Another January 6th rioter pays the price for their crimes

Your buddy Stuart Rhodes is next. A violent asshole who liked to beat on his wife & daughter is getting his own, thanks to his stupidity & to Trump.

Put him in a cell with Bubba.
Trump isnt going to a cell ... in 2024 he is going into the WH .. the left has went to far with their faggotry and voters or going to vote against said faggotry .
Another January 6th rioter pays the price for their crimes.
WHAT crimes? Nancy had her feet up on that desk at least 6 hours every day!

Richard Barnett receives 4 years in prison
Which means, he'll be out in 1-2 years.

for multiple counts including "obstructing an official proceeding".
Nothing in DC is worth not obstructing. He did us a service. Look at how much better off we'd all be today had he succeeded--- no $7 gasoline, no war, no border invasion, nor inflation, no food shortages, less crime.

He was trying to follow Trump's instructions to not have the election certified.
What instructions? Where did you hear them? Can you play those instructions for us so we can all hear?

Since Pence would not commit the treason demanded by Trump
What demand? What reason? Where did Trump demand this? Keeping Biden out of office wasn't treason, it should have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Want to know what treason is? For senator Biden to have stolen secret documents stashed in his garage while his son roams the globe pedaling US influence and favors for a price.
The only group bringing down the United States is democrats and they are doing such a good job, Mao would be proud.
That is rather interesting, the Last time I checked, Putin was proud of Trump. In fact, he and his cohorts popped a few corks just after 2016 election.
Any evidence this guy is a

life long registered Republican?
A Trump voter
left wing liar
hate hoaxer

or is this yet another genuine left wing HATE HOAXING HOMO in MAGAdrag???
do you mean the so called assault in a retail store that supposedly happened decades ago and no police were called and no police report submitted and no one in said store saw or heard a thing .
Because millionaires usually get all their pussy in a changing room of a department store.
That is rather interesting, the Last time I checked, Putin was proud of Trump. In fact, he and his cohorts popped a few corks just after 2016 election.
And they did that because the US was oil independent and they would get blown up for attacking another nation? Is that what they were celebrating?
A majority of the confederates were Democrats. Times have changed. The Republican party is the party of white supremacists.
Abraham Lincoln is turning over in his grave as MAGA traitors take over the Republican party.
Of course anyone that wants to make America Great is a traitor. If so, LONG LIVE TREASON
Show trials are like that. It's just how they roll. Stalin would be so proud.
I love throwing out Trump and Trump supporters being taken down.
Then the Trump minions fall all over themselves saying why it is not so.
Trump and Trumpism can do no wrong in the sick minds of the cult members.

They will all end up losing and be known as losers in history books of the future.
That is rather interesting, the Last time I checked, Putin was proud of Trump. In fact, he and his cohorts popped a few corks just after 2016 election.
Picture please
Putin was pleased just to have someone sane to deal with. Especially after shitstain obama. Russians are better than democrats. Putin is miles better than Biden.
Trump isnt going to a cell ... in 2024 he is going into the WH .. the left has went to far with their faggotry and voters or going to vote against said faggotry .
Bullshit. Trump will NEVER be POTUS again. He had his shot, he blew it because he's an incompetent, corrupt pile of shit. He's the worst human being who ever sat in the Oval, bar none. Get over that fuck cuz he ain't worth it.
Bullshit. Trump will NEVER be POTUS again. He had his shot, he blew it because he's an incompetent, corrupt pile of shit. He's the worst human being who ever sat in the Oval, bar none. Get over that fuck cuz he ain't worth it.
Trump should have been King or Emperor. Maybe Chancellor.
From the linked article in the OP,

". . . They want me to be remorseful for things I did not do. I'm obviously appealing this case," Barnett said.

Barnett has repeatedly stated that he has been treated unfairly by the legal system, and that he will only apologize for actions he believes he committed during the riot.

"I was angry that day, I'll admit I was angry, and I apologize for that."

All of these people need pardons.

The sentence, of course, is ridiculous.

Hundreds Of Undercover Feds Were In The Crowd On Jan 6th!​

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