Another Liberal Myth Exploded

Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Where would those 3rd world countries be without them? They need something.
Feel free to move to China, go live your communist dream working for the collective. What you bunch of dumb asses don't understand is that if you hire some dip shit retard CEO who is willing to work for peanuts the company is more likely to fail and then they will all be out of work. Secondly, any savings in CEO salary will go to stock holders not to the workers, they own the company its their property. The guy who mows your lawn isn't entitled to a share of the profits when you sell your house now is he. Well there you go.
If a Federal law was passed that said total compensation cannot be xx times greater than the average employee's compensation it would affect all equally.

What the fuck business is it of the Federal government, this is a private matter between the CEO, the board, and the stock holders. Neither you or the Federal government has any say in the matter, zero, its none of your damn business.
The law is whatever the citizens decide it to be. If the citizens decide that it's their business to know, they will know. Any businesses that don't like it can get the fuck out. See if Putin will give you better terms.

Fortunately we have something called the Constitution of the United States which offers investors some protection against the tyranny of whiny sniveling socialists and their endless demands for more of that which is not theirs. This is where they would take us:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Neither Capitalism nor the free enterprise system is included in the Constitution.

Nor is socialism but the freedom to pursue happiness, prosperity and my best interest certainly is protected, Princess, as is protection from unreasonable seizure of my property. You know ... all that you whiney socialists would have us surrender.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.
Companies have always been exploiting third world countries, and it's a real sign when they don't want to follow regulations, such is the way of the capitalist
I've never seen so much stupidity in one thread.

You be new here. Stick around. You ain't seen nothing yet.
It's certainly interesting..

Some times it is entertaining as well. Some times you just have to shake your head and go WTF???.

But I know of no where else you can trash talk someone like you can here and not get in a fight or shot.
Now that's entertainment.

The other funny shit that goes on here is the right wingers think they are "debating" when they post. Now that is fucking hilarious.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Where would those 3rd world countries be without them? They need something.

I agree but we both know if leftists are breathing, they're whining.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Where would those 3rd world countries be without them? They need something.

I agree but we both know if leftists are breathing, they're whining.
What would they be without rampant exploitation? You tell me
If a Federal law was passed that said total compensation cannot be xx times greater than the average employee's compensation it would affect all equally.

What the fuck business is it of the Federal government, this is a private matter between the CEO, the board, and the stock holders. Neither you or the Federal government has any say in the matter, zero, its none of your damn business.
The law is whatever the citizens decide it to be. If the citizens decide that it's their business to know, they will know. Any businesses that don't like it can get the fuck out. See if Putin will give you better terms.

Fortunately we have something called the Constitution of the United States which offers investors some protection against the tyranny of whiny sniveling socialists and their endless demands for more of that which is not theirs. This is where they would take us:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Neither Capitalism nor the free enterprise system is included in the Constitution.

Nor is socialism but the freedom to pursue happiness, prosperity and my best interest certainly is protected, Princess, as is protection from unreasonable seizure of my property. You know ... all that you whiney socialists would have us surrender.
Socialism is simply collective ownership of production, really, your property? Did you build the factory by yourself, assemble the machines?
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Where would those 3rd world countries be without them? They need something.

I agree but we both know if leftists are breathing, they're whining.

I find they are often right about the issue, just wrong about how to fix it. Take this issue for example. I think it's obvious too much inequality slows the economy so is bad for the country. I don't however think I would agree with any liberal solutions to the problem.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Companies have always been exploiting third world countries, and it's a real sign when they don't want to follow regulations, such is the way of the capitalist

And no sooner do I note that soon will follow some hypocritical loony leftist fuktard and ... VIOLA! ... a Marxist magically appears!
Now for my next trick...
Another day of low income, and or social security recipient republicans, fighting for the god given rights of multibillionaires to keep on increasing their wealth at the cost of the rest of us. What Hillary makes or how much she tips at taco bell is used to sidetrack them from the real issues. Suckers.
Yes regulation can slow the economy too. But some of it is needed. Ever been to China? Lots of places there you can't even see the sky.

Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Companies have always been exploiting third world countries, and it's a real sign when they don't want to follow regulations, such is the way of the capitalist

And no sooner do I note that soon will follow some hypocritical loony leftist fuktard and ... VIOLA! ... a Marxist magically appears!
Now for my next trick...

Next trick, explain to us what a marxist is without looking it up on google.
What the fuck business is it of the Federal government, this is a private matter between the CEO, the board, and the stock holders. Neither you or the Federal government has any say in the matter, zero, its none of your damn business.
The law is whatever the citizens decide it to be. If the citizens decide that it's their business to know, they will know. Any businesses that don't like it can get the fuck out. See if Putin will give you better terms.

Fortunately we have something called the Constitution of the United States which offers investors some protection against the tyranny of whiny sniveling socialists and their endless demands for more of that which is not theirs. This is where they would take us:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Neither Capitalism nor the free enterprise system is included in the Constitution.

Nor is socialism but the freedom to pursue happiness, prosperity and my best interest certainly is protected, Princess, as is protection from unreasonable seizure of my property. You know ... all that you whiney socialists would have us surrender.
Socialism is simply collective ownership of production, really, your property? Did you build the factory by yourself, assemble the machines?

No, socialism is the confiscation of one person's wealth.
I didn't need a factory or machinery but what I didn't build myself I used my treasure to pay others to build for me - you know ... creating JOBS - or rented, essentially exchanging my treasure for the use of others capital assets. They, in turn used their treasure - some of which came from me - to purchase my services. None of those I employed risked any of their treasure on my behalf and those who provided cash received interest and principal in return.
See how efficiently capitalism maximizes the value of ones work and ones assets?
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Good point but not how you think. America made a conscience decision beginning in the 1970s to clean up our environment. That required regulations which squeezed whole industries out of our country. In a sense, we exported those industries and the jobs to countries that would accept them and the pollution they create. Now the same voices that screamed loudest for the regulations are whining about the jobs lost. I for one think it was a smart trade-off but I'm not hypocritical enough to complain about those job losses.

I think it was a very smart trade-off. China has been growing fast but they will one day have a very expensive mess to clean up.

Yeah, but next the hand-wringing, Chicken Little loony leftists will be blaming America for "exploiting" poor 3rd World countries by exporting our "dirty" industries. Hypocritical fuktards.

Companies have always been exploiting third world countries, and it's a real sign when they don't want to follow regulations, such is the way of the capitalist

And no sooner do I note that soon will follow some hypocritical loony leftist fuktard and ... VIOLA! ... a Marxist magically appears!
Now for my next trick...

Next trick, explain to us what a marxist is without looking it up on google.
Yes, I'd also like for him to explain why he always says fuktard
Another day of low income, and or social security recipient republicans, fighting for the god given rights of multibillionaires to keep on increasing their wealth at the cost of the rest of us.

Eww... Proud Socialist Labor Dogma! How cool is THAT? Now... Let's see how long it is before it begins to defend the Multi-billionaires... . Shall we?

What Hillary makes or how much she tips at taco bell is used to sidetrack them from the real issues. Suckers.

Socialism is simply collective ownership of production, really, your property? Did you build the factory by yourself, assemble the machines?

Yes... I did. Because it was my money that built the factory, and it was my contracts which got the money... and my initiative that got the contracts... without which there would be no contracts, thus no money, thus no incentive for Labor to do anything, thus no labor being pulled together by me, to build machines being built in my factories.

But in fairness to you Karl... if you were bright enough to understand that, LOL! you wouldn't be spouting that Relativist drivel.

See how that works?
The law is whatever the citizens decide it to be. If the citizens decide that it's their business to know, they will know. Any businesses that don't like it can get the fuck out. See if Putin will give you better terms.

Fortunately we have something called the Constitution of the United States which offers investors some protection against the tyranny of whiny sniveling socialists and their endless demands for more of that which is not theirs. This is where they would take us:
INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Neither Capitalism nor the free enterprise system is included in the Constitution.

Nor is socialism but the freedom to pursue happiness, prosperity and my best interest certainly is protected, Princess, as is protection from unreasonable seizure of my property. You know ... all that you whiney socialists would have us surrender.
Socialism is simply collective ownership of production, really, your property? Did you build the factory by yourself, assemble the machines?

Didn't need a factory or machinery but what I didn't build myself I used my treasure to pay others - you know ... creating JOBS - or rented, essentially exchanging my treasure for the use of others capital assets. They, in turn used their treasure - some of which came from me - to purchase my services. See how efficiently capitalism maximizes the value of ones work?

Fantasy Island I think. C'mon, you a fork lift operator or do you run a punch press?

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