Another Wasteful Tax-Payer Funded Obama Web Site


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'President Obama has launched a scaled-back college evaluation website.'

Before he wastes any more money on another web site, maybe he should work on fixing the one (ACA) he already has that still doesn't work?!

Let's not forget this is a complete case of 'Government Over-Reach'. Why is Obama and the nearly UN-needed Department of Education wasting Tax Dollars on (biasedly) grading colleges when that is ALREADY being done and has been done for YEARS by such for-profit operations as Barron's, The Princeton Review and U.S. News & World Report?!

Socialists just LOVE to spend other people's money...until their money is all gone!
Hey candy corn, is the president still 100% responsible? Lol

Responsible for WHAT and according to WHOM? According to Obama, if it's something 'good' then he did it. If it's something 'bad' it's either Bush's or someone else's fault.

(and 'candy corn'....what are you, five?)

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