Another killer cop walks!

I would have treated him the same way you would treat your brothet if you were a cop and Crutchet was him.

That explains quite a bit. You say your brother is like the criminal. So your only frame of reference is drug addicted criminals. Got it!
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!


Since you cannot, again you are lying. Why?
Most right wing Repub-lie-cons would agree with you. I expected that.

Why did you leave out the part about the reason police responded to the location? Mr. Crutchner had left his SUV running in the middle of the road telling people it was going to explode.

Homicide Sergeant Dave Walker stated that PCP had been recovered from Crutcher's car.
[18] Shelby's attorney had previously stated that she thought Crutcher might be under the influence of PCP based on what she learned during her drug-recognition training.[14][18] Crutcher's father had stated in a 2012 affidavit that his son had a history of PCP use.

Shooting of Terence Crutcher - Wikipedia
Is it a practice where you live that cops murder people just because they are suspected of being on PCP?
Here is a link from1984 entailing how cops can deal with PCP suspects without having to resort to deadly force.

Police Puzzle: Subduing PCP Users

I am still searching for statistics and case histories showing the ratio between PCP
arrests, PCP related cop shootings, and the racial profile of those shot . Only after we are armed with that information can we begin to have an informed discussion on the Crutcher case.
He was searching for his identification.

He was stoned on PCP and had been told NOT TO MOVE.

Once again, all the victim had to do was comply with instructions. Why is that so difficult for you to learn?
Why is it so difficult for you to understand a person crazed by PCP probably isn't going to be quick to respond to anything...especially when loud noise from a helicopter is drowning out the"orders" of officers.
See the link in my last post for suggestions of how to handle suspected PCP users.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!


Since you cannot, again you are lying. Why?

DNA Exonerations in the United States
Fast facts:
  • 1989: The first DNA exoneration took place
  • 37: States where exonerations have been won
  • 20 of 350 people exonerated served time on death row
  • 14: Average length of time served by exonerees
  • 4,787: Total number of years served
  • 26.5: Average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful conviction
  • 42: Average age at exoneration
  • 37 of 350: Pled guilty to crimes they did not commit
  • 71%: Involved eyewitness misidentification
    • 41% of these cases were a cross-racial misidentification
    • 32% of these cases involved multiple misidentifications of the same person
    • 28% of these cases involved misidentification through the use of a composite sketch
  • 46%: Involved misapplication of forensic science
  • 28%: Involved false confessions
    • 52% of the false confessors were 21 years old or younger at the time of arrest
  • 17%: Involved informants
  • 256: DNA exonerees compensated
  • 183: DNA exonerations worked on by the Innocence Project
  • 149: True suspects and/or perpetrators identified. Those actual perpetrators went on to be convicted of 147 additional violent crimes, including 77 sexual assaults, 35 murders, and 35 other violent crimes while the innocent sat behind bars for their earlier offenses.
Races of the 350 exonerees:
217 African Americans
106 Caucasians
25 Latinos
2 Asian Americans

How DNA makes a difference in the criminal justice system
  • Since 1989, there have been tens of thousands of cases where prime suspects were identified and pursued—until DNA testing (prior to conviction) proved that they were wrongly accused.
  • In more than 25% of cases in a National Institute of Justice study, suspects were excluded once DNA testing was conducted during the criminal investigation (the study, conducted in 1995, included 10,060 cases where testing was performed by FBI labs).
  • An Innocence Project review of our closed cases from 2004 – June 2015 revealed that 29% of cases were closed because of lost or destroyed evidence.

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© 2017 Innocence Project. All Rights Reserved

Website by MADEO

Focus Retriever
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!


Since you cannot, again you are lying. Why?

DNA Exonerations in the United States
Fast facts:
  • 1989: The first DNA exoneration took place
  • 37: States where exonerations have been won
  • 20 of 350 people exonerated served time on death row
  • 14: Average length of time served by exonerees
  • 4,787: Total number of years served
  • 26.5: Average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful conviction
  • 42: Average age at exoneration
  • 37 of 350: Pled guilty to crimes they did not commit
  • 71%: Involved eyewitness misidentification
    • 41% of these cases were a cross-racial misidentification
    • 32% of these cases involved multiple misidentifications of the same person
    • 28% of these cases involved misidentification through the use of a composite sketch
  • 46%: Involved misapplication of forensic science
  • 28%: Involved false confessions
    • 52% of the false confessors were 21 years old or younger at the time of arrest
  • 17%: Involved informants
  • 256: DNA exonerees compensated
  • 183: DNA exonerations worked on by the Innocence Project
  • 149: True suspects and/or perpetrators identified. Those actual perpetrators went on to be convicted of 147 additional violent crimes, including 77 sexual assaults, 35 murders, and 35 other violent crimes while the innocent sat behind bars for their earlier offenses.
Races of the 350 exonerees:
217 African Americans
106 Caucasians
25 Latinos
2 Asian Americans

How DNA makes a difference in the criminal justice system

    • Since 1989, there have been tens of thousands of cases where prime suspects were identified and pursued—until DNA testing (prior to conviction) proved that they were wrongly accused.

    • In more than 25% of cases in a National Institute of Justice study, suspects were excluded once DNA testing was conducted during the criminal investigation (the study, conducted in 1995, included 10,060 cases where testing was performed by FBI labs).

    • An Innocence Project review of our closed cases from 2004 – June 2015 revealed that 29% of cases were closed because of lost or destroyed evidence.

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Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from the Innocence Project:

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212.364.5340[email protected]

© 2017 Innocence Project. All Rights Reserved

Website by MADEO

Focus Retriever
The innocence project stats are just the tip of the iceberg. Add those dire statistics to the following:

Exonerations of Innocent Men and Women
As of October 2015, we have executed over 1,414 individuals in this country since 1976.2 156 individuals have been exonerated from death row--that is, found to be innocent and released - since 1973. 3 In other words, for every 10 people who have been executed since the death penalty was reinstated in the U.S., one person has been set free.

These 156 exonerees bear witness to the fact that we have made grave mistakes in the application of the death penalty. Many of them are powerful advocates against the death penalty:
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!


Since you cannot, again you are lying. Why?

Innocence Project - Help us put an end to wrongful convictions!

350 exonerated by DNA. That is one group. One.

I see others who posted the same link. How is it this is the first you are hearing of this?

Since you cannot, again you are lying. Why?
When do I get an apology? Are you man enough to admit you were wrong? Now's your chance to repair the damage caused by your incipient ignorance.
Did the OP watch the same video as everyone else? What evidence in that video proves beyond a reasonable doubt? The jury made the right call.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
Did the OP watch the same video as everyone else? What evidence in that video proves beyond a reasonable doubt? The jury made the right call.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
He was just another dirty ass nigga

Still cleaner than YOU! You are stained by the indelible dye of overt racism.
I've never had a problem with the cops

Me neither.

I'm white.

Whites commit crimes too but they don't get gunned down. Unless they're very poor, they get a fair trial. Blacks don't. Neither do Hispanics.


I came across this in an antique store and snapped the pic. I have no idea who old it actually is or what the history of it is.

Did the OP watch the same video as everyone else? What evidence in that video proves beyond a reasonable doubt? The jury made the right call.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
Riddle me this: why would anyone care about a dead thug, regardless of race?

Trayvon, Big Mike or this thug?
Did the OP watch the same video as everyone else? What evidence in that video proves beyond a reasonable doubt? The jury made the right call.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
Riddle me this: why would anyone care about a dead thug, regardless of race?

Trayvon, Big Mike or this thug?
Because the cops think all black men are thugs. Many think just like you. That mode of thought endangers every black male in this country.
Did the OP watch the same video as everyone else? What evidence in that video proves beyond a reasonable doubt? The jury made the right call.
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
Riddle me this: why would anyone care about a dead thug, regardless of race?

Trayvon, Big Mike or this thug?
Because the cops think all black men are thugs. Many think just like you. That mode of thought endangers every black male in this country.
Again, why should I care about a dead thug, black, Latino or white?
Yeah, just like the made the "RIGHT" call on those hundreds of inmates on death row who were later exonerated by DNA evidence!
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
Riddle me this: why would anyone care about a dead thug, regardless of race?

Trayvon, Big Mike or this thug?
Because the cops think all black men are thugs. Many think just like you. That mode of thought endangers every black male in this country.
Again, why should I care about a dead thug, black, Latino or white?
Thinking people care about the mindset of the cop in the few minutes just before they kill someone who isn't armed. The word thug is usually applied by bigots like you to any black person murdered by cops. But that's part of the strategy to dehumanize the victim and make the murder more palatable to a hostile anti-black audience..from which prospective jurors will be selected.
So you did not watch the same video as America and as the jury?
I watched the same video the prosecutor did.
The cops on the ground must have given their accounts of what occured in written statements to the prosecutor. Had they unanimously sided with Shelby a trial wouldn't have taken place. Given the video
and eyewitness accounts at the scene...the only way Shelby could escape justice was
by a corrupt jury. The two blacks must have been paid pawns or just plain gullible patsies
selected as tokens to make it look good.
Riddle me this: why would anyone care about a dead thug, regardless of race?

Trayvon, Big Mike or this thug?
Because the cops think all black men are thugs. Many think just like you. That mode of thought endangers every black male in this country.
Again, why should I care about a dead thug, black, Latino or white?
Thinking people care about the mindset of the cop in the few minutes just before they kill someone who isn't armed. The word thug is usually applied by bigots like you to any black person murdered by cops. But that's part of the strategy to dehumanize the victim and make the murder more palatable to a hostile anti-black audience..from which prospective jurors will be selected.
Wrong. A thug dehumanizes himself regardless of skin color which is why you never see whites or Latinos whining about dead thugs. Only some blacks whine about dead black thugs.

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