Plan to lower inflation

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I was with you until you got to the bolded text. Our foreign aid is a drop in the bucket compared to Biden's reckless spending on programs that nobody wants or needs causing the inflation. Eliminate the Inflation Reduction Act and those "green energy projects" and you might actually reduce inflation.
I don't disagree, but we still need to stop sending money to countries that hate us, full stop.
I don't disagree, but we still need to stop sending money to countries that hate us, full stop.

We are getting to the point where the is just about every nation on the planet. So, we could save a ton.
Yes, the military is one of the few required things from the Govt. But being the world's police force is not. Having a base in more than 80 countries is not.

Removing antiquated systems and modernizing to a better tech advantage cost more, not less.

Russia has been proven to be a paper tiger, and if not for their nukes nobody would give them a second thought.

China is not looking to control the world with their military as the US has done, they are looking for an economic victory. Wars lose them customers, which is the thing they need the most.

That is why during the time the US was wasting trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan China was building ports in South America and strengthening its ties with Panama while the US could not even be bothered to have an ambassador to the country for more than 4 years.

Did you ever ask why we have bases overseas? Ever hear of the USS Cole? If we had sufficient bases and tanker capabilities, the ship would not have to refuel in a foreign port and be attacked by terrorists. The number of bases we have now compared to when I served in the 80s and 90s is miniscule. Cutting even more doesn't help. Most of our foreign bases are already collocated with our allies, especially those in NATO.
The list of those who hate us will shrink back to the original nutbar countries once Biden is out of office.

You cult members are just too much.

First off, Trump is not looked upon fondly by any but a few world leaders, you know Un and Xi and Putin and Orbán.

But more than that, it is that the US is no longer a reliable ally, no agreement made is now safe and is subject to the whim of whomever the next POTUS is.

We shit on those that should be our strongest allies. Hell, look at Panama. There is questionably no more important strategic country in the world due to the canal. And we cannot even bother to appoint an actual ambassador for 4 years, spanning both Trump and Biden Admins. Then we whine while China is gaining power and influence there.
You cult members are just too much.

First off, Trump is not looked upon fondly by any but a few world leaders, you know Un and Xi and Putin and Orbán.

But more than that, it is that the US is no longer a reliable ally, no agreement made is now safe and is subject to the whim of whomever the next POTUS is.

We shit on those that should be our strongest allies. Hell, look at Panama. There is questionably no more important strategic country in the world due to the canal. And we cannot even bother to appoint an actual ambassador for 4 years, spanning both Trump and Biden Admins. Then we whine while China is gaining power and influence there.
The Panamanians were already playing footsie with the Chinese, or did you just ignore that little tidbit of information? If an ambassador could not prevent it before, why would it matter now after they sold out?
You cult members are just too much.

First off, Trump is not looked upon fondly by any but a few world leaders, you know Un and Xi and Putin and Orbán.

But more than that, it is that the US is no longer a reliable ally, no agreement made is now safe and is subject to the whim of whomever the next POTUS is.

We shit on those that should be our strongest allies. Hell, look at Panama. There is questionably no more important strategic country in the world due to the canal. And we cannot even bother to appoint an actual ambassador for 4 years, spanning both Trump and Biden Admins. Then we whine while China is gaining power and influence there.
You have little room to call anyone a 'cult' member. When Trump was President, we had standing in the world and on the world stage. Trump actually won a lot of respect in many areas of foreign diplomacy. Just by refusing to retaliate against Iran when they attacked our ships in anything but 'in kind' when the entire US wanted a full-out bombing campaign against them.

But I don't take accusations of cult too seriously from people who have been gaslighting the USA for the past four years with tales about Biden being fully robust and capable of leading this country.

I was keeping is civil, but yet again, we see one of the progressive cults going to hate rhetoric when they can't persuade someone to their point of view.

Is it any wonder that the country is slowly realizing that all the ills in this nation have arisen from the left?
You have little room to call anyone a 'cult' member.

And why is that? Is it because I dislike Biden as much as I do Trump? Is it because I have not voted for the Duopoly since 1992?

When Trump was President, we had standing in the world and on the world stage.

We were mocked then like we are now. Other world leaders openly laughed at Trump.

But I don't take accusations of cult too seriously from people who have been gaslighting the USA for the past four years with allies about Biden being fully robust and capable of leading this country.

Do not include me in that group. I made a bet with my wife after Biden won that he would resign before the start of 2023 due to being too old and his growing dementia.

You clearly have no idea of what my views are.

I was keeping is civil, but yet again, we see one of the progressive cults going to hate rhetoric when they can't persuade someone to their point of view.

Did I hurt your little cultist feelings?

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