing them down, causing them pain and suffering. You are hate based people. Your demofks use to lynch blacks for being black. Now they want to punish unvaccinated people. fk, you all are nasty pukes.
They are DemNazi Fascists. As soon as everyone realizes that the Democrat Party is simply a Multicultural PC DemNazi party following the exact blueprint the original Nazi Party followed, then your eyes will be opened.

The only difference between DemNazis and Them Nazis, is Them Nazis promoted Aryan Race (Homogenous Society) Based Fascism, while DemNazis promote Multicultural, Multi-race Fascism or (Disharmonous Society).

Silver mixed with clay (Book of Daniel Reference)

Nazism and DemNazism are identical only with one slight difference. Them Nazis sought to take over The World and to enlarge Germany, DemNazis seek to take on America and to decrease it, make it smaller and have it governed by The World.

Now you know the secrets to the Universe.
What's the sense in supplying free tests if you refuse to treat positive cases? Biden and his boy, Fauci, are murdering people by withholding treatment. And what the hell is with our so called doctors? Why aren't they calling them out?
they have never responded to that question, if one is positive, what is the treatment, crickets.
Nazism and DemNazism are identical only with one slight difference. Them Nazis sought to take over The World and to enlarge Germany, DemNazis seek to take on America and to decrease it, make it smaller and have it governed by The World.
They seem to be working with the rest of the demoworld however, so global control is the ultimate path.

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