Another Warning From Trump Comes True.....What Do You On The Left Have To Say Now????

So you all set for the weekend Klan-Bake? Just curious, do you use Oxi-clean or something else to clean those white hoods/robes?
I think they use their old Klan robes as their Confederate flags for their front yards.

But 18th Century America later became 21st Century America of equal rights for all, thanks to the founding fathers
No it's because people wised up and realized slavery and everything that went along with it was wrong. If the founding fathers werent so stupid, they would have outlawed slavery from the very beginning.
No it's because people wised up and realized slavery and everything that went along with it was wrong. If the founding fathers werent so stupid, they would have outlawed slavery from the very beginning.
What does modern day Africa have to do with 18th century America?
Tell the Chinese working for FoxConn there is no slavery.
And acted accordingly based on the guidelines laid down by the founding fathers
With the help of Amendments like #13 which should have been unnecessary in the first place. You're kidding yourself if you think Thomas Jefferson actually thought all men were created equal.
No it's because people wised up and realized slavery and everything that went along with it was wrong. If the founding fathers werent so stupid, they would have outlawed slavery from the very beginning.
They couldn't form the Union if they outlawed slavery.
That's how the 3/5 compromise happened. Form the union first, then get rid of slavery down the road.
They couldn't form the Union if they outlawed slavery.
That's how the 3/5 compromise happened. Form the union first, then get rid of slavery down the road.
Well you know if they werent so immoral there wouldnt have been a need for a compromise in the first place.
With the help of Amendments like #13 which should have been unnecessary in the first place. You're kidding yourself if you think Thomas Jefferson actually thought all men were created equal.
Some are better at mass robbery at Best Buy than others.
With the help of Amendments like #13 which should have been unnecessary in the first place. You're kidding yourself if you think Thomas Jefferson actually thought all men were created equal.
All men are CREATED equal, but that doesn't mean you know how to do what someone else does. Is a jungle native going to run your business as well as a college grad with a business degree?
Which could not have happened without the founding fathers
So you're justifying their immorality by saying they left the groundwork for others to correct their immorality, all the while some knew they were immoral but they just couldnt help themselves? LOL ok if you say so.

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