Another One Bites the Dust

My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.
Last week, our family received notice from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of “changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA).” The letter informed us that “to meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date.”.

If you're talking about Colorado, the rates for their high deductible options are known:

Colorado Exchange Releases Health Insurance Rates
A 40-year-old can expect to pay from $176.89 a month for a bronze plan on the individual market

Less than $7 difference from your brother's former rates for a middle-aged person.

Age and geography will vary that; if he's younger than middle aged and/or has an income under four times the poverty level, a bronze plan will be cheaper for him than what he was paying.
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you're talking about Colorado, the rates for their high deductible options are known:

Colorado Exchange Releases Health Insurance Rates
A 40-year-old can expect to pay from $176.89 a month for a bronze plan on the individual market

Less than $7 difference from your brother's former rates for a middle-aged person.

Age and geography will vary that; if he's younger than middle aged and/or has an income under four times the poverty level, a bronze plan will be cheaper for him than what he was paying.

Not his state. Thanks for the info, though.
Remember how batshit crazy liberals went when he was first outted:


Do rw's remember that Joe Wilson LIED?

Of course not.

Fact: Illegals cannot buy insurance from the exchanges.

Joe Wilson lied.


Watching the rw's doing this bizarre dance, defending the reprehensible actions of Big Insurance and Big Pharma - No matter how badly they behave or how much an employer screws them over, they'll find a way to turn it around and blame President Obama.

And always, lefties have not had these terrible things happen to them. Its only the rw's who are suffering so terribly under this commie, fascist, kenyan, Muslin, taoist, did I already say commie? blah blah blah law.

I picked up scrips today. Paid less.
See? Just as I thought. Its cuz I voted for the Kenyan.
Joe Wilson was 100% correct. Obama is a liar.

(waiting for the "all politicians lie" excuse in 5, 4, 3 . . . .)


Show me exactly where it says illegals can buy ACA from the exchanges.

They cannot.

Wilson lies and he knew he was lying when he did it.

Edited to add - you ASSSume all politicians lie because you're used to teepubs. They lie.

Hell, if they didn't lie, no one would vote for them.
Joe Wilson was 100% correct. Obama is a liar.

(waiting for the "all politicians lie" excuse in 5, 4, 3 . . . .)


Show me exactly where it says illegals can buy ACA from the exchanges.

They cannot.

Wilson lies and he knew he was lying when he did it.

Edited to add - you ASSSume all politicians lie because you're used to teepubs. They lie.

Hell, if they didn't lie, no one would vote for them.

Did you even bother to read what I have posted so far? Didn't think so.

Although as I've stated in another thread I am not the dumbass whisperer. However, for you I'll make an exception.

Obama said: First of all, if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan - you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.

His. Plan. Was. Cancelled. Due. to. the. ACA.

Obama lied.

Wilson was right.

Get it?
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.

how did obama lie? seems the company has elected not to cover


I quote...." If you like your plan, you'll be able to keep it."
insurance companies will cancel any high risk policies they can....forcing more p eople into the state exchanges


Listen up you stooges.

Jan 1 ALL INDIVIDUAL policies MUST be ACA compliant.
ALL individual plans in effect today by LAW end Dec 31.

God damn I am sick of ill educated people.
Joe Wilson was 100% correct. Obama is a liar.

(waiting for the "all politicians lie" excuse in 5, 4, 3 . . . .)


Show me exactly where it says illegals can buy ACA from the exchanges.

They cannot.

Wilson lies and he knew he was lying when he did it.

Edited to add - you ASSSume all politicians lie because you're used to teepubs. They lie.

Hell, if they didn't lie, no one would vote for them.

Did you even bother to read what I have posted so far? Didn't think so.

Although as I've stated in another thread I am not the dumbass whisperer. However, for you I'll make an exception.

Obama said: First of all, if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan - you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.

His. Plan. Was. Cancelled. Due. to. the. ACA.

Obama lied.

Wilson was right.

Get it?

First, if your insurance company screws you over, that's not a lie on Obama's part. That's your insurance company screwing you over because that's what insurance companies do and have always done.

Second, that's not what Wilson said.
suddenly you think insurance companies are trustful and honest? really?

He has had his policy for five years. His physical state has improved over the last five years. If the insurance company were going to cancel his policy surely they would have done it when he was sick, no? The ACA is forcing the cancelling of his policy. Fact.

Obama lied when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan.

If he enrolled in the plan before March 23, 2010, the plan would be grandfathered in. He must have purchased the plan after the ACA was passed. If not, then the insurance company chose to close out the plan and no longer offer it. My kids are both on grandfathered plans, so I can keep them on those if I choose, or I can move them to a plan offered in the exchange. I had to purchase their plans separately from mine because Anthem and everyone else denied me coverage when we moved due to a pre-existing condition. I ended up going without insurance for a couple of years until they instituted the high risk pool, which I have been on the past couple of years.
suddenly you think insurance companies are trustful and honest? really?

He has had his policy for five years. His physical state has improved over the last five years. If the insurance company were going to cancel his policy surely they would have done it when he was sick, no? The ACA is forcing the cancelling of his policy. Fact.

Obama lied when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan.

If he enrolled in the plan before March 23, 2010, the plan would be grandfathered in. He must have purchased the plan after the ACA was passed. If not, then the insurance company chose to close out the plan and no longer offer it. My kids are both on grandfathered plans, so I can keep them on those if I choose, or I can move them to a plan offered in the exchange. I had to purchase their plans separately from mine because Anthem and everyone else denied me coverage when we moved due to a pre-existing condition. I ended up going without insurance for a couple of years until they instituted the high risk pool, which I have been on the past couple of years.

No, he's had this plan for five years. Plans that do not meet the ACA requirements are being cancelled.

Just over half of the individual plans currently on the market do not meet the standards to be sold next year, when many key provisions of President Obama's Affordable Care Act kick in, according to a University of Chicago study. That's because the law sets new minimums for the basic coverage every individual health care plan must provide.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

Here's what the new plans must cover:

There’s a lot of talk about essential benefits covered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known to us as ObamaCare. We’ve found the essential benefits that must be covered by every Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Healthcare Exchange Plan.
Essential Health Benefits
Ambulatory patient services
Emergency services
Maternity and newborn care
Prescription drugs
Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
Laboratory services
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management

Essential Benefits of the Healthcare Exchange -

Can you tell me why a 55 year old male must pay for coverage for maternity and newborn care, pediatric services, including oral and vision care?

Obama lied when he said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Whether he gets to keep his doctor is not yet known.
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Show me exactly where it says illegals can buy ACA from the exchanges.

They cannot.

Wilson lies and he knew he was lying when he did it.

Edited to add - you ASSSume all politicians lie because you're used to teepubs. They lie.

Hell, if they didn't lie, no one would vote for them.

Did you even bother to read what I have posted so far? Didn't think so.

Although as I've stated in another thread I am not the dumbass whisperer. However, for you I'll make an exception.

Obama said: First of all, if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan - you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.

His. Plan. Was. Cancelled. Due. to. the. ACA.

Obama lied.

Wilson was right.

Get it?

First, if your insurance company screws you over, that's not a lie on Obama's part. That's your insurance company screwing you over because that's what insurance companies do and have always done.

Second, that's not what Wilson said.

You are a special kind of stupid, Luddly.

One last time. Obama said "IF YOU LIKE YOUR PLAN YOU CAN KEEP IT". My brothers likes his plan but cannot keep it because it is not ACA compliant. OBAMA LIED. His insurance company isn't screwing anyone over, his insurance company is following the law ... the law that obama and the dems shoved down our throats.

Wilson said "YOU LIE". Wilson is correct, OBAMA LIED.
He has had his policy for five years. His physical state has improved over the last five years. If the insurance company were going to cancel his policy surely they would have done it when he was sick, no? The ACA is forcing the cancelling of his policy. Fact.

Obama lied when he said if you liked your plan you could keep your plan.

If he enrolled in the plan before March 23, 2010, the plan would be grandfathered in. He must have purchased the plan after the ACA was passed. If not, then the insurance company chose to close out the plan and no longer offer it. My kids are both on grandfathered plans, so I can keep them on those if I choose, or I can move them to a plan offered in the exchange. I had to purchase their plans separately from mine because Anthem and everyone else denied me coverage when we moved due to a pre-existing condition. I ended up going without insurance for a couple of years until they instituted the high risk pool, which I have been on the past couple of years.

No, he's had this plan for five years. Plans that do not meet the ACA requirements are being cancelled.

Just over half of the individual plans currently on the market do not meet the standards to be sold next year, when many key provisions of President Obama's Affordable Care Act kick in, according to a University of Chicago study. That's because the law sets new minimums for the basic coverage every individual health care plan must provide.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

Here's what the new plans must cover:

There’s a lot of talk about essential benefits covered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known to us as ObamaCare. We’ve found the essential benefits that must be covered by every Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Healthcare Exchange Plan.
Essential Health Benefits
Ambulatory patient services
Emergency services
Maternity and newborn care
Prescription drugs
Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
Laboratory services
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management

Essential Benefits of the Healthcare Exchange -

Can you tell me why a 55 year old male must pay for coverage for maternity and newborn care, pediatric services, including oral and vision care?

Obama lied when he said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Whether he gets to keep his doctor is not yet known.

It's called spreading the risk.
He's not at risk of any of those things, but since he's paying for that, it costs those at risk a lot less.
My insurance would be a lot less if they used the same concept with the tobacco surcharge I'm getting dinged with.
If he enrolled in the plan before March 23, 2010, the plan would be grandfathered in. He must have purchased the plan after the ACA was passed. If not, then the insurance company chose to close out the plan and no longer offer it. My kids are both on grandfathered plans, so I can keep them on those if I choose, or I can move them to a plan offered in the exchange. I had to purchase their plans separately from mine because Anthem and everyone else denied me coverage when we moved due to a pre-existing condition. I ended up going without insurance for a couple of years until they instituted the high risk pool, which I have been on the past couple of years.

No, he's had this plan for five years. Plans that do not meet the ACA requirements are being cancelled.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

Here's what the new plans must cover:

There’s a lot of talk about essential benefits covered by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known to us as ObamaCare. We’ve found the essential benefits that must be covered by every Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Healthcare Exchange Plan.
Essential Health Benefits
Ambulatory patient services
Emergency services
Maternity and newborn care
Prescription drugs
Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
Laboratory services
Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management

Essential Benefits of the Healthcare Exchange -

Can you tell me why a 55 year old male must pay for coverage for maternity and newborn care, pediatric services, including oral and vision care?

Obama lied when he said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Whether he gets to keep his doctor is not yet known.

It's called spreading the risk.
He's not at risk of any of those things, but since he's paying for that, it costs those at risk a lot less.
My insurance would be a lot less if they used the same concept with the tobacco surcharge I'm getting dinged with.

Those who are high risk should be paying more ... because they are a higher risk to insure. The risk should be spread among those who are high risk, not have high risk people get cheaper insurance by lower risk people paying more, by paying for them.

Should a newly licensed 16 year old pay the same for car insurance as a person who has been driving for 30 years with a good track record? Of course not, the 16 year old is a much higher risk and should pay more.
No, he's had this plan for five years. Plans that do not meet the ACA requirements are being cancelled.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

Here's what the new plans must cover:

Essential Benefits of the Healthcare Exchange -

Can you tell me why a 55 year old male must pay for coverage for maternity and newborn care, pediatric services, including oral and vision care?

Obama lied when he said if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Whether he gets to keep his doctor is not yet known.

It's called spreading the risk.
He's not at risk of any of those things, but since he's paying for that, it costs those at risk a lot less.
My insurance would be a lot less if they used the same concept with the tobacco surcharge I'm getting dinged with.

Those who are high risk should be paying more ... because they are a higher risk to insure. The risk should be spread among those who are high risk, not have high risk people get cheaper insurance by lower risk people paying more, by paying for them.

Should a newly licensed 16 year old pay the same for car insurance as a person who has been driving for 30 years with a good track record? Of course not, the 16 year old is a much higher risk and should pay more.
I agree with you.
I was pointing out that women and children's risk is getting spread out to all, but smokers risks are not.
Political correctness run amok that demands your 55 year old brother (and I) help carry the load for maternity and newborn coverage when neither of us can get pregnant.
Show me exactly where it says illegals can buy ACA from the exchanges.
They cannot.

Wilson lies and he knew he was lying when he did it.

Edited to add - you ASSSume all politicians lie because you're used to teepubs. They lie.

Hell, if they didn't lie, no one would vote for them.


"The question, as we all know, arises from the Wilson "You lie" outburst, and the core claim that notwithstanding specific bill language barring illegal immigrants from participating in the "exchange," as a practical matter, there is no way of verifying the citizenship of applicants -- which is the current state of play. Republicans say that then means illegal immigrants would end up being enrolled in plans -- bill language or no bill language."

WH on health care, illegal immigrants - First Read
Well, my brother heard from BC and they while they are cancelling his current policy they are offering 3 different individual plans that are similar to what has been cancelled and that he could purchase through them, rather than having to go the the (un)acaclusterfuck.

His plan that got cancelled was a catastrophic plan that he paid $156/month for. It covered exactly what he needed. Now? I glanced at the costs for each plan, the cheapest was either $250 or $300 per month and now he gets to be covered for meds, rehab, maternity, newborn, pediatric (including vision and dental) and who knows what else.


^ Lying asshat.
My brother just got his letter cancelling his individual health insurance policy. As of Jan 1 he can only get something from the exchanges. He pays $170/month for a catastrophic plan with limited small things covered. I'll update when he finds out what his new insurance plan offers.

If you want to keep the plan you're on, you can do that. - B. Obama

Liar, liar, liar.

how did obama lie? seems the company has elected not to cover

Well, it depends on why they are no longer offering the policy. If it's because of the new regulations dictating 'minimum coverage', then ACA is clearly the cause if it and Obama is made out to be a liar. If that's not the case, and the company is simply cancelling opportunistically and blaming ACA, you may have a point.

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