Another Video Of Police Abusing Blacks


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
This is just awful

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This is just awful

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I think it is funny how people will jump all over these people and call them thugs and that they deserve it. And then say that obama is trampling the constitution, but turn a blind eye when people using their rights are subject to police brutality which is trampling the constitution. Or say that they must be criminals because they won't show their ID.

The person driving is in control of the occupants of the vehicle, while the cops have the right to ask for an ID of the individual occupants they have the right to refuse. And if he is not being detained for a crime ( seatbelt infraction would be on the driver so that is not a crime of the occupants,) he has a right to walk away, stopping him with out lawful reason from walking away was wrong.

Yes they got emotional but again it is not against the law to be a jerk or to get emotional. But again people will say they deserved it, sad when those that say that do not know their own rights afforded to them and promote these types of violations which again is trampling the very constitution they say they uphold.
It's unfortunate that his daughter jumped out of the car, taunting the officers, then made that "move" toward the officer there... She should have listened to her pops telling her to get her ass back in the car, but what can one expect when the driver (I'm going to guess at mother, but who knows) and Mr. NAACP trying to convince everyone in the car to obstruct the officers investigation.

That said, I don't blame the dad for losing it, and I bet the officers don't really either. He was just trying to protect his daughter and that's pretty much instinctual. I'd hope they won't press any charges against him due to the emotional duress and what not. He just needs a little time to get himself calmed down and rational. Notice they didn't arrest the one chick (that they had sit down on the curb) even though it looks like she got involved enough to get some pepper spray, but she must have backed off when they said to.

The person driving is in control of the occupants of the vehicle, while the cops have the right to ask for an ID of the individual occupants they have the right to refuse. And if he is not being detained for a crime ( seatbelt infraction would be on the driver so that is not a crime of the occupants,) he has a right to walk away, stopping him with out lawful reason from walking away was wrong.

That's the thing though, the passenger in question didn't seem to have any trouble giving the officers his name here, it was the driver throwing a hissy about them even asking for it that I heard. He wasn't protesting, he got out of the car on his own to talk to the officers, gave them his name, and even let them know he was on parole, said if he had ID he'd have given it to them - and the officers were fine with that answer, and him as well.

He was calm and right up until his daughter jumped out and unfortunately escalated the situation.
Good god, what is so hard about just behaving like civilized people?
Did I miss something? They were fully stopped, the light changed and they drove off. The police officer said they went through a red light. What was that they said about being in the middle? I watched them stop, at least it looked like that too me. So, imo, the cop was wrong.
Then the driver and her mother lost it. Emotion I understand, but under the circumstances they were in no way helping their situation. Stupid. At that point there was no WAY the cops were going to back down.
I think it was harrassment right from the start, a bad stop.
And the cop should be cited to not coming to a full stop at the stop sign.
Justice for all, right?
Wow. Had they just behaved like humans they probably would've gotten warnings or at worst a cheap seat belt ticket.

This is the new black response to cops. Keep it real and act a fool. Then...well...not sure what it accomplished other than a longer rap sheet.
I was a witness to the worst sort of behavior on the part of our police while in the presence of a black man back in the year 2000, and I have to admit I was stunned by their behavior. And still to this day I think a little less of every cop I see, because of what I witnessed.

And I'm no ****** lover.
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Did you see how convinced they were that they were victims of racism? Without the existence of video, we would have to take them at their word that they were victims of racism from the police. The vast majority of the accusations of racism against blacks are just flat out lies. They see racism where it doesn't exist, and we are supposed play along and pity them and give them stuff for free because... "da cops are raciss against black peepo yall."
Was it a racist decision to pull that car over? I'd have to watch earlier video. I sure couldn't tell the nationality of the occupants until well after the car was pulled.

But it was a bad stop to behin with. The car was at a full stop, the loght changed and they went forward.

Any info on what charges were brought and the end resulys?

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