Another January 6th rioter pays the price for their crimes

I know how the non-NAZIs felt in 1930s Germany when people believed the NAZI lies.

How can people be so naieve and stupid. It has happened throughout history. MAGA will be defeated but they will not be the last group spewing hate and evil ion an attempt to take over a country.

But it that scenario you are the fascist NAZIS.
Right, just like confederate armies were protecting their country.
Bennet is unAmerican. You are unAmerican and will go down in history as so.
Sure they were. The Confederacy was their country, not the Union.

Being called "unamerican" by a Stalinist douchebag like you is a badge of honor.
Moralism is very American. Has been since day one. We've survived because of our directness and unwillingness to tolerate nonsense. Both of which are now in serious jeopardy thanks to the shit for brains leftards.
Our country was built to accomodate a spectrum of political ideology. What our country will not tolerate are those who think it is there way or no way. Our nation was built and surviives on compromise.

The extreme left and the extreme right, who think it is there way or no way, are a threat to our country.

You and the MAGA maggots fall into that category.
History is never truth or lies.

It is simply the opinion of those who get to write the books.
True, but history results in a dominant opinion.
The confederacy was wrong and lost the war for reason. Wrong, losers. MAGA will result in an even more dominant opinion of losers on the wrong side of history. I guarantee.
Our country was built to accomodate a spectrum of political ideology. What our country will not tolerate are those who think it is there way or no way. Our nation was built and surviives on compromise.

The extreme left and the extreme right, who think it is there way or no way, are a threat to our country.

You and the MAGA maggots fa ll into that category.

Too bad you hide behind anonymity
You could be a martyr for your cause.
Too bad you hide behind anonymity
You could be a martyr for your cause.
What a stupid post. Everyone on this message board posts anonymously.

In real life I am a hero to those who know me. I am known as a truth teller. I am the smartest man in the world.
You're telling me that you're Donald Trump.
I don't believe you.
If you think Donald Trump is a real life hero, a truth teller and the smartest man in the world., you need help.
If you define any human in that way, you need help.
Cults are led by flawed humans who have followers who think their leader is a real life hero, a truth teller and the the smartest man in the world.
You are a Trump cult member.
If you think Donald Trump is a real life hero, a truth teller and the smartest man in the world., you need help.
If you define any human in that way, you need help.
Cults are led by flawed humans who have followers who think their leader is a real life hero, a truth teller and the the smartest man in the world.
You are a Trump cult member.

You are a low-level, low-life pawn in the Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
Your ignorance is noteworthy.
True, but history results in a dominant opinion.
The confederacy was wrong and lost the war for reason. Wrong, losers. MAGA will result in an even more dominant opinion of losers on the wrong side of history. I guarantee.
If anyone was wrong, it was Lincoln. He's the one who invaded American states. He's the one who violated every principle he claimed to believe in.

The Confederacy lost because the union had a more industrialized economy, and for no other reason.
If anyone was wrong, it was Lincoln. He's the one who invaded American states. He's the one who violated every principle he claimed to believe in.

The Confederacy lost because the union had a more industrialized economy, and for no other reason.
Your thinking LOST in the Civil War. There is nothing sadder than a loser who will not admit they lost.
Your thinking LOST in the Civil War. There is nothing sadder than a loser who will not admit they lost.
What "thinking" is that? You mean honor, truth, the Constitution and states rights lost?

Yes, they did. You're point?

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