Another Stupid Foreign Policy Moment...

You would think Obama would have a solid understanding of history with his Uncle liberating Auschwitz and all

It's Obama's "Fuck You" to the Jewish Vote
We have a very well educated man as our POTUS. How could he make such an insulting remark in Poland.

Oct. 26, 2009 in Jacksonville, Fla., President Obama mispronounced the word 'corpsman' as 'corpse man.
Feb 4, 2010 ... FYI, Obama, “Navy Corpsman” is pronounced “core-man”, not “corpse-man”.President Obama also said it the same way twice.
There were many Democrats who were afraid of him doing it again on Memorial Day.
His speech writers are pretty damn stupid. However, such a very well educated POTUS should have caught these mistakes. Does Obama practice his speeches or even just read them?
I wonder how many offended posters on this thread have previously made statements to the effect of "Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks of us!"?
He has, and it is time for the Polish Prime Minister to accept the apology and get over it. That is the feeling over here in Europe, it should not have been made into such a big deal.

"But to say that this has been a public relations disaster for the Obama administration would be an understatement....anger builds across the Atlantic as well as at home among the 10 million-strong Polish American community in the United States."
Polish PM blasts Barack Obama

As Nile Gardiner points out in the Telegraph:

"President Obama has a long track record of insulting the Poles. In 2010 he chose to play golf on the day of the funeral of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Polish First Lady, and 94 senior officials who perished in the Smolensk air disaster. Eight months earlier he humiliated Warsaw by pulling out of the agreement over Third Site missile defence installations in Poland and the Czech Republic…. [Now] the president’s use of the term “Polish death camp” … will reinforce the growing image across Eastern and Central Europe of an American presidency that cares little for key US allies, especially against the backdrop of its controversial and weak-kneed “reset” policy towards Russia."

Anyone I have spoken to on this side of the Atlantic thinks that it was a simple mistake and the Polish Prime Minister is over reacting.

Have you had a chance to chat with Nile Gardiner yet?
According to obama, the Poles should just ignore it and move on to more important aspects of his greatness.

The O does not apologize. It took enormous pressure for him to apologize to Pakistan for murdering 24 of their soldiers and is one of the reasons we are having so much trouble dealing with Pakistan today.

Kings do not apologize because they cannot make a mistake. Kings are God's hand upon the earth with absolute divinity.
I wonder how many offended posters on this thread have previously made statements to the effect of "Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks of us!"?

You don't have a grasp of the problem, BVD's...

Had this been his only foreign policy problem, it would be minor and forgivable...whether or not one is a fan of his.


1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith -
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!
a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy -
b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir. Barack Obama's Kashmir thesis! - Express India
c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics
d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras. The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard
a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)
a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news |
b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle
c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)
d. Obama begs Russians not to make him look bad before the election: “Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election” Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters
e. "Russia has deployed S-400 mobile surface-to-air missiles along the Polish and Lithuanian border in Kaliningrad, reports referring to the Russian newspaper Izvestia."
Russia deploys S-400 missile defence in Kaliningrad | The Lithuania Tribune

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated
Czech Republic

10. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance
US officials expect Pyongyang to carry out third nuclear test in near future, respresenting significant policy failure for president.. Barack Obama's policy of engagement with North Korea lies "in tatters" after it was effectively shot down by Pynongyang's defiant but failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket.
Former US officials closely involved with North Korea policy said Washington's attempt to win agreement from Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and rockets in exchange for desperately-needed food aid has failed.
Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news |
It isn't that obama has made foreign policy mistakes, it's that he has done nothing but make mistakes. Maybe they aren't real mistakes but just what he intended to do all along. He can insult Poland because Poland isn't in Africa and Polish people aren't black so they can be insulted with amusement among his core constituency as "getting the man".
He has, and it is time for the Polish Prime Minister to accept the apology and get over it. That is the feeling over here in Europe, it should not have been made into such a big deal.

"But to say that this has been a public relations disaster for the Obama administration would be an understatement....anger builds across the Atlantic as well as at home among the 10 million-strong Polish American community in the United States."
Polish PM blasts Barack Obama

As Nile Gardiner points out in the Telegraph:

"President Obama has a long track record of insulting the Poles. In 2010 he chose to play golf on the day of the funeral of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Polish First Lady, and 94 senior officials who perished in the Smolensk air disaster. Eight months earlier he humiliated Warsaw by pulling out of the agreement over Third Site missile defence installations in Poland and the Czech Republic…. [Now] the president’s use of the term “Polish death camp” … will reinforce the growing image across Eastern and Central Europe of an American presidency that cares little for key US allies, especially against the backdrop of its controversial and weak-kneed “reset” policy towards Russia."

Anyone I have spoken to on this side of the Atlantic thinks that it was a simple mistake and the Polish Prime Minister is over reacting.

Prove your above statement. The term Anyone is a red flag.
I wonder how many offended posters on this thread have previously made statements to the effect of "Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks of us!"?

You don't have a grasp of the problem, BVD's...

Had this been his only foreign policy problem, it would be minor and forgivable...whether or not one is a fan of his.


1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith -
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!
a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy -
b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir. Barack Obama's Kashmir thesis! - Express India
c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics
d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras. The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard
a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)
a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news |
b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle
c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)
d. Obama begs Russians not to make him look bad before the election: “Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election” Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters
e. "Russia has deployed S-400 mobile surface-to-air missiles along the Polish and Lithuanian border in Kaliningrad, reports referring to the Russian newspaper Izvestia."
Russia deploys S-400 missile defence in Kaliningrad | The Lithuania Tribune

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated
Czech Republic

10. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance
US officials expect Pyongyang to carry out third nuclear test in near future, respresenting significant policy failure for president.. Barack Obama's policy of engagement with North Korea lies "in tatters" after it was effectively shot down by Pynongyang's defiant but failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket.
Former US officials closely involved with North Korea policy said Washington's attempt to win agreement from Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and rockets in exchange for desperately-needed food aid has failed.
Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news |

Well now, I thought this might be a genuinely interesting topic so I started going through your examples.
I got to your second link and read the link that you supplied...
The right side of the web is apoplectic this morning claiming that President Obama doesn't know who the French president is.

They point to an article in the French newspaper Le Figaro reporting that President Obama last week wrote a letter to former French President Jacques Chirac.

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world," Obama is purported to have written...<snip>...another French newspaper, the New Observer, explained that Obama was merely replying to a Chirac letter who was writing him as the head of his foundation -- the Jacques Chirac Foundation for sustainable development and cultural dialogue.

The foundation is promoting access to water and medicines in west Africa, combating deforestation in the Congo Basin, and trying to save dying languages in Polynesia, according to a spokesman who helped set up the foundation...<snip>...Of course it is much more fun to write things like "Maybe President Obama's correspondence office needs a teleprompter too!" But in fact, there doesn't seem to be a controversy here....<snip>.....there is no evidence that the language has upset President Sarkozy or anyone else in France.
I'm sorry, I didn't bother reading any others after that.
I wonder how many offended posters on this thread have previously made statements to the effect of "Who gives a fuck what the rest of the world thinks of us!"?

You don't have a grasp of the problem, BVD's...

Had this been his only foreign policy problem, it would be minor and forgivable...whether or not one is a fan of his.


1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith -
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!
a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy -
b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir. Barack Obama's Kashmir thesis! - Express India
c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics
d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras. The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard
a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)
a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news |
b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle
c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)
d. Obama begs Russians not to make him look bad before the election: “Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election” Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters
e. "Russia has deployed S-400 mobile surface-to-air missiles along the Polish and Lithuanian border in Kaliningrad, reports referring to the Russian newspaper Izvestia."
Russia deploys S-400 missile defence in Kaliningrad | The Lithuania Tribune

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated
Czech Republic

10. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance
US officials expect Pyongyang to carry out third nuclear test in near future, respresenting significant policy failure for president.. Barack Obama's policy of engagement with North Korea lies "in tatters" after it was effectively shot down by Pynongyang's defiant but failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket.
Former US officials closely involved with North Korea policy said Washington's attempt to win agreement from Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and rockets in exchange for desperately-needed food aid has failed.
Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news |

Well now, I thought this might be a genuinely interesting topic so I started going through your examples.
I got to your second link and read the link that you supplied...
The right side of the web is apoplectic this morning claiming that President Obama doesn't know who the French president is.

They point to an article in the French newspaper Le Figaro reporting that President Obama last week wrote a letter to former French President Jacques Chirac.

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world," Obama is purported to have written...<snip>...another French newspaper, the New Observer, explained that Obama was merely replying to a Chirac letter who was writing him as the head of his foundation -- the Jacques Chirac Foundation for sustainable development and cultural dialogue.

The foundation is promoting access to water and medicines in west Africa, combating deforestation in the Congo Basin, and trying to save dying languages in Polynesia, according to a spokesman who helped set up the foundation...<snip>...Of course it is much more fun to write things like "Maybe President Obama's correspondence office needs a teleprompter too!" But in fact, there doesn't seem to be a controversy here....<snip>.....there is no evidence that the language has upset President Sarkozy or anyone else in France.
I'm sorry, I didn't bother reading any others after that.

1. I accept your apology...and look forward to your next one...

2. He wrote a/the letter to Chirac, rather than to Sarkozy....
So dispute, is there?

3. Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship
Update: I agree with the commenters who think that Obama was just being cozy with Chirac, and hadn't actually forgotten who the President of France was. At the same time, this is a clear snub to Sarkozy and his pro-War on Terror policies (or at least, more pro-WOT than his predecessor). It's also slightly ridiculous for Bambi to claim to be looking forward to working with an out-of-power French leader, especially when he has made no visible effort to work with France's current one.

Original Post:
The actual President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying for months to get a sit-down with President Obama is not amused.

Le Figaro reports (Warning: French) that Obama sent the former leader of France a "very nice" letter, which included this idiotic comment:

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world."
Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship

4. So, the facts are clear....only the explanation is in doubt.....
The source is slightly left-leaning, and I haven't seen the letter in question posted, so it is up to the reader to decide whether Obama made said mistake or not....

...his pattern tends to indicate that he did.

5. "Generally fair, but slightly biased (the first two in the Democratic direction, the rest in the Republican): Milwaukee Journal (bias mainly in front-page cartoons); St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Chicago Sun-Times; Kansas City Star; Cleveland Plain Dealer; New York Herald Tribune; Portland Oregonian; Christian Science Monitor."
Are Our Nation's Newspapers Biased? | News | The Harvard Crimson

CNS is generally fair, but who told them the letter was meant for Chirac.

BTW...Jimmy Orr now works for the he voted for Obama.
Much ado about nothing.

So he said "A Polish Death Camp" instead of a "Death camp in Poland"...

I'm just not seeing how any reasonable person could really get upset about this, knowing what he was talking about.

YOu know, if you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel being upset about this sort of thing, it means you probably don't really have valid complaints against the man.
Much ado about nothing.

So he said "A Polish Death Camp" instead of a "Death camp in Poland"...

I'm just not seeing how any reasonable person could really get upset about this, knowing what he was talking about.

YOu know, if you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel being upset about this sort of thing, it means you probably don't really have valid complaints against the man.

"if you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel being upset about this sort of thing,..."

No, no, no, Erroneous Joe....."this sort of thing"???

Post #27....wanna take 'em one at a time, or all together? low will you go to defend this Oaf-in-Office?
Maybe he didn't want to offend the Muslims, who deny the Holocaust happened.
You don't have a grasp of the problem, BVD's...

Had this been his only foreign policy problem, it would be minor and forgivable...whether or not one is a fan of his.


1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith -
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!
a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy -
b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir. Barack Obama's Kashmir thesis! - Express India
c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics
d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras. The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard
a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)
a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news |
b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle
c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)
d. Obama begs Russians not to make him look bad before the election: “Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election” Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election | Reuters
e. "Russia has deployed S-400 mobile surface-to-air missiles along the Polish and Lithuanian border in Kaliningrad, reports referring to the Russian newspaper Izvestia."
Russia deploys S-400 missile defence in Kaliningrad | The Lithuania Tribune

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated
Czech Republic

10. Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance
US officials expect Pyongyang to carry out third nuclear test in near future, respresenting significant policy failure for president.. Barack Obama's policy of engagement with North Korea lies "in tatters" after it was effectively shot down by Pynongyang's defiant but failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket.
Former US officials closely involved with North Korea policy said Washington's attempt to win agreement from Pyongyang to abandon its development of nuclear weapons and rockets in exchange for desperately-needed food aid has failed.
Obama engagement policy 'in tatters' after North Korean rocket defiance | World news |

Well now, I thought this might be a genuinely interesting topic so I started going through your examples.
I got to your second link and read the link that you supplied...
The right side of the web is apoplectic this morning claiming that President Obama doesn't know who the French president is.

They point to an article in the French newspaper Le Figaro reporting that President Obama last week wrote a letter to former French President Jacques Chirac.

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world," Obama is purported to have written...<snip>...another French newspaper, the New Observer, explained that Obama was merely replying to a Chirac letter who was writing him as the head of his foundation -- the Jacques Chirac Foundation for sustainable development and cultural dialogue.

The foundation is promoting access to water and medicines in west Africa, combating deforestation in the Congo Basin, and trying to save dying languages in Polynesia, according to a spokesman who helped set up the foundation...<snip>...Of course it is much more fun to write things like "Maybe President Obama's correspondence office needs a teleprompter too!" But in fact, there doesn't seem to be a controversy here....<snip>.....there is no evidence that the language has upset President Sarkozy or anyone else in France.
I'm sorry, I didn't bother reading any others after that.

1. I accept your apology...and look forward to your next one...

2. He wrote a/the letter to Chirac, rather than to Sarkozy....
So dispute, is there?

3. Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship
Update: I agree with the commenters who think that Obama was just being cozy with Chirac, and hadn't actually forgotten who the President of France was. At the same time, this is a clear snub to Sarkozy and his pro-War on Terror policies (or at least, more pro-WOT than his predecessor). It's also slightly ridiculous for Bambi to claim to be looking forward to working with an out-of-power French leader, especially when he has made no visible effort to work with France's current one.

Original Post:
The actual President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying for months to get a sit-down with President Obama is not amused.

Le Figaro reports (Warning: French) that Obama sent the former leader of France a "very nice" letter, which included this idiotic comment:

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world."
Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship

4. So, the facts are clear....only the explanation is in doubt.....
The source is slightly left-leaning, and I haven't seen the letter in question posted, so it is up to the reader to decide whether Obama made said mistake or not....

...his pattern tends to indicate that he did.

5. "Generally fair, but slightly biased (the first two in the Democratic direction, the rest in the Republican): Milwaukee Journal (bias mainly in front-page cartoons); St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Chicago Sun-Times; Kansas City Star; Cleveland Plain Dealer; New York Herald Tribune; Portland Oregonian; Christian Science Monitor."
Are Our Nation's Newspapers Biased? | News | The Harvard Crimson

CNS is generally fair, but who told them the letter was meant for Chirac.

BTW...Jimmy Orr now works for the he voted for Obama.

You really twisted yourself into knots trying to justify your original misreading of the are still wrong though.
You get some points to you for should be very proud.
Well now, I thought this might be a genuinely interesting topic so I started going through your examples.
I got to your second link and read the link that you supplied...

I'm sorry, I didn't bother reading any others after that.

1. I accept your apology...and look forward to your next one...

2. He wrote a/the letter to Chirac, rather than to Sarkozy....
So dispute, is there?

3. Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship
Update: I agree with the commenters who think that Obama was just being cozy with Chirac, and hadn't actually forgotten who the President of France was. At the same time, this is a clear snub to Sarkozy and his pro-War on Terror policies (or at least, more pro-WOT than his predecessor). It's also slightly ridiculous for Bambi to claim to be looking forward to working with an out-of-power French leader, especially when he has made no visible effort to work with France's current one.

Original Post:
The actual President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying for months to get a sit-down with President Obama is not amused.

Le Figaro reports (Warning: French) that Obama sent the former leader of France a "very nice" letter, which included this idiotic comment:

"I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world."
Foreign Policy Gaffe Machine Strikes Again; Obama Sends Note to Chirac Pledging Friendship, Working Relationship

4. So, the facts are clear....only the explanation is in doubt.....
The source is slightly left-leaning, and I haven't seen the letter in question posted, so it is up to the reader to decide whether Obama made said mistake or not....

...his pattern tends to indicate that he did.

5. "Generally fair, but slightly biased (the first two in the Democratic direction, the rest in the Republican): Milwaukee Journal (bias mainly in front-page cartoons); St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Chicago Sun-Times; Kansas City Star; Cleveland Plain Dealer; New York Herald Tribune; Portland Oregonian; Christian Science Monitor."
Are Our Nation's Newspapers Biased? | News | The Harvard Crimson

CNS is generally fair, but who told them the letter was meant for Chirac.

BTW...Jimmy Orr now works for the he voted for Obama.

You really twisted yourself into knots trying to justify your original misreading of the are still wrong though.
You get some points to you for should be very proud.

I'll give you credit ....discredit?....for declining to look at the list of other Obama foreign policy blunders... might have to admit that this one fits right in...

For you..."None so blind as those that will not see.”
Much ado about nothing.

So he said "A Polish Death Camp" instead of a "Death camp in Poland"...

I'm just not seeing how any reasonable person could really get upset about this, knowing what he was talking about.

YOu know, if you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel being upset about this sort of thing, it means you probably don't really have valid complaints against the man.

"if you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel being upset about this sort of thing,..."

No, no, no, Erroneous Joe....."this sort of thing"???

Post #27....wanna take 'em one at a time, or all together? low will you go to defend this Oaf-in-Office?

No, I'm not going to enable your OCD. You seriously need to see someone about that.

This is a minor grammatical error no REASONABLE person would have misunderstood.
1."WARSAW, Poland -- Poland's prime minister said Wednesday he wasn't completely satisfied with a White House explanation that President Barack Obama misspoke when he referred to "Polish death camps" during a ceremony honoring a World War II hero, saying he wants a "stronger, more pointed" response.

2.The phrasing is considered hugely offensive in Poland, where Nazi Germany murdered Poles, Jews and others in death camps it built during World War II on Polish and German territory.

3. Poles have responded with outrage, maintaining Obama should have called it a "German death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland," to distinguish the perpetrators from the location.

4. Donald Tusk said he was accepting a White House explanation that Obama misspoke but was still waiting for a "stronger, more pointed reaction" that could eliminate the phrasing "once and for all."

5. Tusk said it was a "matter of the U.S.'s reputation." He hinted it should include facts about Nazi Germany's brutal occupation of Poland.

6. Former President and Solidarity founder Lech Walesa said the phrase confused henchmen with their victims...

7. The Polish Embassy in Washington, on its website, has a "how-to guide" on concentration camps that states that references to Polish death camps are "factually incorrect slurs" that should be corrected."
Obama 'Polish death camp' reference: Poles outraged over president's comment

For those who don't understand the outrage....the Nazis killed millions of Polish Jews and millions of Polish Christians, as well...

8. "The best-kept secret in the U.S. about the Holocaust is that Poland lost six million citizens or about one-fifth of its population: three million of the dead were Polish Christians, predominantly Catholic, and the other three million were Polish Jews."
Holocaust: 3 Million Holocaust Victims Were Non-Jews

9. "In the early years, most prisoners at Auschwitz were Poles, not Jews."

Another day, another foreign policy gaffe.....

One greets each day, waiting for our Liberal and Democrat friends to have the "What have I done?" moment....

Wasn't there some anti-Bush gabble about a new President restoring world respect for America?

Nice job. You got the echo chamber all riled up, a modern day Knute Rockne you are. I, however, find Obama's remark no big deal when placed next to the stupidity of your hero GWB when he referred to "This Crusade, this war on terrorism ..." on Sept. 16, 2001.

Tenth Crusade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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