Another Train Derails In Texas - Is Biden Attacking Rural America With Hazardous Chemicals?

Oh well shoot dang, must really all be a big conspiracy, eh? God forbid ANYTHING happens during a UFO crisis. Gosh darn, not even them newfangled automobile accidents are accidents! It's all a plan I tell you!

Get real, pal.
They don't believe what they are saying -- they just get a kick out of you trying to convince them its not a conspiracy...

This is why I mock morons like this......
Because it's not happening.

There is no string pulling, otherwise we'd be in deeper shit and it would be happening more smoothly. Biden and his admin are just a bunch of incompetent dolts. They're not orchestrating train crashes. Trains crash all the time, now all of a sudden it's his fault?

By the way, this is a biff_pointdexter thread, he's a leftist troll.
I am a brilliant satirist....

Except, it isn't hard to satirize right-wing morons like yourself......yall are beyond parody at this point....

and its fun seeing you on here trying to convince other right wing morons its not a conspiracy.....thanks

"One person is dead after a truck collided with a train in the Splendora area, causing the train to derail. SkyEye flew over the scene, where at least seven train cars were seen off the tracks. Video also showed debris crushed under the front of the train. Officials did not provide further details about the person who was killed."

What is going on? What is Biden planning with all of these coordinated train derailments; releasing toxic chemicals specially targeting rural communities? And why didn't officials provide details about the person who was killed, what are they hiding? Was the person a Democrat operative? It is bad enough what they are doing in Ohio, now they are launching attacks in Texas too? Do they not care about our environment? There are reports that 75% of the fish life in Ohio is dead -- all at the hands of the Biden admin......this is what happens when you let a flaming fag run the Transportation Department.

Houston isn’t rural america.
It isn't rural you dumb ass....the joke went over your head...go back to buck dancing
then why did you say it was? buck dancing? well i guess that’s a little better then calling me a coon…not much…is that what you are your white hooders do when you are calling black folks coon?

"One person is dead after a truck collided with a train in the Splendora area, causing the train to derail. SkyEye flew over the scene, where at least seven train cars were seen off the tracks. Video also showed debris crushed under the front of the train. Officials did not provide further details about the person who was killed."

What is going on? What is Biden planning with all of these coordinated train derailments; releasing toxic chemicals specially targeting rural communities? And why didn't officials provide details about the person who was killed, what are they hiding? Was the person a Democrat operative? It is bad enough what they are doing in Ohio, now they are launching attacks in Texas too? Do they not care about our environment? There are reports that 75% of the fish life in Ohio is dead -- all at the hands of the Biden admin......this is what happens when you let a flaming fag run the Transportation Department.

yes. be very afraid.

"One person is dead after a truck collided with a train in the Splendora area, causing the train to derail. SkyEye flew over the scene, where at least seven train cars were seen off the tracks. Video also showed debris crushed under the front of the train. Officials did not provide further details about the person who was killed."

What is going on? What is Biden planning with all of these coordinated train derailments; releasing toxic chemicals specially targeting rural communities? And why didn't officials provide details about the person who was killed, what are they hiding? Was the person a Democrat operative? It is bad enough what they are doing in Ohio, now they are launching attacks in Texas too? Do they not care about our environment? There are reports that 75% of the fish life in Ohio is dead -- all at the hands of the Biden admin......this is what happens when you let a flaming fag run the Transportation Department.

What 'coordinated train derailments'?

You undersstand that you're making this nonsense up, pulled sideways out of your own ass, yes?

This is another delightful example of the EXACT process of how right wing conspiracies are born. Some dude just making shit up, backed by nothing.

And then repeating it over and over until its gospel truth in his little echo chamber. Ask Ray Epps how that works out.
What 'coordinated train derailments'?

You undersstand that you're making this nonsense up, pulled sideways out of your own ass, yes?

This is another delightful example of the EXACT process of how right wing conspiracies are born. Some dude just making shit up, backed by nothing.

And then repeating it over and over until its gospel truth in his little echo chamber. Ask Ray Epps how that works out.
You do understand that that's exactly how parody works and what makes it so much funnier than sarcasm or cynicism? Apparently not. And no, it is based upon examples provided by actual RW loons, not pulled from his ass at all.

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