Another Perv Gets His Just Deserts


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Michigan sports doctor pleads guilty to assaulting gymnasts

"A disgraced Michigan sports doctor who admits he sexually assaulted female gymnasts and possessed child pornography pleaded guilty Wednesday in a third criminal case, acknowledging that he molested girls who sought treatment for injuries.
Larry Nassar, who worked at Michigan State University and at USA Gymnastics, said he molested girls with his hands at Twistars gymnastics club in Eaton County, near Lansing. A week ago, he made a separate but similar guilty plea nearby in Ingham County, the home of his campus clinic.
"Guilty, your honor," Nassar told a judge in response to charges involving a girl under 13 and two teenagers at Twistars, where gymnasts with hip and back injuries would line up to seek his help.
Nassar, 54, has dropped his claim that he was performing legitimate treatment with his ungloved hands.
In a third case, Nassar will be sentenced in federal court on Dec. 7 for possessing child pornography. He faces decades in prison. Meanwhile, more than 100 women and girls are suing him."

The real news the cover up:

"The criminal cases followed reports last year in The Indianapolis Star about how USA Gymnastics mishandled complaints about sexual misconduct involving the doctor and coaches. Women and girls said the stories inspired them to step forward with detailed allegations of abuse."
I can't help but wonder about these long lists of victims. Don't any of them think they should gather their courage to report these animals and make some lists so much shorter?
I can't help but wonder about these long lists of victims. Don't any of them think they should gather their courage to report these animals and make some lists so much shorter?

Is hard sometimes to distinguish a molestation from legitimate treatment---especially in a gymnast who has had a coach's hand or a trainer touch her in what would be inappropriate ways..but in the context of the sport..appropriate. If a trainer is stretching a girl's leg and is touching the upper's just hard to know that the genital fondling that happened in a second was or was not an accident.

Then, of course, there's the trust issue..the authority issue--and the fear issue.

That is why pedophiles that worm their ways into such positions should be shown no mercy when finally caught..the number of this guy's victims...will never be known.
I knew it. Once the COMMIE HOMO infected the Catholic Church it has been straight downhill for American Society. Them HOMOS' would not know the Lord if Jesus Christ himself crawled up their pant-leg and bit them on the pecker. Now it is everywhere. And Clinton gave it an OK.

They just wanted to :
a. Bring down Church
b. Molest young Children.
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I knew it. Once the COMMIE HOMO infected the Catholic Church it has been straight downhill for American Society. Them HOMOS' would not know the Lord if Jesus Christ crawled up their pantleg and bit them on the pecker. Now it is everywhere.

They just wanted to :
a. Bring down Church
b. Molest young Children.

Well...there has been pedophilia in the Catholic Church long before Communism was conceived there's that. There's some good reasons why the Catholic church is hated in so many places..but I'll not waste your time with all that.

Hard as it may be for you to believe..homosexuality has been around for a very long time...and not always in the shadows. The world will survive.
I knew it. Once the COMMIE HOMO infected the Catholic Church it has been straight downhill for American Society. Them HOMOS' would not know the Lord if Jesus Christ himself crawled up their pant-leg and bit them on the pecker. Now it is everywhere. And Clinton gave it an OK.

They just wanted to :
a. Bring down Church
b. Molest young Children.
There has been a lot of abuse in certain churches exposed over the years. Where ever people gather is also were perv's will gravitate unless outed early.
Which deserts would that be? Sahara, Mojave, Mongolian, Namib, Gobi, Kalahari?

I know you used it correctly, but it just looks wrong!
I mix those two words up a lot and try to double check when writing about desserts but miss a lot of times..

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