Another reason to LOVE AOC.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
BirthStrikers: meet the women who refuse to have children until climate change ends

A movement of women have decided not to procreate in response to the coming ‘climate breakdown and civilisation collapse’. Will their protest be a catalyst for change?

No, but it will protect the gene pool and reduce the rates of abortion.

Pepino, who turns 33 today, found that other women – especially those in climate-conscious circles – were struggling with the same question, but were “too afraid to talk about it” for fear of judgment or ridicule. The US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave voice to their concerns last month, pointing to the increasingly dire scientific consensus and widespread government inaction: “It does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK still to have children?”

People stupid enough to continue to fall for the MMGW hoax have no business reproducing. I recently heard that Lena Duhnam had a hysterectomy and I could not have been more relieved. With bed wetters going queer just as a fashion trend, aborting whatever genetic garbage they don't swallow and now deliberately avoiding having children we may very well see the country and the world become a cooler place to live once the last of these regressive pinheaded hags die off in a few decades.

I want to thank Alexandria Occasional Cortex for influencing stupid libturds to keep their wombs as barren and empty as their skulls are. This is truly wonderful news.

ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!
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ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

They're scared of her I think.

That's it.

That's why I'm praising her for keeping liberal genetic garbage from reproducing.


I think she's a republicrat plant, the DNC is afraid of her. Ask Rahm Emmanuel.
It actually gives me hope. In a few decades there will be mostly conservatives roaming the earth. Lol
ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

They're scared of her I think.

You think wrong. LOL

She is a gift. Especially since the left wing media keeps her in the public eye. That's right, keep making the raving incompetent socialist the DNC Poster Child.

Cow Farts and Trans-Atlantic Railroad 2020.

Yeah, buddy...that's a sure fire winner you got there.
ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

"Like ummmmm, you know ...uhhh….I feel know it's just AWESOME that I'm ummmm you know like the boss now".
She's a real intellectual giant.
It actually gives me hope. In a few decades there will be mostly conservatives roaming the earth. Lol

If we remove some safety barriers from heavy machinery and take away some safety warnings we could speed the process up and have ZERO liberals.

ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

Be honest, you guys have had lots of fun bashing Trump every single day. this is just what happens. deal with it.
It appears one of our snowflakes is melting over the number of AOC threads created per day.

Perhaps we should limit the number of threads per celebrity a day?

Say, 5 threads per AOC a day?

5 threads per Trump a day?

5 threads per Pelosi a day?

etc etc

More? Less?

Would that's make the snowflakes happy?
ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

Be honest, you guys have had lots of fun bashing Trump every single day. this is just what happens. deal with it.

Blackfag is a stupid turd...

No One is "bashing" AOC.

I'm even suggesting she is BRILLIANT and quite possibly someone to be honored as an agent of freedom who is destroying the DNC from inside.

ANOTHER AOC thread by a butthurt conservative! What’s the record for one day? We must be getting close, and it’s still morning!

They're scared of her I think.

You think wrong. LOL

She is a gift. Especially since the left wing media keeps her in the public eye. That's right, keep making the raving incompetent socialist the DNC Poster Child.

Cow Farts and Trans-Atlantic Railroad 2020.

Yeah, buddy...that's a sure fire winner you got there.

You just don't understand how this shit works if you think making her famous is going to help you out regardless of her naivety.
BirthStrikers: meet the women who refuse to have children until climate change ends

A movement of women have decided not to procreate in response to the coming ‘climate breakdown and civilisation collapse’. Will their protest be a catalyst for change?

No, but it will protect the gene pool and reduce the rates of abortion.

Pepino, who turns 33 today, found that other women – especially those in climate-conscious circles – were struggling with the same question, but were “too afraid to talk about it” for fear of judgment or ridicule. The US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave voice to their concerns last month, pointing to the increasingly dire scientific consensus and widespread government inaction: “It does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK still to have children?”

People stupid enough to continue to fall for the MMGW hoax have no business reproducing. I recently heard that Lena Duhnam had a hysterectomy and I could not have been more relieved. With bed wetters going queer just as a fashion trend, aborting whatever genetic garbage they don't swallow and now deliberately avoiding having children we may very well see the country and the world become a cooler place to live once the last of these regressive pinheaded hags die off in a few decades.

I want to thank Alexandria Occasional Cortex for influencing stupid libturds to keep their wombs as barren and empty as their skulls are. This is truly wonderful news.


Wait, wouldn't this be a good thing? Certainly there would be fewer libs in the coming years.
It appears one of our snowflakes is melting over the number of AOC threads created per day.

Perhaps we should limit the number of threads per celebrity a day?

Say, 5 threads per AOC a day?

5 threads per Trump a day?

5 threads per Pelosi a day?

etc etc

More? Less?

Would that's make the snowflakes happy?
Was it you, snowflake? Did I make you feel bullied? :itsok:

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