Another Teachable Moment for Our Failure-Factory Universities


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
An instructor at Stanford University has been suspended for what the president and provost called "identity-based targeting" of students in connection with the Israel-Gaza war.
Rabbi Dov Greenberg, director of the Chabad Stanford Jewish Center, said he was told by three students who were in the room that the instructor asked Jewish and Israeli students to identify themselves during a session for a required undergraduate course called "Civil, Liberal and Global Education."

The teacher told the Jewish students to take their belongings, stand in a corner, and said, "This is what Israel does to the Palestinians," Greenberg said, citing the student accounts. The instructor then asked, "How many people died in the Holocaust?" When a student answered, "Six million," the lecturer said, "Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer."

The Left love racism and terrorism, they’ve made that abundantly clear. The total ignorance of the ‘professor’ about reality is most telling about the quality of teachers today.

Homeschool your kids and send them to a trade school. They’ll be wealthier, happier and you’ll still recognize that child you raised.
Chabad Lubavitchers are certifiable nutjobs. Americans and Christians need to learn how to spot them and not be fooled by those racist idiots and their Messiah cult.
An instructor at Stanford University has been suspended for what the president and provost called "identity-based targeting" of students in connection with the Israel-Gaza war.
Rabbi Dov Greenberg, director of the Chabad Stanford Jewish Center, said he was told by three students who were in the room that the instructor asked Jewish and Israeli students to identify themselves during a session for a required undergraduate course called "Civil, Liberal and Global Education."

The teacher told the Jewish students to take their belongings, stand in a corner, and said, "This is what Israel does to the Palestinians," Greenberg said, citing the student accounts. The instructor then asked, "How many people died in the Holocaust?" When a student answered, "Six million," the lecturer said, "Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer."

The Left love racism and terrorism, they’ve made that abundantly clear. The total ignorance of the ‘professor’ about reality is most telling about the quality of teachers today.

Homeschool your kids and send them to a trade school. They’ll be wealthier, happier and you’ll still recognize that child you raised.
Agreed, AVOID the junior collages & ESPECIALLY the universities if @ all possible. Trade schools the only way to go.
An instructor at Stanford University has been suspended for what the president and provost called "identity-based targeting" of students in connection with the Israel-Gaza war.
Rabbi Dov Greenberg, director of the Chabad Stanford Jewish Center, said he was told by three students who were in the room that the instructor asked Jewish and Israeli students to identify themselves during a session for a required undergraduate course called "Civil, Liberal and Global Education."

The teacher told the Jewish students to take their belongings, stand in a corner, and said, "This is what Israel does to the Palestinians," Greenberg said, citing the student accounts. The instructor then asked, "How many people died in the Holocaust?" When a student answered, "Six million," the lecturer said, "Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer."

The Left love racism and terrorism, they’ve made that abundantly clear. The total ignorance of the ‘professor’ about reality is most telling about the quality of teachers today.

Homeschool your kids and send them to a trade school. They’ll be wealthier, happier and you’ll still recognize that child you raised.

Agreed, AVOID the junior colleges & ESPECIALLY the universities if @ all possible. Trade schools the only way to go.
Preparation Is the Most Important Part of Production

To get those with the most natural skills, the rulers will have to pay them while they are training.
In Canada we have been destroying our talent for decades to maintain a Police State. China will one day have our elite bending their knee as they would the King centuries ago. We did it to ourselves.
No, the US will take over Canada before allowing China to occupy it.

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