Another il conceived Biden scheme: “Free” in home Covid tests.

"They" being Biden and Fauci did no such thing you lying scummy asshole

Another lie. The maca's that got pulled did not work on omicron
How the fk would you know exactly? Makes you a piece of shit
you're desperate, desperate to wash away whatever Trump has done. If he were still president, he would have dragged his feet on the pandemic till the end of his second term, just like he did his first. Even when he almost died from covid he still held rallies and downplayed it. Meanwhile, we have over 200 million ppl fully vaccinated under Joe Biden, who is about as worthless as a pair of old shoes, but a pair of old shoes is still wearable. Trump is the gum stuck underneath those pairs of old shoes.
Nope, no interest in wiping anything away from Trump. He was a shit president.

But you can sputter all day about Trump while trying to pretend Biden, who has had more people die from COVID under his leadership than Trump and done so WITH a vaccine out, has done any better whatsoever.

He hasn't

All you have is rhetoric - you don't like Trump's rhetoric and you like Biden's rhetoric.

Sorry but empty platitudes and soothing words mean jack shit to me or to COVID. The simple facts are he has done what Trump did - nothing whatsoever. I know it is tough for those so invested in Biden to admit that but there it is.
Nope, no interest in wiping anything away from Trump. He was a shit president.

But you can sputter all day about Trump while trying to pretend Biden, who has had more people die from COVID under his leadership than Trump and done so WITH a vaccine out, has done any better whatsoever.

He hasn't

All you have is rhetoric - you don't like Trump's rhetoric and you like Biden's rhetoric.

Sorry but empty platitudes and soothing words mean jack shit to me or to COVID. The simple facts are he has done what Trump did - nothing whatsoever. I know it is tough for those so invested in Biden to admit that but there it is.
Because it’s a virus and can’t be defeated!!. Happens every virus. Virus has been around since mankind
"Mexico will pay for the wall, believe me".

The cult- "Why sure"!
Quote my post saying Mexico would pay for the wall.

Keep flinging shit hoping something will stick, Dumbass.
Quote my post saying Mexico would pay for the wall.

Keep flinging shit hoping something will stick, Dumbass.
I figured I'd post that to see if it would trigger you.

Nailed it!
Trampy- "I have a plan written down on a piece of paper showing how I'll get insurance for everybody at less cost! That paper is in my pocket right now & I'll be sharing it with everyone soon"!

And you believed him, right Ace?


A sucker born every minute & two to take em.
You voted for Biden. You should probably hush.
Considering the power gains by government thanks to the "pandemic", tests designed to result in positives wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Many well-read types have suspected this all along Daveman, as you know. Early in 2020, at least one honest tester with clout discovered faulty test kits were being distributed. Certain batches of test kits were recalled.

What about the other thousands of batches that went out without recall, were they all retested? No.

What about the incident last year when 2 Ecuadorian scientists were jailed because they were using a different testing mechanism that determined a lower rate of positives compared to what the country was using? Did they actually have accurate results- specific to COVID-19 by their targeting method? Did the other test kits considered legit, produce multiple false positives by detecting old coronaviruses unrelated to Covid-19 as reported in other cases? Until proven otherwise, many will continue to suspect faulty test kits were in the mix worldwide. Amplifying the number of actual cases tenfold. Let the readers decide:

“The prosecution also cites a report by UDLA biologist Miguel Ángel García Bereguiain, who studied the performance of the tests in June 2020 at Guamán’s request. In a two-page report that was leaked to the press, García ran both Monitor’s test and a PCR-based protocol developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on 128 samples. Of the 97 that were positive under the CDC protocol, 38 came out negative using Monitor’s test, which comes down to an overall sensitivity of 60.6%. (García also published the findings as a paper in which he issued a “call for action against low quality products for developing countries.”) In addition, the prosecution referred to a report by a Mexican institute that said Monitor’s test didn’t meet its specifications.”

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Many well-read types have suspected this all along Daveman, as you know. Early in 2020, at least one honest tester with clout discovered faulty test kits were being distributed. Certain batches of test kits were recalled.

What about the other thousands of batches that went out without recall, were they all retested? No.

What about the incident last year when 2 Ecuadorian scientists were jailed because they were using a different testing mechanism that determined a lower rate of positives compared to what the country was using? Did they actually have accurate results- specific to COVID-19 by their targeting method? Did the other test kits considered legit, produce multiple false positives by detecting old coronaviruses unrelated to Covid-19 as reported in other cases? Until proven otherwise, many will continue to suspect faulty test kits were in the mix worldwide. Amplifying the number of actual cases tenfold. Let the readers decide:

“The prosecution also cites a report by UDLA biologist Miguel Ángel García Bereguiain, who studied the performance of the tests in June 2020 at Guamán’s request. In a two-page report that was leaked to the press, García ran both Monitor’s test and a PCR-based protocol developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on 128 samples. Of the 97 that were positive under the CDC protocol, 38 came out negative using Monitor’s test, which comes down to an overall sensitivity of 60.6%. (García also published the findings as a paper in which he issued a “call for action against low quality products for developing countries.”) In addition, the prosecution referred to a report by a Mexican institute that said Monitor’s test didn’t meet its specifications.”

Corrupt scientists can get any result you're willing to pay for.
Corrupt scientists can get any result you're willing to pay for.
Therein lies the long-term problem that the public at large needs to extinguish, not sure what it will take but it will be beyond protesting corporate hacks getting rich off the backs of the ignorant and the gullible.

My MIL for example, believes that top paid “medical experts wouldn’t be experts if they lied” (talk about avoiding the topic with her!) There was one conversation when she was repeating a Fauci falsehood and I seriously considered shouting out “Wake up! The bigger the money, the bigger the potential risk is for lying!” but Iuckily refrained lol and I can attend Thanksgiving dinner.

Maybe she’ll finally wake up, with many others who are in denial, when a few of these corrupt top experts are jailed, along with the corruptive mouthpieces who need to join them.
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Therein lies the long-term problem that the public at large needs to extinguish, not sure what it will take but it will be beyond protesting corporate hacks getting rich off the backs of the ignorant and the gullible.

My MIL for example, believes that top paid “medical experts wouldn’t be experts if they lied” (talk about avoiding the topic with her!) There was one conversation when she was repeating a Fauci falsehood and I seriously considered shouting out “Wake up! The bigger the money, the bigger the potential risk is for lying!” but Iuckily refrained lol and I can attend Thanksgiving dinner.

Maybe she’ll finally wake up, with many others who are in denial, when a few of these corrupt top experts are jailed, along with the corruptive mouthpieces who need to join them.
The problem is the foxes are guarding the henhouse. You won't see a fox punished for getting a chicken dinner.
Nope, no interest in wiping anything away from Trump. He was a shit president.

But you can sputter all day about Trump while trying to pretend Biden, who has had more people die from COVID under his leadership than Trump and done so WITH a vaccine out, has done any better whatsoever.

He hasn't

All you have is rhetoric - you don't like Trump's rhetoric and you like Biden's rhetoric.

Sorry but empty platitudes and soothing words mean jack shit to me or to COVID. The simple facts are he has done what Trump did - nothing whatsoever. I know it is tough for those so invested in Biden to admit that but there it is.

I am not invested in Biden at all. Nor do I follow and worship party leadership and ideology like republicans do. I don't go to stupid political rallies and wear dumb red hats with my favorite politician's name on it. I don't rush the capitol building and fight with cops because Biden tells me to. I just state the facts as I see them and the truth is, even if Biden did nothing but sleep every day he would have accomplished more on the covid front than Trump. Trump went on a mass campaign to downplay the virus and spread misinformation till the day he left office. Trump literally encouraged ppl to get covid. That's why nearly every covid death are from unvaccinated republicans. All of that is on him. To even bring up Biden is laughable at this point.

What I'm about to state are the simple facts. Biden enacted a federal vaccine mandate. He's handing out free N95s and free at home covid tests to every american, this month. There is absolutely no shortage of vaccines which is why we have over 200 million americans fully vaccinated. There are even enough vaccines for every child aged 5-11 now. The vaccines make it 93% less likely you'll die of covid. All those dead ppl you keep on hearing about in the news? Nearly all are republicans refusing to get the vaccine. Those are the facts. The pandemic is continuing at full speed because of the right wing, 50% of which, think Biden instigated the Jan 6 riots and not Trump. Biden can be blamed for many things, but right wing stupidity isn't one of them.
I am not invested in Biden at all.
but you voted for doubling gas pump prices. why?

Didn't you know that would cause price of goods to increase across the board? or are you saying you're stupid. maliciously stupid?
I am not invested in Biden at all. Nor do I follow and worship party leadership and ideology like republicans do. I don't go to stupid political rallies and wear dumb red hats with my favorite politician's name on it. I don't rush the capitol building and fight with cops because Biden tells me to. I just state the facts as I see them and the truth is, even if Biden did nothing but sleep every day he would have accomplished more on the covid front than Trump. Trump went on a mass campaign to downplay the virus and spread misinformation till the day he left office. Trump literally encouraged ppl to get covid. That's why nearly every covid death are from unvaccinated republicans. All of that is on him. To even bring up Biden is laughable at this point.

What I'm about to state are the simple facts. Biden enacted a federal vaccine mandate. He's handing out free N95s and free at home covid tests to every american, this month. There is absolutely no shortage of vaccines which is why we have over 200 million americans fully vaccinated. There are even enough vaccines for every child aged 5-11 now. The vaccines make it 93% less likely you'll die of covid. All those dead ppl you keep on hearing about in the news? Nearly all are republicans refusing to get the vaccine. Those are the facts. The pandemic is continuing at full speed because of the right wing, 50% of which, think Biden instigated the Jan 6 riots and not Trump. Biden can be blamed for many things, but right wing stupidity isn't one of them.
How many gallons of Kool-Aid did you drink?!
Did you vote for mass death
but you voted for doubling gas pump prices. why?

Didn't you know that would cause price of goods to increase across the board? or are you saying you're stupid. maliciously stupid?
Did you vote for mass death from Covid thanks to Tramp & his mob?

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