Another Libtalker Meltdown: Harry Reid 'Ball-less', GOP Should Be 'Shoved Into The Di


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

[ame=]YouTube - Another Libtalker Meltdown: Harry Reid 'Ball-less', GOP Should Be 'Shoved Into The Dirthole'[/ame]

comments at site.

Interesting. An example from the left, of what goes on hourly on Conservative talk radio, of course. But most interesting.

Who is this guy - Brian Maloney? I don't know him from Adam, because I don't listen to political talk radio - or any kind of talk radio, for that matter. I used to, but no more. I stopped when I heard what was going on. Besides, I was putting a big dent in the dashboard of my car, and that's not good.

Well, Brian is totally correct, of course. I am a card carrying Democrat and pretty damn liberal to boot. I share Brian's frustration whenever I watch our party leaders out there, screwing up right and left. We have some great ideas, if only we knew how to get ourselves into a position to implement them and, when we do, to implement them.
It's Ed Schultz.

And if you don't listen to political talk radio, how is it you can say that the righty talkers conduct themselves the same way?
Just remember what Ed himself has said -that he has Rules for Radicals memorized. It's his bible.

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