Another Night,Another Shooting.Of Course The Democrats Will Keep Bitrchin'.And Which Party Wants To Defund And/Or Eliminate The Police?

Well they gotta make Chad and Brittney middleclasss in the blueburbs think that the party looked like this.

Reading the minds of criminals is not necessary… Simply looking at racial demographics tells us where a hardcore police state is

But you cry like a little bitch when you are identified as racist, right LOSER?
Wait. So you're blamingJoe Biden for passing bad gun laws?
And you also argue that Donald Trump passed gun laws that somehow kept shootings low.
And you don't mention that the cities in Ohio where crime is very high have not defunded the police.
We have reached the peak of conservative stupid.
It's like you're competing for the record of saying the most stupid things in a right-wing message board
102 fatalities in car accidents a day. These are long established norms via data.. thus predicted and EXPECTED deaths

Democrats yet to move to make cars illegal or heavily restrict them.

Let’s be real… They don’t care about the people shot, they care about the political desire against guns, which are far less deadly.
Wake me up when either party actually responds with something other than their standard talking points responses to these shootings.
right, perfect example of the lefts hypocracy,,they can have protection with an armed gaurd with an AR-15,,,but its ok for the average working or non working american to never have a gun. yah, lets see how that workks in manhattan/chicago
The politician’s guards don’t use AR-15s; they aren’t effective enough. They use fully automatic sub machine guns like MP-5s, much higher rate of fire, more lethal and much easier to conceal.

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