It's getting hot!

How have I duped anyone of anything?
By pushing the second biggest hoax of all mankind off on folks.

Now if you just stuck to clean water and air then you might have a case. And no, it's not related to the CC you are pushing.....I remember how the 60s-70s were in that regard and we have come a long way.

The USA did it's part so maybe you would be better off on some Indian or Chi-com board and tell them the error of their ways.
By pushing the second biggest hoax of all mankind off on folks.
AGW is not a hoax. If you want to call me a liar, you'd better have better evidence than that asshole.
Now if you just stuck to clean water and air then you might have a case.
I do advocate for clear air and water and they are covered fairly thoroughly by the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
And no, it's not related to the CC you are pushing.....I remember how the 60s-70s were in that regard and we have come a long way.

The USA did it's part so maybe you would be better off on some Indian or Chi-com board and tell them the error of their ways.
The per capita use of fossil fuel in this nation is one of the highest in the world, WAY higher than China's or India's. We are NOT doing our part and certainly wouldn't with Trump in the White House.
AGW is not a hoax. If you want to call me a liar, you'd better have better evidence than that asshole.

I do advocate for clear air and water and they are covered fairly thoroughly by the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.

The per capita use of fossil fuel in this nation is one of the highest in the world, WAY higher than China's or India's. We are NOT doing our part and certainly wouldn't with Trump in the White House.
The Earth has been warming for about 11,000 years since the end of the last ice age. It is nothing to get your panties all in a knot about.
The per capita use of fossil fuel in this nation is one of the highest in the world, WAY higher than China's or India's. We are NOT doing our part and certainly wouldn't with Trump in the White House.

When Trump deports millions of illegal aliens, our fossil fuel usage will decrease.

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