Another Warning From Trump Comes True.....What Do You On The Left Have To Say Now????

Thomas Jefferson owned over 2,000 slaves. It wasn't a plantation as much as a town.

He had blacksmiths, candle makers, potters, wheel wrights, glass blowers, you name it.

How did poor whites compete with that? They didn't. You can't compete with people who work for free.

Jefferson did free his slaves upon his death. Everyone should give him that.
I dunno.....Jefferson sent out some pretty racist and homophobic emails. :iagree:
Thomas Jefferson was removed from NYC City Hall yesterday.
A statue of Thomas Jefferson that stood there for 187 years was removed.....just like Trump predicted a couple of years ago.

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The best part...? The dumb shits demanding that Thomas Jefferson's statue be removed vote for the democrat party......the democrat party was created by two racist slave owners. The democrat party defended slavery. The democrat party wanted to push slavery into new states joining the Union. The democrat party started the Civil War in order to keep their black slaves. After the Republican Party defeated them, and then freed the slaves, the democrat party created the black codes and Jim Crow to keep the newly freed blacks from becoming full U.S. citizens.....and members of the democrat party created the ku klux klan in order to beat and murder freed blacks and their republican allies.....

So....the same people who want Jefferson's statue removed...cause "slavery," vote for the political party that was created by two slave owners...........

If they want to be consistent.....they need to abolish the democrat party, liquidate the parties assets and give them to the descendants of former slaves of democrat party members....
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This is ridiculous. The Founders all had slaves. What about Jefferson’s contributions to framing the US and making it great. The Leftists don’t care about historical figures owning slaves as much as they care about diminishing America’s icons. One might call it, “the fundamental transformation of America”. Then again, the guy who said that is the descendent of slave owners himself.
But being half black means you can't be accused of being a White Supremacist Slave-trader.....unless you're a Republican,.
The Woke MOB are a clear and present danger to our Republic.

Who the hell came up with WOKE. Too many drugs. Got dropped on their heads at birth. Parents had them while doing drugs.

These idiots are the AMERICA SUCKS PARTY now. And they wonder why we tell them to go to
The Woke MOB are a clear and present danger to our Republic.

Who the hell came up with WOKE. Too many drugs. Got dropped on their heads at birth. Parents had them while doing drugs.

These idiots are the AMERICA SUCKS PARTY now. And they wonder why we tell them to go to

But they run our Gov't!
As a result our National Security and Public Safety is rapidly eroding.
Jefferson’s writings trump any slaveholding, that everyone was doing at the time. Separation of church and state was a major contribution unlike POSPOTUS JoeXi’s current border trafficking as a Catholic-CIA puppet..
Well.....there are alot of black Washingtons....Jacksons.....Jones.....Adams......Harrises......Johnsons......Smiths.....Browns........Williamses......apparently there's 50 surnames that are more prevalent than Jefferson. So compared to the other slaveholders....Jefferson didn't do all that much raping.

I wish I had a life where my biggest concerns were of a statue of a man that died like 200 years ago. That would mean I had a life of no real problems.

Those dipshits should be grateful to Jefferson in helping make a country where people have lives so easy they can complain about statues.

Personally I'm thankful for the country they founded.
Kinda like you idiots know stealing elections is wrong , but as long as its your side winning you go along with it?
Eh kinda not like that. You're mentally ill if you think the elections were stolen. Or you're a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda. Either way, you're a traitor.

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