ANOTHER Solar company files bankruptcy!!!

Germany: A shining Example of Solar Success

No doubt conservatives were against the horseless carriage.

Hmmm...correct me if I'm wrong on this Junky but I don't recall the US government bankrolling Henry Ford. Gee, how DID we ever develop the automobile without government stimulus money?

What about Tom Edison, the guy that was just retired for inventing the light bulb. Wonder how much government money he got??

Heck, I don't think Steve Jobs had any stimulus money to get started either. Now that I think about it I wonder if Hewlett & Packard did??
ALL energy projections have renewables providing........AT MOST........7% of our eneergy needs by 2030.
Solar and wind are a joke...............another utopian nightmare for the rest of us.
The single most biggest reason the left are against drilling and using our own resources, we have about 600 years worth of oil and gas that can be used "Thats just what we have discovered so far", which would make us into an exporter and no doubt would pay down our debt and put us on a track to be successful, which would go against the radical green agenda. Who would take green energy seriously if we where bringing in trillions a year off of oil and gas?
These loans to these solar companies where for nothing more than a loan to be held onto and for it to be kicked back into democrat reelection coffers. The multiple bankruptcies should be more than enough proof for that.
The single most biggest reason the left are against drilling and using our own resources, we have about 600 years worth of oil and gas that can be used "Thats just what we have discovered so far", which would make us into an exporter and no doubt would pay down our debt and put us on a track to be successful, which would go against the radical green agenda. Who would take green energy seriously if we where bringing in trillions a year off of oil and gas?
These loans to these solar companies where for nothing more than a loan to be held onto and for it to be kicked back into democrat reelection coffers. The multiple bankruptcies should be more than enough proof for that.

^^ Precisely. Money laundering to Obama's buddies and the Democrats.
It's an election year, they where only given the money to hold onto until this year "Not to develope anything", they will put the money into Obamas election coffers and then file bankruptcy, but they will also get a kick back for participating in Obamas election scheme. The most fucked up thing is, noone is investigating this shit.
No one has the spine to investigate it.
Germany: A shining Example of Solar Success

No doubt conservatives were against the horseless carriage.

And back in the real world.....Interesting how when you look at a non biased source the story is far different.

The costs of subsidizing solar electricity have exceeded the 100-billion-euro mark in Germany, but poor results are jeopardizing the country's transition to renewable energy. The government is struggling to come up with a new concept to promote the inefficient technology in the future.

"Until now, Merkel had consistently touted the environmental sector's "opportunities for exports, development, technology and jobs." But now even members of her own staff are calling it a massive money pit.

New numbers issued by the pro-industry Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI) will only add fuel to the fire. The experts calculated the additional costs to consumers after more solar systems were connected to the grid than in any other previous month in December. Under Germany's Renewable Energy Law, each new system qualifies for 20 years of subsidies. A mountain of future payment obligations is beginning to take shape in front of consumers' eyes.

According to the RWI, the solar energy systems connected to the grid in 2011 alone will cost electricity customers about €18 billion in subsidy costs over the next 20 years. "The demand for subsidies is growing and growing," says RWI expert Manuel Frondel. If all commitments to pay subsidies so far are added together, Frondel adds, "we have already exceeded the €100 billion level."

The RWI also expects the green energy surcharge on electricity bills to go up again soon. It is currently 3.59 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity, a number the German government had actually pledged to cap at 3.5 cents. But because of the most recent developments, RWI expert Frondel predicts that the surcharge will soon increase to 4.7 cents per kilowatt hour. For the average family, this would amount to an additional charge of about €200 a year, in addition to the actual cost of electricity. Solar energy has the potential to become the most expensive mistake in German environmental policy. Berlin energy economist Georg Erdmann, a member of the monitoring group on the energy transition appointed by Chancellor Merkel, views the expansion of solar energy as a threat to the planned nuclear phase-out."

Solar Subsidy Sinkhole: Re-Evaluating Germany's Blind Faith in the Sun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Germany: A shining Example of Solar Success

No doubt conservatives were against the horseless carriage.

And back in the real world.....Interesting how when you look at a non biased source the story is far different.

The costs of subsidizing solar electricity have exceeded the 100-billion-euro mark in Germany, but poor results are jeopardizing the country's transition to renewable energy. The government is struggling to come up with a new concept to promote the inefficient technology in the future.

"Until now, Merkel had consistently touted the environmental sector's "opportunities for exports, development, technology and jobs." But now even members of her own staff are calling it a massive money pit.

New numbers issued by the pro-industry Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI) will only add fuel to the fire. The experts calculated the additional costs to consumers after more solar systems were connected to the grid than in any other previous month in December. Under Germany's Renewable Energy Law, each new system qualifies for 20 years of subsidies. A mountain of future payment obligations is beginning to take shape in front of consumers' eyes.

According to the RWI, the solar energy systems connected to the grid in 2011 alone will cost electricity customers about €18 billion in subsidy costs over the next 20 years. "The demand for subsidies is growing and growing," says RWI expert Manuel Frondel. If all commitments to pay subsidies so far are added together, Frondel adds, "we have already exceeded the €100 billion level."

The RWI also expects the green energy surcharge on electricity bills to go up again soon. It is currently 3.59 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity, a number the German government had actually pledged to cap at 3.5 cents. But because of the most recent developments, RWI expert Frondel predicts that the surcharge will soon increase to 4.7 cents per kilowatt hour. For the average family, this would amount to an additional charge of about €200 a year, in addition to the actual cost of electricity. Solar energy has the potential to become the most expensive mistake in German environmental policy. Berlin energy economist Georg Erdmann, a member of the monitoring group on the energy transition appointed by Chancellor Merkel, views the expansion of solar energy as a threat to the planned nuclear phase-out."

Solar Subsidy Sinkhole: Re-Evaluating Germany's Blind Faith in the Sun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Spain also backtracked from it awhile ago as well...( From 2009):

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study
Germany: A shining Example of Solar Success

No doubt conservatives were against the horseless carriage.

And back in the real world.....Interesting how when you look at a non biased source the story is far different.

The costs of subsidizing solar electricity have exceeded the 100-billion-euro mark in Germany, but poor results are jeopardizing the country's transition to renewable energy. The government is struggling to come up with a new concept to promote the inefficient technology in the future.

"Until now, Merkel had consistently touted the environmental sector's "opportunities for exports, development, technology and jobs." But now even members of her own staff are calling it a massive money pit.

New numbers issued by the pro-industry Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI) will only add fuel to the fire. The experts calculated the additional costs to consumers after more solar systems were connected to the grid than in any other previous month in December. Under Germany's Renewable Energy Law, each new system qualifies for 20 years of subsidies. A mountain of future payment obligations is beginning to take shape in front of consumers' eyes.

According to the RWI, the solar energy systems connected to the grid in 2011 alone will cost electricity customers about €18 billion in subsidy costs over the next 20 years. "The demand for subsidies is growing and growing," says RWI expert Manuel Frondel. If all commitments to pay subsidies so far are added together, Frondel adds, "we have already exceeded the €100 billion level."

The RWI also expects the green energy surcharge on electricity bills to go up again soon. It is currently 3.59 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity, a number the German government had actually pledged to cap at 3.5 cents. But because of the most recent developments, RWI expert Frondel predicts that the surcharge will soon increase to 4.7 cents per kilowatt hour. For the average family, this would amount to an additional charge of about €200 a year, in addition to the actual cost of electricity. Solar energy has the potential to become the most expensive mistake in German environmental policy. Berlin energy economist Georg Erdmann, a member of the monitoring group on the energy transition appointed by Chancellor Merkel, views the expansion of solar energy as a threat to the planned nuclear phase-out."

Solar Subsidy Sinkhole: Re-Evaluating Germany's Blind Faith in the Sun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Spain also backtracked from it awhile ago as well...( From 2009):

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

Indeed they did. Solar is very usable on a small scale. However, when they attempt to scale it up to provide power for a large area they invariably fail. It doesn't work large scale. It just doesn't.

I am consulting with a novel solar project however that may work large scale in very specialised areas. We will see.
And back in the real world.....Interesting how when you look at a non biased source the story is far different.

The costs of subsidizing solar electricity have exceeded the 100-billion-euro mark in Germany, but poor results are jeopardizing the country's transition to renewable energy. The government is struggling to come up with a new concept to promote the inefficient technology in the future.

"Until now, Merkel had consistently touted the environmental sector's "opportunities for exports, development, technology and jobs." But now even members of her own staff are calling it a massive money pit.

New numbers issued by the pro-industry Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI) will only add fuel to the fire. The experts calculated the additional costs to consumers after more solar systems were connected to the grid than in any other previous month in December. Under Germany's Renewable Energy Law, each new system qualifies for 20 years of subsidies. A mountain of future payment obligations is beginning to take shape in front of consumers' eyes.

According to the RWI, the solar energy systems connected to the grid in 2011 alone will cost electricity customers about €18 billion in subsidy costs over the next 20 years. "The demand for subsidies is growing and growing," says RWI expert Manuel Frondel. If all commitments to pay subsidies so far are added together, Frondel adds, "we have already exceeded the €100 billion level."

The RWI also expects the green energy surcharge on electricity bills to go up again soon. It is currently 3.59 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity, a number the German government had actually pledged to cap at 3.5 cents. But because of the most recent developments, RWI expert Frondel predicts that the surcharge will soon increase to 4.7 cents per kilowatt hour. For the average family, this would amount to an additional charge of about €200 a year, in addition to the actual cost of electricity. Solar energy has the potential to become the most expensive mistake in German environmental policy. Berlin energy economist Georg Erdmann, a member of the monitoring group on the energy transition appointed by Chancellor Merkel, views the expansion of solar energy as a threat to the planned nuclear phase-out."

Solar Subsidy Sinkhole: Re-Evaluating Germany's Blind Faith in the Sun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Spain also backtracked from it awhile ago as well...( From 2009):

Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

Indeed they did. Solar is very usable on a small scale. However, when they attempt to scale it up to provide power for a large area they invariably fail. It doesn't work large scale. It just doesn't.

I am consulting with a novel solar project however that may work large scale in very specialised areas. We will see.
Would be interesting to see the outcome. Right now in my view? They just aren't ready for primetime as are already avaible sources of energy financially.
It is not that solar panels are not selling, it is just that we are buying cheap Chinese solar panels.

We cannot compete with cheap world labor and will be declining more.

spending stimulus money to prop up products that can be imported easially is pretty much just our tax dollars paying for R&D that will be used to make products in China.
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I is not that solar panels are not selling, it is just that we are buying cheap Chinese solar panels.

We cannot compete with cheap world labor and will de declining more.

So buying cheap is worse than spending more than you have to?? I can buy paper plates made in the USA at Walmart cheaper than I can at the grocery store. So do I pay more because I need to support a grocery store or is it better I support my family first.

If you're going to compete in a World Market, you'd better get on board or the ship will sail without you. :eusa_whistle:
i'm in a Chinese solar stock and that sucker is up over two bucks since November. XXXXXX

I would hope so, they're getting millions of your tax dollars so i hope you get something back!
I is not that solar panels are not selling, it is just that we are buying cheap Chinese solar panels.

We cannot compete with cheap world labor and will de declining more.

So buying cheap is worse than spending more than you have to?? I can buy paper plates made in the USA at Walmart cheaper than I can at the grocery store. So do I pay more because I need to support a grocery store or is it better I support my family first.

If you're going to compete in a World Market, you'd better get on board or the ship will sail without you. :eusa_whistle:

did that muss your hair when it whizzed by?

We must lower our labor rates to board the ship.
You ready to do your part with a 90% pay cut?
i'm in a Chinese solar stock and that sucker is up over two bucks since November.
Well great for YOU. Wanna medal or a chest to pin it on?

weird response.
Nothing weird of it. You seem to be rooting for the O...


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