Another Republican fesses up about the Benghazi Sham inquisistion..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
You do the crock of shit "yellowcake" investigations, Republicans do this. you are both an embarassment to your country
First he said he quit. It was then shown that he was fired. No credibility.

I bet Hill slipped a hand into his pocket, though.

And you know what? Even if it is partisan, that's life. Somebody fucked up. We need to find out who and why.
Doesn't matter.

Any legal trickery that might prevent the female half of that corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team from gaining executive power is actually a public service.

Was Shrillary and her department responsible-for or culpable-in the weakened state of that Consulate or the attack or the deaths of our people there or delays in reacting?

Did Shrillary and her department try to cover-up any of the facts or matters or events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, or its aftermath?

Did Shrillary and her department fail to quell public outrage directed at her and State, regarding the incident?


The she and her department cohorts deserve (metaphorical, legal) public crucifixion.


At least the dust-up served to given Shrillary a black eye and lessened her support amongst the clueless Sheep who are content that corrupt teflon charismatics rule over them.


America doesn't need any more political family dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys, Romneys, etc.) - we need fresh faces and fresh ideas.

Shrillary is part of The Old Guard and part of Business-as-Usual - part of the problem, not the solution.

She is also half of the most potentially corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to disgrace and soil the American political landscape.

Enough, already.
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Seems to me that if you're going to put on a big show going after a high-profile figure - especially a likely presidential contender, holy crap - you need to be absolutely certain that you have them dead to rights, hand in the cookie jar, stone cold nailed before you even hold the first meeting.

This has been nothing more than an ongoing rambling wreck, and now it's essentially a punchline.
Seems to me that if you're going to put on a big show going after a high-profile figure - especially a likely presidential contender, holy crap - you need to be absolutely certain that you have them dead to rights, hand in the cookie jar, stone cold nailed before you even hold the first meeting.

This has been nothing more than an ongoing rambling wreck, and now it's essentially a punchline.

Pubs can play the Idiot every bit as well as the Dems.

Overlooking things that any sharp 4th or 5th-grader would have thought of.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the box.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Yes the far left hides information then can not understand why this is on going..

Just know this story has been debunked and you far left drones are now reaching..
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.
Fun, ain't it?

Anything (legal) to prevent Teflon Donna (and Bubba) from re-gaining power.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Yes the far left hides information then can not understand why this is on going..

Just know this story has been debunked and you far left drones are now reaching..

It's not "debunked" at all.

The national media is still reporting on this.

What's been "debunked" and continues to be "debunked" is the sham investigations perpetrated by the Republicans.

Hopefully it leads to some legal consequences.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.
Fun, ain't it?

Anything (legal) to prevent Teflon Donna (and Bubba) from re-gaining power.

We have something in this country to "prevent" that.

They are called "elections".
Doesn't matter.

Any legal trickery that might prevent the female half of that corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team from gaining executive power is actually a public service.

Was Shrillary and her department responsible-for or culpable-in the weakened state of that Consulate or the attack or the deaths of our people there or delays in reacting?

Did Shrillary and her department try to cover-up any of the facts or matters or events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, or its aftermath?

Did Shrillary and her department fail to quell public outrage directed at her and State, regarding the incident?


The she and her department cohorts deserve (metaphorical, legal) public crucifixion.


At least the dust-up served to given Shrillary a black eye and lessened her support amongst the clueless Sheep who are content that corrupt teflon charismatics rule over them.


America doesn't need any more political family dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys, Romneys, etc.) - we need fresh faces and fresh ideas.

Shrillary is part of The Old Guard and part of Business-as-Usual - part of the problem, not the solution.

She is also half of the most potentially corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to disgrace and soil the American political landscape.

Enough, already.
And this is what the Far Right only cares about.
Doesn't matter.

Any legal trickery that might prevent the female half of that corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team from gaining executive power is actually a public service.

Was Shrillary and her department responsible-for or culpable-in the weakened state of that Consulate or the attack or the deaths of our people there or delays in reacting?

Did Shrillary and her department try to cover-up any of the facts or matters or events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, or its aftermath?

Did Shrillary and her department fail to quell public outrage directed at her and State, regarding the incident?


The she and her department cohorts deserve (metaphorical, legal) public crucifixion.


At least the dust-up served to given Shrillary a black eye and lessened her support amongst the clueless Sheep who are content that corrupt teflon charismatics rule over them.


America doesn't need any more political family dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys, Romneys, etc.) - we need fresh faces and fresh ideas.

Shrillary is part of The Old Guard and part of Business-as-Usual - part of the problem, not the solution.

She is also half of the most potentially corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to disgrace and soil the American political landscape.

Enough, already.
And this is what the Far Right only cares about.

Of course it is..

They come up with this bullshit about not wanting Dynastic rule after subjecting us to Dynastic rule.
You liberals just don't care about your elected asses BREAKING the law. You didn't with Bill Clinton so why should we be surprised you wouldn't care about his corrupted wife doing it.
you are pathetic in who you go out on a limb for
Doesn't matter.

Any legal trickery that might prevent the female half of that corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team from gaining executive power is actually a public service.

Was Shrillary and her department responsible-for or culpable-in the weakened state of that Consulate or the attack or the deaths of our people there or delays in reacting?

Did Shrillary and her department try to cover-up any of the facts or matters or events leading up to the attack, the attack itself, or its aftermath?

Did Shrillary and her department fail to quell public outrage directed at her and State, regarding the incident?


The she and her department cohorts deserve (metaphorical, legal) public crucifixion.


At least the dust-up served to given Shrillary a black eye and lessened her support amongst the clueless Sheep who are content that corrupt teflon charismatics rule over them.


America doesn't need any more political family dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys, Romneys, etc.) - we need fresh faces and fresh ideas.

Shrillary is part of The Old Guard and part of Business-as-Usual - part of the problem, not the solution.

She is also half of the most potentially corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to disgrace and soil the American political landscape.

Enough, already.
Thanks for admitting you have no principles whatsoever.

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