Plan to lower inflation

Remove or drastically decline government cash injections into the economy. This includes demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and monetary factors, such as increased consumer spending, government spending, rising wages, taxes, rapidly injecting the money supply through policies, etc. The more money available to consumers, the more risk there is for inflation to increase.
All things the Biden administration has done the last 3 1/2 years.
Yes and we won't need this if we get everyone working again... Libs in government want people in need of them.... so they set out to slow the economy every time they get control...
Undo everything Joe Biden did... drill baby drill get our energy sector moving again and you will see prices dropping again... lower the cost of shipping and manufacturing.... simple math....

is this the only talking point you can parrot?
Here we go again... oil production will always go up... it has to to keep up with demand... but we could be and should be drilling for even more and selling it again....
We need to be fracking again and selling natural gas... these links that say we are producing more oil also leaves out what type of oil we are still drilling for today... cheep dirty thick crude used mainly for plastics and paint products things like this not fuel... this is why gas at the pump is still stubbornly higher than it should be....
As for the Military, the one rational and legitimate spending of the Feds, an assessment of our depletion of stockpiles for NATO adventurism must be conducted. I can get behind removing antiquated systems and modernizing to a better tech advantage, but the fact remains. There are two superpowers (even though many say they are not) that are gunning for us and at least two regions in the world that require the US to be prepared for an all-out war. The military budget should be the last consideration, but not off the table.

Yes, the military is one of the few required things from the Govt. But being the world's police force is not. Having a base in more than 80 countries is not.

Removing antiquated systems and modernizing to a better tech advantage cost more, not less.

Russia has been proven to be a paper tiger, and if not for their nukes nobody would give them a second thought.

China is not looking to control the world with their military as the US has done, they are looking for an economic victory. Wars lose them customers, which is the thing they need the most.

That is why during the time the US was wasting trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan China was building ports in South America and strengthening its ties with Panama while the US could not even be bothered to have an ambassador to the country for more than 4 years.
So we need less money in the hands of real americans(those working hard paycheck to paycheck)?
Extremely high-level -- We need less government cash injection into the economy, which isn't driving innovation (and other items such as infrastructure), and stop with the constant patterns of bail-out injections.
Two wrongs don't make a right, and doesn't mitigate that government injection of cash into the economy impacts inflation.

It doesn't BUT that was my point. It was TWO wrongs, not just one. (Actually it was 5-6 wrongs)
Here we go again... oil production will always go up... it has to to keep up with demand... but we could be and should be drilling for even more and selling it again....

All time record production. We are producing more.

We are keeping up with demand.

It makes zero sense to produce at an excess. That increases prices in the long term because it's far more expensive to store it above ground than under it.

We need to be fracking again and selling natural gas... these links that say we are producing more oil also leaves out what type of oil we are still drilling for today... cheep dirty thick crude used mainly for plastics and paint products things like this not fuel... this is why gas at the pump is still stubbornly higher than it should be....

It's appx .33 cents a gallon in 1965 dollars. All things considered oil is pretty average right now.
All time record production. We are producing more.

We are keeping up with demand.

It makes zero sense to produce at an excess. That increases prices in the long term because it's far more expensive to store it above ground than under it.

It's appx .33 cents a gallon in 1965 dollars. All things considered oil is pretty average right now.
You just ignored everything I told you... that shows you don't want to learn and this is why you and your party is losing....
Yes, the military is one of the few required things from the Govt. But being the world's police force is not. Having a base in more than 80 countries is not.

Removing antiquated systems and modernizing to a better tech advantage cost more, not less.

Russia has been proven to be a paper tiger, and if not for their nukes nobody would give them a second thought.

China is not looking to control the world with their military as the US has done, they are looking for an economic victory. Wars lose them customers, which is the thing they need the most.

That is why during the time the US was wasting trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan China was building ports in South America and strengthening its ties with Panama while the US could not even be bothered to have an ambassador to the country for more than 4 years.
No, the offset is the loss of antiquated systems support.

Russia has NOT been proven to be a paper tiger. They would have already won this thing if not for the intervention of NATO, and at best, the West has only fought them off to a standstill. That is not the mark of a paper tiger when fully 3/4 of the western world is dumping resources into it.

China has ONLY one goal. The be the ONLY world superpower. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.

I guess you think you have a 'gotcha' with the Afghanistan and Iraq statement. But I have always been of the mind that we do in, break every fucking thing, and then go home. I'm still of that mindset.

Israel is showing the way in their 'take no quarter' approach to breaking Hamas.

Either way, there is more than enough to cut from the budget without having to gut the Military. People will disagree. IDGAF if they do.
Russia has NOT been proven to be a paper tiger. They would have already won this thing if not for the intervention of NATO, and at best, the West has only fought them off to a standstill. That is not the mark of a paper tiger when fully 3/4 of the western world is dumping resources into it.

Yes, the west intervened with some money and some equipment. No troops, no help fighting, none of that. Had the west done so this would have been over in a week. And right now Russia cannot afforded to win or lose as their entire economy is being kept alive by the spending on this war.

Nobody that has been paying attention fears anything out of Russia but their nukes.

China has ONLY one goal. The be the ONLY world superpower. To believe otherwise is to ignore reality.

Indeed they do, and they will do so via economic means not military. And we are helping them achieve their goals

I guess you think you have a 'gotcha' with the Afghanistan and Iraq statement. But I have always been of the mind that we do in, break every fucking thing, and then go home. I'm still of that mindset.

No, I am just pointing out the facts.
Yes, the west intervened with some money and some equipment. No troops, no help fighting, none of that. Had the west done so this would have been over in a week. And right now Russia cannot afforded to win or lose as their entire economy is being kept alive by the spending on this war.

Nobody that has been paying attention fears anything out of Russia but their nukes.

Indeed they do, and they will do so via economic means not military. And we are helping them achieve their goals

No, I am just pointing out the facts.
They will do so via any means that provides them an advantage. Taiwain will provide them a significant advantage in economy power.

You are just wrong about Russia and its economy. It is not failing like the gaslighters would have you believe, but I don't really expect supporters of a war that could have been prevented to backtrack now with something sensible, like a negotiated peace.

Nothing will do that we have to bankrupt our country for a war that has no end in sight.
By a record amount. We would not be producing more today under Trump. we always have to keep up with demand or the nation grinds to a halt.... but we need to produce much more than enough to keep the gears turning... and Joe closed off the best sites on public land and off shore... Trump will reopen them day one... day two the price at the pump will drop like a rock... gas prices are speculative so just opening existing sites that Joe closed will bring the pump price down....

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