Another Night,Another Shooting.Of Course The Democrats Will Keep Bitrchin'.And Which Party Wants To Defund And/Or Eliminate The Police?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Sure have been a lot of shootings since Biden took office,right? I don't recall this frequency of shootings when Trump was President. And yet they wont let go of the argument,proposal to ban guns. This is a perfect example of "You Can't Have It Both Ways". And keep in mind all of the guns crossing the border,and thats OK with Democrats. So how will eliminating theb police, stop all shootings, and how can you ban guns when it's just fine to allow illegal weapons to cross the border?
Sure have been a lot of shootings since Biden took office,right? I don't recall this frequency of shootings when Trump was President. And yet they wont let go of the argument,proposal to ban guns. This is a perfect example of "You Can't Have It Both Ways". And keep in mind all of the guns crossing the border,and thats OK with Democrats. So how will eliminating theb police, stop all shootings, and how can you ban guns when it's just fine to allow illegal weapons to cross the border?
Wait. So you're blamingJoe Biden for passing bad gun laws?
And you also argue that Donald Trump passed gun laws that somehow kept shootings low.
And you don't mention that the cities in Ohio where crime is very high have not defunded the police.
We have reached the peak of conservative stupid.
It's like you're competing for the record of saying the most stupid things in a right-wing message board
Sure have been a lot of shootings since Biden took office,right? I don't recall this frequency of shootings when Trump was President. And yet they wont let go of the argument,proposal to ban guns. This is a perfect example of "You Can't Have It Both Ways". And keep in mind all of the guns crossing the border,and thats OK with Democrats. So how will eliminating theb police, stop all shootings, and how can you ban guns when it's just fine to allow illegal weapons to cross the border?
A whole lot of stupid lies in that comment.
Teabaggers just make up Crap.
right, perfect example of the lefts hypocracy,,they can have protection with an armed gaurd with an AR-15,,,but its ok for the average working or non working american to never have a gun. yah, lets see how that workks in manhattan/chicago
Sure have been a lot of shootings since Biden took office,right? I don't recall this frequency of shootings when Trump was President. And yet they wont let go of the argument,proposal to ban guns. This is a perfect example of "You Can't Have It Both Ways". And keep in mind all of the guns crossing the border,and thats OK with Democrats. So how will eliminating theb police, stop all shootings, and how can you ban guns when it's just fine to allow illegal weapons to cross the border?
Having cops never has stopped crime they are merely a reactionary force.
right, perfect example of the lefts hypocracy,,they can have protection with an armed gaurd with an AR-15,,,but its ok for the average working or non working american to never have a gun. yah, lets see how that workks in manhattan/chicago
Yet no one stops the average worker from owing a gun, I have been a gun owner and worker for 47 years....Never once did the Democrats take one of my guns. Your propaganda is WEAK!
Think inability to read the minds of criminals Mary Poppins. Mitigation is flawed when radial variables are involved.
Reading the minds of criminals is not necessary… Simply looking at racial demographics tells us where a hardcore police state is NEEDED…but but but….RACISM n’stuff so fuck public safety.
Wherever you have demos like shown below you need the military to do the policing around the clock. This is not a racist opinion, it’s a pesky fact.
”Our diversity is our strength”
Golfing Gator
Sure have been a lot of shootings since Biden took office,right? I don't recall this frequency of shootings when Trump was President. And yet they wont let go of the argument,proposal to ban guns. This is a perfect example of "You Can't Have It Both Ways". And keep in mind all of the guns crossing the border,and thats OK with Democrats. So how will eliminating theb police, stop all shootings, and how can you ban guns when it's just fine to allow illegal weapons to cross the border?
People will remember in Nov. 2024.
Weird how that works huh? Sad that it’s come to that but the darker and more Left we become the more a police state is needed.
Golfing Gator
i think the day will come when NY,Cally, and a few other blue states will find themselves in dire straights as residents just keep moving out. god, i remember how quiet florida was during the summer months a few years ago,,,,not anymore!
People will remember in Nov. 2024.
Remember that dark people have a EXTREMELY high propensity for savage violence?
Remember that Democrats can’t figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of Democrats?

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