Another Obamacare scam

Seems to be evolving into a wedge issue for the right.

The conservative Club for Growth is ignoring House GOP leadership and urging members to vote down a bill that would pump $4 billion into ObamaCare's temporary insurance program.

The group's vice president of government affairs, Andy Roth, wrote to lawmakers Thursday saying the bill from Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) would "further extend the federal government's role in healthcare."

"The Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP) is a program that even President Obama found to be too expensive," Roth wrote, promising to score next week's vote.

"Fiscal conservatives should be squarely focused on repealing ObamaCare, not strengthening it by supporting the parts that are politically attractive."

The effort marks the first time Republicans have tried to fix healthcare reform rather than repeal, dismantle or defund it.

In a surprise move, prominent Tea Party group FreedomWorks backed Cantor Thursday and called the bill's critics "misguided."

"H.R. 1549 gets ObamaCare opponents back on offense on the most important political issue of our time, healthcare," wrote FreedomWorks vice president of healthcare policy Dean Clancy in a blog post.

He added that the bill "gives the House a chance to talk about pre-ex pools," an important issue for the GOP.
You cite a bunch of quotes about Republican politics. Honestly, I don't have much care for it because I don't trust the Republicans any more than I trust the Democrats. Well, there's a select few that I have limited faith in; but that's not much of a difference maker at this point. I'm pointing out that Obamacare is a sham and how Obama has used people with pre-existing conditions as props. You'd rather deflect from that central issue. Way to go on the us vs. them crap. :clap:
I'm pointing out that Obamacare is a sham and how Obama has used people with pre-existing conditions as props.


In five and a half months, there's no such thing as a pre-existing condition. The concept disappears as an underwriting tool. Courtesy of Obamacare.

Oh, and I wouldn't call rightwing infighting "us vs. them." More like them vs. them.
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I'm pointing out that Obamacare is a sham and how Obama has used people with pre-existing conditions as props.


In five and a half months, there's no such thing as a pre-existing condition. The concept disappears as an underwriting tool. Courtesy of Obamacare.

It stated that those who could register was being suspended while Obama keeps his slush fund. He has all types of slush funds built into his bill. That's why govt. never should have gotten involved and you know it.
Looks like it's getting kicked into May.

House delays ObamaCare vote in face of conservative discontent - The Hill's Floor Action
House Republicans have pulled a bill that would extend a provision of ObamaCare amid opposition from their members and some conservative groups.

The House was expected to debate the bill and consider amendments Wednesday afternoon. But moments after the House approved a rule for the bill, members began a series of end-of-day speeches instead of moving to the measure.
A Republican leadership source said Wednesday that they were making progress in winning support for the bill, but were not there "yet." The measure, crafted by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), was approved by the Energy and Commerce Committee last week along party lines.

The Club for Growth opposed the bill and warned members it would negatively score votes cast for it.

Several conservatives were also critical of the bill, with some arguing that the House should vote on repealing the healthcare law again.
Don't know what that stuff has to do with the OP. My point was that Obamacare is largely a scam and I gave just one of many examples to that end. At no point have I held up Republicans in any sort of light.
A McKinsey and Co. report from 2008 found that between 60,000 to 85,000 medical tourists were traveling to the United States for the purpose of receiving in-patient medical care.

The same McKinsey study estimated that 750,000 American medical tourists traveled from the United States to other countries in 2007 (up from 500,000 in 2006) ..... the low costs for hospital stays and major/complex procedures at Western-accredited medical facilities abroad are cited as major motivators for American travelers.

Medical tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
May I suggest that if Americans are so adverse to socialist Obamacare, the federal government should lift its embargo on Cuba allowing Americans to visit the People's Republic and have their medical needs met at a cost savings of 60 to 80%.

If the manufacturing sector can be sent offshore to cut costs, why not medical care?
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A McKinsey and Co. report from 2008 found that between 60,000 to 85,000 medical tourists were traveling to the United States for the purpose of receiving in-patient medical care.

The same McKinsey study estimated that 750,000 American medical tourists traveled from the United States to other countries in 2007 (up from 500,000 in 2006) ..... the low costs for hospital stays and major/complex procedures at Western-accredited medical facilities abroad are cited as major motivators for American travelers.

Medical tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
May I suggest that if Americans are so adverse to socialist Obamacare, the federal government should lift its embargo on Cuba allowing Americans to visit the People's Republic and have their medical needs met at a cost savings of 60 to 80%.

If the manufacturing sector can be sent offshore to cut costs, why not medical care?

In case you hadn't heard, Canadians have been coming to the U.S. for their healthcare for years to circumvent the outrageous wait times caused by their own socialized healthcare system.
In case you hadn't heard, Canadians have been coming to the U.S. for their healthcare for years to circumvent the outrageous wait times caused by their own socialized healthcare system.

No, I hadn't heard that. Mainly because it doesn't actually happen. Its one of those persistent myths that people trot around because they don't check out things that agree with their preconceptions.

What actually happens is that the number of Canadians that come to the US is minute. Certainly so small as to be drowned out by the number of Americans going to Canada for treatment. Check out "Pantoms in the snow" in Health Affairs for real research on the subject.

This generally agrees with other research which show that about 15 Americans leave the US for treatment for every foreigner that comes for treatment
In case you hadn't heard, Canadians have been coming to the U.S. for their healthcare for years to circumvent the outrageous wait times caused by their own socialized healthcare system.

No, I hadn't heard that. Mainly because it doesn't actually happen....

There's more than enough documented cases of it. Do you expect people to take you seriously when you bold face lie? I stopped reading once I saw that.

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