Another Tech Giant Leaving Silicon Valley

Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
The companies are welcome but their wacko lib pajama boy workers are not welcome
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
Won't be long now. They'll ruin Texas like they did cal. Thank goodness I don't have long left to live.

As the quality of life in CA declines, more and more companies and billionaires will follow. Couldn't happen to a nicer State.


If California was a country, it would have the world's 5th largest economy. I doubt a few companies leaving will cause much problem.

And the reason that built that empire is crumbling before your eyes, as places like Texas will be the place to head for to escape the obscene expense and regulation to run a business in California, especially the Bay Area.
Austin’s a dump. The university and that music corridor and the government district are nicely maintained for the rich white democrats but the rest of that town is a dump.

Nonsense. Its a fantastic city. It has one of the best music scenes on the planet, some of the best barbeque you'll ever eat, is supremely livable, has super friendly people, utterly gorgeous and if you're willing to go north of the river, plenty of tech jobs.

Pretty much everything from Georgetown to say, New Braunfels or fucking gorgeous. Even Arizona (which is spectacular in its own right) has got shit on Texas sunsets along the I-35 corridor. Its like someone poured molten gold into the sky.

Though to be fair, Mopac can suck a dick.

Austin is easily in my top 3 favorite cities on the planet. And I've lived all over the world. Its top shelf. Oracle picked a fine place to land.
Austin is a dump and it’s music scene has become an utter contrivance. Once upon a time the likes of LA Barton and the Fabulous Thunderbirds and WC Clark were music staples but that image had been long tainted. Musicians from indiana and DC moved there just to promote themselves as being ‘from Austin Texas’.
It’s a dump.
Austin’s a dump. The university and that music corridor and the government district are nicely maintained for the rich white democrats but the rest of that town is a dump.

Nonsense. Its a fantastic city. It has one of the best music scenes on the planet, some of the best barbeque you'll ever eat, is supremely livable, has super friendly people, utterly gorgeous and if you're willing to go north of the river, plenty of tech jobs.

Pretty much everything from Georgetown to say, New Braunfels or fucking gorgeous. Even Arizona (which is spectacular in its own right) has got shit on Texas sunsets along the I-35 corridor. Its like someone poured molten gold into the sky.

Though to be fair, Mopac can suck a dick.

Austin is easily in my top 3 favorite cities on the planet. And I've lived all over the world. Its top shelf. Oracle picked a fine place to land.

Except for DC, Austin has been the least hospitable cities I've ever been in. The burbs are OK but the city itself sucks.

Lucky me. I live in DC. You are correct, sir.
If California was a country, it would have the world's 5th largest economy. I doubt a few companies leaving will cause much problem.

I was waiting for this comment because it's the same one you guys trot out every time someone brings this up. The fact of the matter is it's not a few companies leaving California. It's a pattern that's been taking place for almost two decades and accelerating. California has lost tens of billions of dollars from its economy to other states, Texas being the primary recipient. For the first time since statehood they are about to lose a Congressional seat after the Census due to anemic population growth and the only reason they haven't had a net loss in population is due to foreign immigration. You can bet your ass post pandemic the affects are going to start showing because many companies that have converted workers to being home based are going to continue that because it's saving them a lot of money on real estate costs. My company just closed two offices in California because their leases were up and they decided to let the staff at both facilities work from home permanently instead of renewing the office space. Not having to commute to a local office will only accelerate the number of Californians leaving the state for a lower cost of living. It's already taking place. Why do you think states like Nevada, Texas, Idaho, and Utah have been among the fastest growing in the country? It's largely from the California exodus.
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Big Business, the backbone of the predatory capitalism practiced in the United States, only benefits the select few. The jobs offered by the big tech corporations being welcomed by Texas require the "educated elitists" despised by conservatives.

The uneducated rednecks in Texas do not have the specialized skills necessary for the Tech Industry, the menial, manufacturing jobs suited to the RWNJs there are in China.

The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Demand is a factor in the high cost living, but only one. California has a multitude of regulations that has driven costs even higher than they need to be.
If California was a country, it would have the world's 5th largest economy. I doubt a few companies leaving will cause much problem.

I was waiting for this comment because it's the same one you guys trot out every time someone brings this up. The fact of the matter is it's not a few companies leaving California. It's a pattern that's been taking place for almost two decades and accelerating. California has lost tens of billions of dollars from its economy to other states, Texas being the primary recipient. For the first time since statehood they are about to lose a Congressional seat after the Census due to anemic population growth and the only reason they haven't had a net loss in population is due to foreign immigration. You can bet your ass post pandemic the affects are going to start showing because many companies that have converted workers to being home based are going to continue that because it's saving them a lot of money on real estate costs. My company just closed two offices in California because their leases were up and they decided to let the staff at both facilities work from home permanently instead of renewing the office space. Not having to commute to a local office will only accelerate the number of Californians leaving the state for a lower cost of living. It's already taking place. Why do you think states like Nevada, Texas, Idaho, and Utah have been among the fastest growing in the country? It's largely from the California exodus.

Wow, Two decades of claiming doom for California because of a few companies moving occasionally, and they are still the 5th biggest economy in the world.. That's a long time to be waiting on the results you claim are just around the corner, isn't it?
You said yourself that there hasn't been a loss in population. Why would they lose a congressional seat with no population reduction?
Is there any reason to believe California is the only state where companies are allowing their employees to work from home?
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Big Business, the backbone of the predatory capitalism practiced in the United States, only benefits the select few. The jobs offered by the big tech corporations being welcomed by Texas require the "educated elitists" despised by conservatives.

The uneducated rednecks in Texas do not have the specialized skills necessary for the Tech Industry, the menial, manufacturing jobs suited to the RWNJs there are in China.

California's personal state income tax has ten marginal tax brackets, ranging from 1% (the lowest California taxbracket) to 13.3% (the highest California tax bracket). Each marginal rate only applies to earnings within the applicable marginal tax bracket. In California, different tax brackets are applicable to different filing types.

Texas personal state income tax: Zero!

California's state sales tax:2020 state sales tax rate is 7.5%, and the average CA sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.44%.
Texas state sales tax: is 6.25%,

So between personal income and state sales tax..
California is 20.8% Texas 6.25%
Savings of 13% on an average Calif salary of $63,783. or $8,291 in income and sales tax VX
Texas average salary: is US $ 86,775 or $5,423 differential.
Housing cost Calif: The median home price is $552,800.
Housing cost Texas: Its median home price of $154,531
Another savings of almost $400,000 ... Now Austin median home $426,750 ...Still over $100,000 savings in Texas!
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Big Business, the backbone of the predatory capitalism practiced in the United States, only benefits the select few. The jobs offered by the big tech corporations being welcomed by Texas require the "educated elitists" despised by conservatives.

The uneducated rednecks in Texas do not have the specialized skills necessary for the Tech Industry, the menial, manufacturing jobs suited to the RWNJs there are in China.

California's personal state income tax has ten marginal tax brackets, ranging from 1% (the lowest California taxbracket) to 13.3% (the highest California tax bracket). Each marginal rate only applies to earnings within the applicable marginal tax bracket. In California, different tax brackets are applicable to different filing types.

Texas personal state income tax: Zero!

California's state sales tax:2020 state sales tax rate is 7.5%, and the average CA sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.44%.
Texas state sales tax: is 6.25%,

So between personal income and state sales tax..
California is 20.8% Texas 6.25%
Savings of 13% on an average Calif salary of $63,783. or $8,291 in income and sales tax VX
Texas average salary: is US $ 86,775 or $5,423 differential.
Housing cost Calif: The median home price is $552,800.
Housing cost Texas: Its median home price of $154,531
Another savings of almost $400,000 ... Now Austin median home $426,750 ...Still over $100,000 savings in Texas!
Wonder if Texas will now become 'gentrified'. That's what happened in the Bay Area and Silicon Valley.'s not a good thing for what is now affordable neighborhoods.
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Big Business, the backbone of the predatory capitalism practiced in the United States, only benefits the select few. The jobs offered by the big tech corporations being welcomed by Texas require the "educated elitists" despised by conservatives.

The uneducated rednecks in Texas do not have the specialized skills necessary for the Tech Industry, the menial, manufacturing jobs suited to the RWNJs there are in China.

California's personal state income tax has ten marginal tax brackets, ranging from 1% (the lowest California taxbracket) to 13.3% (the highest California tax bracket). Each marginal rate only applies to earnings within the applicable marginal tax bracket. In California, different tax brackets are applicable to different filing types.

Texas personal state income tax: Zero!

California's state sales tax:2020 state sales tax rate is 7.5%, and the average CA sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.44%.
Texas state sales tax: is 6.25%,

So between personal income and state sales tax..
California is 20.8% Texas 6.25%
Savings of 13% on an average Calif salary of $63,783. or $8,291 in income and sales tax VX
Texas average salary: is US $ 86,775 or $5,423 differential.
Housing cost Calif: The median home price is $552,800.
Housing cost Texas: Its median home price of $154,531
Another savings of almost $400,000 ... Now Austin median home $426,750 ...Still over $100,000 savings in Texas!
What are property taxes in Texas compared to other states?
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
Won't be long now. They'll ruin Texas like they did cal. Thank goodness I don't have long left to live.

Mark Levin once pointed out that leftists are like locusts....they go to a city, or state, wreck it, hollow it out....then pick up and leave and repeat the same process in the next city or state...
Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
California is not alone in negative migration..The States Americans Are Fleeing (and Where They're Going)
The industries that made the cost of living and doing business high in California, are the businesses moving to Texas. If they do for Texas what they did for the Bay Area, the price of housing will skyrocket in Austin and the other Texas cities they will call home.

Big Business, the backbone of the predatory capitalism practiced in the United States, only benefits the select few. The jobs offered by the big tech corporations being welcomed by Texas require the "educated elitists" despised by conservatives.

The uneducated rednecks in Texas do not have the specialized skills necessary for the Tech Industry, the menial, manufacturing jobs suited to the RWNJs there are in China.

California's personal state income tax has ten marginal tax brackets, ranging from 1% (the lowest California taxbracket) to 13.3% (the highest California tax bracket). Each marginal rate only applies to earnings within the applicable marginal tax bracket. In California, different tax brackets are applicable to different filing types.

Texas personal state income tax: Zero!

California's state sales tax:2020 state sales tax rate is 7.5%, and the average CA sales tax after local surtaxes is 8.44%.
Texas state sales tax: is 6.25%,

So between personal income and state sales tax..
California is 20.8% Texas 6.25%
Savings of 13% on an average Calif salary of $63,783. or $8,291 in income and sales tax VX
Texas average salary: is US $ 86,775 or $5,423 differential.
Housing cost Calif: The median home price is $552,800.
Housing cost Texas: Its median home price of $154,531
Another savings of almost $400,000 ... Now Austin median home $426,750 ...Still over $100,000 savings in Texas!
What are property taxes in Texas compared to other states?
Texans boast of their state's attraction to Big Business doesn't factor in the state and local governments' incentives. Someone will be paying for those incentives, and it won't be the businesses moving in.

Not to mention the costs of additional infrastructure to build AND maintain.

Yes, California's loss is the Texans' gain.

Oracle leaves Silicon Valley…
Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from Redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work,” a spokesperson confirmed to CNBC.

And Hewlett-Packard and Tesla all joining migration of
Number Of Californians Moving To Texas Up 36 Percent In A Year
Nearly 564,000 people moved into the state in 2018, according to the realtors, which averages out to more than 1,500 people per day.
Texas also added nearly 202,000 new residents who came from outside the United States.

Way to go!!!
Won't be long now. They'll ruin Texas like they did cal. Thank goodness I don't have long left to live.

Mark Levin once pointed out that leftists are like locusts....they go to a city, or state, wreck it, hollow it out....then pick up and leave and repeat the same process in the next city or state...
It's called capitalism, that unregulated "free market" conservatives value above all else.


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