Another January 6th rioter pays the price for their crimes

Another January 6th rioter pays the price for their crimes.
Richard Barnett receives 4 years in prison for multiple counts including "obstructing an official proceeding". He was trying to follow Trump's instructions to not have the election certified.
Since Pence would not commit the treason demanded by Trump, of not certifying the election, dumbasses like Bennet thought they would do it for Trump.
The Jan. 6th fools are paying the price for listening to Donald Trump


Leftest are angry lately
They've been lied to about's how they cope and block it all out

Cause for the most part they're sad retrads

Right, just like confederate armies were protecting their country.
Bennet is unAmerican. You are unAmerican and will go down in history as so
Moralism is very American. Has been since day one. We've survived because of our directness and unwillingness to tolerate nonsense. Both of which are now in serious jeopardy thanks to the shit for brains leftards.
Bullshit. Trump will NEVER be POTUS again. He had his shot, he blew it because he's an incompetent, corrupt pile of shit. He's the worst human being who ever sat in the Oval, bar none. Get over that fuck cuz he ain't worth it.
He fucked around and he found out.

So which of you ”patriots” is going to try this next time you lose an election? Have you figured it now or do you need to learn your lesson the hard way, like this idiot?
the question should be how many cities will the left riot loot and burn again when Trump or DeSantis is the next POTUS ?
Four years for walking through a building you own. All of these people need pardons.
Walk through a military base. You own that too. Lets see how it turns out.
So you wont tell the reason why Piglosi put the fence up and have military men with machine guns around the Capitol? Or are you still waiting for your talking points?
You complain when one is shot but now you're complaining they didn't machine gun the crowd?
The manufactured indictments and lawsuits is straight communism without a mixer. The FBI manufactured Russian hoax is straight from Stalin.
So thats not him in Pelosi's Office?
Walk through a military base. You own that too. Lets see how it turns out.

You complain when one is shot but now you're complaining they didn't machine gun the crowd?

So thats not him in Pelosi's Office?
No dipshit, i am pointing out that the bitch Nancy Piglosi put up a barrier to keep US citizens out of the Capitol but cant put up a wall to keep illegals out. Hypocrite? Yeah, your whole fucking Marxists side....
No dipshit, i am pointing out that the bitch Nancy Piglosi put up a barrier to keep US citizens out of the Capitol but cant put up a wall to keep illegals out. Hypocrite? Yeah, your whole fucking Marxists side....
That literally has nothing to do with this thread...
Trump isnt going to a cell ... in 2024 he is going into the WH .. the left has went to far with their faggotry and voters or going to vote against said faggotry .
It shows how absolutely stupid you are.
You feel the next election will be decided on faggotery.
There are a few other issues out there for people with a brain.
Trump should have been King or Emperor. Maybe Chancellor.
EXACTLY!!! You have described the unAmerican motives of the Trump MAGA movement. They do not want a Constitutional Republic with a Democratically elected President, where there is seperation of powers between the legislative, judicial and executive branches.

You want a King. THAT IS WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS DID NOT WANT TO HAPPEN. MAGA is trying to overturn the purpose of our Constitutional Republic.

Evil Breath has proven the claims that MAGA is against the very principles our country was founded on.

Thank you, Evil.
Leftest are angry lately
They've been lied to about's how they cope and block it all out

Cause for the most part they're sad retrads

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I know how the non-NAZIs felt in 1930s Germany when people believed the NAZI lies.

How can people be so naieve and stupid. It has happened throughout history. MAGA will be defeated but they will not be the last group spewing hate and evil ion an attempt to take over a country.

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