Another Prog now having to explain himself to Lucifer about why he allowed millions of his own to die by "CHOICE".

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The when the woman wants the baby the Birth Fairy shows up to make it human.


No, when the woman wants a baby, she allows a tissue mass to live in her body for nine months.

When she doesn't, it's that problem she takes care of next Tuesday.
Roe V. Wade was a political act by unelected dictators, is has NOTHING to do with science. FOLLOW THE SCIENCE. The Maoist democrats HATE science.

Actually, this is where you guys get a bit confused.

Roe v. Wade just recognized what was ALREADY happening. There were abortion laws still on the books, that no one was obeying and no one was enforcing. Much like the contraceptive laws overturned in Griswald v. CT, the law didn't keep up with the science.

Pre-Roe Abortion laws were written at a time before anti-biotics when abortion was still a pretty dangerous proposition. No one cared about fetuses being babies and that's not how the laws were prosecuted. The only time people got arrested for these laws is if they messed up and injured the woman. Women were never prosecuted for having abortions.
Jews are not people either!! They are vermin

I wasn't aware Jews were taking up residence in German bodies. If they were, then no one would really complain about expelling them.

You can't argue that it's not a person on the basis of it being alive, or being human, or that it does not have it's own DNA.

And the proof of that hypocrisy, is that in any other context, you would not support that claim. If for example, a person killed the fetus of an endangered animal, like a Panda, or Tiger or Rhino, you would want them tried.

You would never say "That person isn't killed an endangered Panda... it was just a fetus".

The only justification for murdering that human, is that it is not a "Person".

But the moment you justify murder with the excuse that it is not a 'person', you justify slavery, and genocide. The "it is not a person" excuse is exactly how the Nazis and Slavers supported their actions.

You are the same as them now.
Bullshit Herr Mengele, you science denying pile of shit.

That's not an 8 week fetus, and it still isn't viable. Fetus porn gets you nowhere with me.

It's 6 weeks. It is undeniably human.

You deny science and fact because you are evil and the facts expose it. If we do a DNA test will it come back "mass?" Nope, it's human. If we do an in vitro blood test will it test canine? Nope, human AND distinct from the mother.

You support and glory in the mass slaughter of the most defenseless humans. I don't believe in god, but if there is one, a special place in hell is reserved for those like you.
You can't argue that it's not a person on the basis of it being alive, or being human, or that it does not have it's own DNA.

Actually, you can argue that it's not human because it wouldn't survive separated from it's body. Therefore it's no more a person than a tonsil or an appendix.

And the proof of that hypocrisy, is that in any other context, you would not support that claim. If for example, a person killed the fetus of an endangered animal, like a Panda, or Tiger or Rhino, you would want them tried.

And I know they probably wouldn't be. But that's a case where the species is in danger, not invididuals.

But the moment you justify murder with the excuse that it is not a 'person', you justify slavery, and genocide. The "it is not a person" excuse is exactly how the Nazis and Slavers supported their actions.

Um, no. The problem is, the Nazis and Slavers didn't have people living in their bodies. The problem with your argument isn't just the dubious assertions that a kidney-bean sized fetus is a person, but that it has MORE rights than the woman it is inside.
You deny science and fact because you are evil and the facts expose it. If we do a DNA test will it come back "mass?" Nope, it's human. If we do an in vitro blood test will it test canine? Nope, human AND distinct from the mother.

And if we pull it out of the woman's uterus, it will die. Not human.
Actually, you can argue that it's not human because it wouldn't survive separated from it's body. Therefore it's no more a person than a tonsil or an appendix.

Because you are anti-science, you will argue all sorts of ignorant and false things.

You reveal that your ignorance is only exceeded by your dishonesty. Tell me Herr Mengele, are Wuhan virus patients on ventilators human? Not according to your ignorant, antiscience idiocy.

And I know they probably wouldn't be. But that's a case where the species is in danger, not invididuals.

Would you kill a thousand adults to save a single panda? A million?

Sure you would

Um, no. The problem is, the Nazis and Slavers didn't have people living in their bodies. The problem with your argument isn't just the dubious assertions that a kidney-bean sized fetus is a person, but that it has MORE rights than the woman it is inside.

They had Jews living in their country - and like you, they thought killing them was a great idea..

The only right that is demanded is the right to live - a right that is absolutely afforded the mother.

You are a liar, anti-science, and pure evil.

But other than that, you're a real pile of shit.
And if we pull it out of the woman's uterus, it will die. Not human.

Your rejection of science and fact is noted.

If we hang you by the neck like we did those just like you in Nuremberg, you will die, You're not human.
You can't argue that it's not a person on the basis of it being alive, or being human, or that it does not have it's own DNA.

Actually, you can argue that it's not human because it wouldn't survive separated from it's body. Therefore it's no more a person than a tonsil or an appendix.

And the proof of that hypocrisy, is that in any other context, you would not support that claim. If for example, a person killed the fetus of an endangered animal, like a Panda, or Tiger or Rhino, you would want them tried.

And I know they probably wouldn't be. But that's a case where the species is in danger, not invididuals.

But the moment you justify murder with the excuse that it is not a 'person', you justify slavery, and genocide. The "it is not a person" excuse is exactly how the Nazis and Slavers supported their actions.

Um, no. The problem is, the Nazis and Slavers didn't have people living in their bodies. The problem with your argument isn't just the dubious assertions that a kidney-bean sized fetus is a person, but that it has MORE rights than the woman it is inside.

Actually, you can argue that it's not human because it wouldn't survive separated from it's body.

Show me where any definition of any animal, is dependent on it being outside the body.

And I know they probably wouldn't be. But that's a case where the species is in danger, not invididuals.

So it is only the species that it genetically is, if it is endanger? What a quack view. Nothing science about that argument.

Um, no. The problem is, the Nazis and Slavers didn't have people living in their bodies. The problem with your argument isn't just the dubious assertions that a kidney-bean sized fetus is a person, but that it has MORE rights than the woman it is inside

Not relevant.
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