I Will Never Understand Democrats

Democrats remain in a bad situation in a horrible condition, and they will vote for a democrat to be their president over and over and over again.

People they vote for keep them in a poor, suffering, and downtrodden condition, yet they continue to remain devoted to that.

Go visit the barrios, the trailer parks, the ghettos, and other slums where the poorest of the poor live and everyone of them will be a devoted democrat.
You're making assumptions about democrats based political stereotypes which are very inaccurate. The Democrats do same thing with republican stereotypes. These stereotypes are created by the candidates, their campaigns, and major supporters. While gullible voters believe and spread this misinformation, the candidates can not afford to pay credence to it. They have to know their voters not the stereotypes there campaigns have created.

Take a look at these stereotypes

The Stenotype:
Poverty belongs to the Democrats.
The Fact:
Poverty crosses party lines. Taken together, the poverty rate in districts represented by Democrats in 2016 (“blue” districts) was 17.1 percent in 2010-14 compared with 14.4 percent in those represented by Republicans (“red” districts). But Republican districts have more poor residents overall: 25.1 million poor people lived in red districts in 2010-14 compared with 22.7 million in blue districts.

The Stereotype:
Democrats hate guns and want to make ownership illegal
The Fact:
Nearly 1/3 of of those that vote democrat own guns

The Stereotype
Democrats get almost all social welfare dollars.
The Fact:
Pew Research reports 60% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans have received social welfare.

The Stereotype:
Republicans want to stop all abortions:
The fact:
Only 15% of Republicans want to stop all abortions

The Stereotype:
Republican presidents have managed the economy better than Democrats
The Fact: Since World War II, the United States economy has performed significantly better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents.
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