Another Liberal Myth Exploded

Exploiting people's labor for your own profit isn't noble.

And at the end of the day that is why Marxist economies are doomed to fail. The "Worker's Paradise" is a fool's dream in which paying one's employees what the market dictates is "exploiting people's labor."
Frankly, too many of those who once worked for me were exploiting my capital.
Which ones are you referring to? A "marxist" economy wouldn't exist if communism was achieved, unless you count efficient use of surplus, guaranteed work, collective ownership of production. Workers paradise isn't a fools dream, it's something to strive for. Labor is exploited, constantly, although you don't follow the labor theory of value, so I wouldn't expect a capitalist to understand. They were exploiting your capital? Oh please. If a sweatshop worker produces $50 in products for the capitalist in an hour, leaving out where the base materials came from, and all of the labor used, the exploitation is real.

There's only one way to achieve your "worker's paradise" dream ... at the end of a gun. Like most "capitalists" I started out as an hourly wage earner but never whined about being "exploited." Like many I saved, looked for opportunities and when a good one came I borrowed what I could and jumped in with both feet. Making it work meant 80 hr work weeks but it created personal ownership of production and personal wealth ... something I wouldn't expect a socialist to understand or approve of.

I don't believe for a moment that the dunce is either a Marxist or a believer in communism.

He's simply a juvenile who has the desire to shock everyone with the 'courage to champion abject evil.'

Probably runs around his mommy's basement in chaps and a cap gun.
Please quote my 'claim.'

It's in the OP.

Did you really start this rant not even knowing how many employees those 350 ceos have?

Please quote my 'claim.'

You've been asked nicely, twice now.

Again it's in the OP. Do you not even know what you posted? Wow.

You don't get a third strike.

I simply required clarification as to whether you are a liar or an imbecile.
Your fear of providing the 'proof' of your fabrication shows that you know you were lying.

Here is the quote that caused you so much anxiety:

"The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs,...."

And from that quote, you've pretended that I "must know" how many were employed.
Said statement can only be compared to 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.'

You provided this eminently absurd statement:
"Still waiting to hear how many people are employed by the 350. You claim its a small sample so you must know."

'Must know'?


The phrase 'small sample' is related to this calculation: 350 out of 248,760, which is .0014069 percent.

Coincidentally, that happens to be exactly the same percent of brain you have as compared to a normal person.

Obviously, the phrase 'small sample' has absolutely nothing to do with the number of employees those CEOs have. are both a liar and an possessor of an intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
Yes but the number of employees is very important. How can somebody not know that and still pretend to be so smart? In fact your whole post is really quite pointless without it as it tells us nothing of value.

"...nothing of value."

Your epitaph.
HE IS NOT getting gross amounts of money!
He is getting RSUs... that he can't sell until things happen... so where is the "gross amount of money"???

284 million is a pretty gross amount in my book.

If you are not a stock holder its none of your business, sorry to burst your bubble.

So again what is better for the economy. 500 people making good money or one person making gross amounts of money?

Feel free to move to China, go live your communist dream working for the collective. What you bunch of dumb asses don't understand is that if you hire some dip shit retard CEO who is willing to work for peanuts the company is more likely to fail and then they will all be out of work. Secondly, any savings in CEO salary will go to stock holders not to the workers, they own the company its their property. The guy who mows your lawn isn't entitled to a share of the profits when you sell your house now is he. Well there you go.
If a Federal law was passed that said total compensation cannot be xx times greater than the average employee's compensation it would affect all equally.

You need the music that goes with that post....

I don't believe for a moment that the dunce is either a Marxist or a believer in communism.

He's simply a juvenile who has the desire to shock everyone with the 'courage to champion abject evil.'

Probably runs around his mommy's basement in chaps and a cap gun.

Thanks for the mental image.

I could stand to miss a couple meals anyway...... :dunno:
It's in the OP.

Did you really start this rant not even knowing how many employees those 350 ceos have?

Please quote my 'claim.'

You've been asked nicely, twice now.

Again it's in the OP. Do you not even know what you posted? Wow.

You don't get a third strike.

I simply required clarification as to whether you are a liar or an imbecile.
Your fear of providing the 'proof' of your fabrication shows that you know you were lying.

Here is the quote that caused you so much anxiety:

"The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs,...."

And from that quote, you've pretended that I "must know" how many were employed.
Said statement can only be compared to 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.'

You provided this eminently absurd statement:
"Still waiting to hear how many people are employed by the 350. You claim its a small sample so you must know."

'Must know'?


The phrase 'small sample' is related to this calculation: 350 out of 248,760, which is .0014069 percent.

Coincidentally, that happens to be exactly the same percent of brain you have as compared to a normal person.

Obviously, the phrase 'small sample' has absolutely nothing to do with the number of employees those CEOs have. are both a liar and an possessor of an intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
Yes but the number of employees is very important. How can somebody not know that and still pretend to be so smart? In fact your whole post is really quite pointless without it as it tells us nothing of value.

"...nothing of value."

Your epitaph.

You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.
You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.

Love this shit from dimocrap juveniles.

It's like when I was a kid and some punk ran his mouth too much, I'd beat his ass and while he on the ground crying, he'd proclaim that he really didn't get his ass beat.

So I'd beat his ass again.

And again. Until he'd finally relent.

dimocraps are like that kid..... You can beat their asses, humiliate them publicly, embarrass them, prove them wrong through empirical, objective and presumptive evidence and......

They're just dimocraps. IOW, a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves
1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

The 'small' sample claimed here was the SP500
1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

So if you call the owner of a pizzeria or lawn mowing service a CEO and throw him into the mix the numbers look better?

You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.

Love this shit from dimocrap juveniles.

It's like when I was a kid and some punk ran his mouth too much, I'd beat his ass and while he on the ground crying, he'd proclaim that he really didn't get his ass beat.

So I'd beat his ass again.

And again. Until he'd finally relent.

dimocraps are like that kid..... You can beat their asses, humiliate them publicly, embarrass them, prove them wrong through empirical, objective and presumptive evidence and......

They're just dimocraps. IOW, a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves

That's the ticket. Instead of debate, commit felony assault.
You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.

Love this shit from dimocrap juveniles.

It's like when I was a kid and some punk ran his mouth too much, I'd beat his ass and while he on the ground crying, he'd proclaim that he really didn't get his ass beat.

So I'd beat his ass again.

And again. Until he'd finally relent.

dimocraps are like that kid..... You can beat their asses, humiliate them publicly, embarrass them, prove them wrong through empirical, objective and presumptive evidence and......

They're just dimocraps. IOW, a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves

Sorry but there was no win here. The information provided was juvenile. I guess that would explain why you think it proved anything.
I love how the right uses religion to justify hating gays. But when the pope says we have too much inequality they ignore him. I'm not sure they are really very religious.
You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.

Love this shit from dimocrap juveniles.

It's like when I was a kid and some punk ran his mouth too much, I'd beat his ass and while he on the ground crying, he'd proclaim that he really didn't get his ass beat.

So I'd beat his ass again.

And again. Until he'd finally relent.

dimocraps are like that kid..... You can beat their asses, humiliate them publicly, embarrass them, prove them wrong through empirical, objective and presumptive evidence and......

They're just dimocraps. IOW, a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves

Sorry but there was no win here. The information provided was juvenile. I guess that would explain why you think it proved anything.

You claim to have exploded some myth, but you haven't done that at all. Good luck next time. But you better pick something else cause this one isn't a myth.

Love this shit from dimocrap juveniles.

It's like when I was a kid and some punk ran his mouth too much, I'd beat his ass and while he on the ground crying, he'd proclaim that he really didn't get his ass beat.

So I'd beat his ass again.

And again. Until he'd finally relent.

dimocraps are like that kid..... You can beat their asses, humiliate them publicly, embarrass them, prove them wrong through empirical, objective and presumptive evidence and......

They're just dimocraps. IOW, a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves

Sorry but there was no win here. The information provided was juvenile. I guess that would explain why you think it proved anything.


Are you trying to prove the OP was juvenile? You are doing a good job so far.
I love how the right uses religion to justify hating gays. But when the pope says we have too much inequality they ignore him. I'm not sure they are really very religious.
I know no one who hates gays...and I know a lot of people.
Another Liberal Myth Exploded

Man, the only thing I see exploding around here is Edges head. That thing has blown up more times than I can count. It (his head) is all over the damn place. What a fucking mess he makes.
1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

The 'small' sample claimed here was the SP500
1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

So if you call the owner of a pizzeria or lawn mowing service a CEO and throw him into the mix the numbers look better?


Deal with reality ok???

check this FACT out!
CEO Statistics Statistic Brain
400,400 CEOs...
77% or 308,308 CEOs make less then $500,000.

1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

The 'small' sample claimed here was the SP500
1. Liberal elites and their hand-wringing simpleton paracletes have been moaning about 'income inequality' in an attempt to convince those who function via envy and jealousy that they are VICTIMS!

The playbook never changes.

2. And as proof, they point to CEO salaries...and whine about how unfair the disparity is when compared to the 'average worker.'

"Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As Much As Minimum Wage Earners. With CEO compensation analysis season in full swing, the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye-popping 331 times the average worker's$35,293.Apr 15, 2014"
Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average ...

a. Reading further, the report should give one pause:
"...the AFL-CIO released data this morning stating blah blah blah....."

3. "....this frequently cited AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay is an example of “statistical bait-and-switch.” Or call it a “statistical canard” or a “statistical fallacy.” Here’s why:

The AFL-CIO is comparing: a) the average salary of a small sample (350) of the highest paid US CEOs, out of a total CEO population in 2013 of 248,760 CEOs, according to BLS data here, and b) the average worker pay for production and nonsupervisory workers, which represents only 8.5 million factory workers out of a total of 136.3 million payroll employees nationwide.

a. "...the AFL-CIO’s reported “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” of 331:1 is calculated by ignoring 99.9% of all US CEOs and 93.8% of all US workers.

b....more accurate description would be to call it a ratio of the pay for 350 of the highest-paid US CEOs to the pay of only 6.2% of the American labor force, or a ratio of an unrepresentative, infinitesimally small, and statistically insignificant group of CEOs to a small minority and unrepresentative group of US factory workers. It’s a completely bogus and meaningless comparison.

4. ....a more statistically valid comparison of CEO pay to average worker in the US pay by considering: a) theaverage annual pay of all US CEOs in every year from 2002 to 2013 (data here) and b) theaverage annual pay of all US workers in a comprehensive, national BLS dataset that includes workers in 22 major occupational groups, 94 minor occupational groups, 458 broad occupations, and 821 detailed occupations (132.6 million workers for 2013). Based on those data, the average CEO earned $178,400 last year, the average worker earned $46,440, and the “CEO-to-worker pay ratio” was 3.84:1,

5. ...the real CEO-to-worker pay ratio has not been increasing as is frequently reported, but instead has been remarkably constant over the last 12 years, averaging 3.8:1 in a tight range between a maximum of 3.89:1 in 2004 and a minimum of 3.69:1 in both 2005 and 2006.

6. In 2013, a full-time minimum wage worker earned $14,500, and therefore the CEO-to-minimum-wage-worker pay ratio was only 12.3:1 compared to the grossly inflated 774:1 ratio reported by the AFL-CIO."
When we consider all US CEOs and all US workers the CEO-to-worker pay ratio falls from 331 1 to below 4 1

Liberal and 'Liar" both begin with "L."

So sorry that the above post involved numbers, facts, and logic.....

....which, of course, removes said content from the interests of Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats.

So if you call the owner of a pizzeria or lawn mowing service a CEO and throw him into the mix the numbers look better?


Deal with reality ok???

check this FACT out!
CEO Statistics Statistic Brain
400,400 CEOs...
77% or 308,308 CEOs make less then $500,000.

View attachment 40067

How many employees are represented by those CEOs?
I am a CEO. Would you send me some of your money? If you won't, fuck ya.

How much do you tithe? Do you give the church more money than you give a CEO? Better not.
77% or 308,308 CEOs make less then $500,000.

OMG How do they survive on 500k? Do you send your favorite CEO a portion of your earning? SO they will know that you still love them and want them to have it all?
FACT is the majority of these CEOs are conservatives.
FACT is conservatives "CALLOUS CONSERVATIVES".... give literally MORE of their blood to blood banks then the "compassionate" liberal!
When it comes to an issue as random as blood donations, conservatives are about 17 percent more likely than their liberal counterparts to donate blood!
Surprise Conservatives are more generous than liberals The Daily Caller
These CEOs most likely give MORE to charity then you do.
These CEOs most likely give MORE to charity then you do.

Not interested.. The only question I have for you is how much of YOUR money do you send to YOUR favorite CEO? That is my only question.

If you say NONE, then obviously you aren't to worried that they can't get by on 4 or 500k a year.

If you say 20% (or whatever %) is what you send them, then you have proved you the most stupid poster on this board.

So, which one is it?

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