Another Mit flip flop

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
U.S. presidential election 2012: Mitt Romney won't deport young illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama plan | Mail Online

I can't help feel a tad sorry for the poor rw's. Every time they say they hate something that Obama is doing, MitWit does it himself.

Is anyone keeping track of his continual etch a sketch positions? The best one, of course, was Mit bragging about universal health care in the morning and then, that very afternoon, saying he'd take it away from the US.

I think Mitt himself needs someone to keep track of his goofs cuz he sure as hell can't.
U.S. presidential election 2012: Mitt Romney won't deport young illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama plan | Mail Online

I can't help feel a tad sorry for the poor rw's. Every time they say they hate something that Obama is doing, MitWit does it himself.

Is anyone keeping track of his continual etch a sketch positions? The best one, of course, was Mit bragging about universal health care in the morning and then, that very afternoon, saying he'd take it away from the US.

I think Mitt himself needs someone to keep track of his goofs cuz he sure as hell can't.

are you back to being a Left Winger this week?......
U.S. presidential election 2012: Mitt Romney won't deport young illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama plan | Mail Online

I can't help feel a tad sorry for the poor rw's. Every time they say they hate something that Obama is doing, MitWit does it himself.
Is anyone keeping track of his continual etch a sketch positions? The best one, of course, was Mit bragging about universal health care in the morning and then, that very afternoon, saying he'd take it away from the US.

I think Mitt himself needs someone to keep track of his goofs cuz he sure as hell can't.

( emphasis added)

You mean like Obama keeping Bush policy, extending Bush policy and adding to it, or continuing war, airstrikes with drones, killing innocents, keeping GTMO open and continuing torture/Extraordinary rendition? Kinda like that?

Bush legacy of torture continues under Obama - Opinion

Do Gitmo Abuses Still Continue? - ABC News
U.S. presidential election 2012: Mitt Romney won't deport young illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama plan | Mail Online

I can't help feel a tad sorry for the poor rw's. Every time they say they hate something that Obama is doing, MitWit does it himself.

Is anyone keeping track of his continual etch a sketch positions? The best one, of course, was Mit bragging about universal health care in the morning and then, that very afternoon, saying he'd take it away from the US.

I think Mitt himself needs someone to keep track of his goofs cuz he sure as hell can't.


So tell me again why people want to elect the flip flopping copycat? I thought he was going to change/repeal everything Obama has done! He couldn't be pandering to Hispanics because he's losing most everyone else, including some very critical republicans, could it? Nah......
U.S. presidential election 2012: Mitt Romney won't deport young illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama plan | Mail Online

I can't help feel a tad sorry for the poor rw's. Every time they say they hate something that Obama is doing, MitWit does it himself.

Is anyone keeping track of his continual etch a sketch positions? The best one, of course, was Mit bragging about universal health care in the morning and then, that very afternoon, saying he'd take it away from the US.

I think Mitt himself needs someone to keep track of his goofs cuz he sure as hell can't.

I'm more than a tad sorry for your hapless ass. Slurping at the Obama-ade trough.

Drink up, Shriner.
He hasnt been arguing for mass deportation. He has been saying enforce the law, and illegal immigrants will deport themselves.
Somebody at Mittens camps needs to give him a good shake, again.
Romney's going to follow the existing law! What a shock.

Have we gotten so used to an imperious royal presidebt that we expect the leader to act at will outside the law?

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