Another Thing I Don't Understand About US Sports

Forcing athletes to only speak positively of their country seems more like what we would expect in North Korea than the United States of America.

How about we just let American athletes express themselves?
Nobody said they had to speak positively, simply STFU instead of whining about the people paying their expenses. These games last a few hours, if they want to whine about America they have 20+ hours in the day to do so, off screen.
If a team, any US team, is representing the US in international sporting events and players on that team decide they are going to disrespect the very country they are supposedly playing for by kneeling or otherwise disrespecting our anthem, flag, or country, then why in the hell do we let them continue playing? If it is a team decision then why do we let the team play? It's about time we stood up to these selfish players who only care about themselves and use our country to train and support them only to not represent our country at all. If they are only playing for themselves and not for the country they are supposedly representing then to hell with them. If they are playing for our country then they need to show some respect to the country they are supposed to be representing, even if that country is not perfect. I know of no country which is perfect. If they can't do that then be gone with them, even if we field no team. The US Women's soccer team is losing because they care more about making political points.

the usa teams do NOT represent the usa government. the various corporate sponsors consider these athletes to be useful.

the appeal to "patriotism is itself a pretty desperate ploy to gin interest in spectator/consumer activity.
the usa teams do NOT represent the usa government. the various corporate sponsors consider these athletes to be useful.

the appeal to "patriotism is itself a pretty desperate ploy to gin interest in spectator/consumer activity.
I'm glad their sorry asses lost. They shouldn't have been allowed to play in the first place. I only wish them more losses and hope that they will spend the rest of their lives flipping burgers at McDonalds. They suck and they proved they suck.
I'm glad their sorry asses lost. They shouldn't have been allowed to play in the first place. I only wish them more losses and hope that they will spend the rest of their lives flipping burgers at McDonalds. They suck and they proved they suck.
on the other hand, isn't it nice to have american girls see that hard work and team play are satisfying pursuits?
on the other hand, isn't it nice to have american girls see that hard work and team play are satisfying pursuits?
Guess, you haven't read yet. They are losers. And, when the trannies take over women's sports, it won't be worth women working hard to get ahead in sports. It won't be satisfying.
If we are paying them to represent the US they could at least represent the US. They lost because they are total losers.
They lost, fool, because at the top level, among top teams, the difference between winning and losing can come down to what one had for dinner last night.

But I see you not supporting the US here because they lost.
My pants are up. It is the loony left who think they can walk around with their pants down and everyone should just accept that as being normal behavior.
Your pants are up?

YOU UGLY, and in drag
They lost, fool, because at the top level, among top teams, the difference between winning and losing can come down to what one had for dinner last night.

But I see you not supporting the US here because they lost.
They lost because they were more interested in disrespecting our country than playing to win.
If a team, any US team, is representing the US in international sporting events and players on that team decide they are going to disrespect the very country they are supposedly playing for by kneeling or otherwise disrespecting our anthem, flag, or country, then why in the hell do we let them continue playing? If it is a team decision then why do we let the team play? It's about time we stood up to these selfish players who only care about themselves and use our country to train and support them only to not represent our country at all. If they are only playing for themselves and not for the country they are supposedly representing then to hell with them. If they are playing for our country then they need to show some respect to the country they are supposed to be representing, even if that country is not perfect. I know of no country which is perfect. If they can't do that then be gone with them, even if we field no team. The US Women's soccer team is losing because they care more about making political points.
Leftest brainwashing. We see it all the time. Those assholes can't think for themselves.

The US government doesn't fund the team, so even if there weren't America hating assholes in the White House, the US gov has no say in who plays or not. The governing bodies here would have to put rules in to cover that. I don't care enough about soccer to find out what these orgs have to do to compete as a "US National" team.
Nobody said they had to speak positively, simply STFU instead of whining about the people paying their expenses. These games last a few hours, if they want to whine about America they have 20+ hours in the day to do so, off screen.
I don’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing. You’re in favor of censorship now. Gotcha.
I don’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing. You’re in favor of censorship now. Gotcha.
How silly of you, having codes of conduct and an expectation not to offend those you supposedly represent is not censorship. Learn to think coherently.
How silly of you, having codes of conduct and an expectation not to offend those you supposedly represent is not censorship. Learn to think coherently.
Their codes of conduct don’t include what you guys are proposing. And that’s fine with me. Sucks for you.

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