Another Political Execution Imminent In Iranistan


Jun 29, 2011

Another tragic political execution is regrettably imminent in Tehran, where the mullahs have already murdered 120,000 members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the main opposition movement.

This time the potential victim is 44-year-old Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, who has dual Canadian-Iranian nationality.

Hamid returned to Iran from Canada in May 2008 to visit his elderly mother. He was detained on arrival on suspicion of gathering information for the MEK. He spent 18 months in solitary confinement at the notorious Evin prison in northern Tehran, with no access to his family or legal representation. In 2009, he was convicted and handed a death sentence in a kangaroo court trial that last no more than few minutes

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