Anthony Fauci reveals which activities he will and won't do now that he's vaccinated — and indoor restaurants are still a no


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I love listening to this guy, he is so informative! He seems so honest and not at all political, which is important.

I can see why businessinsider wanted to interview him, all the massive debt due to this virus is great for crony capitalism for any underperforming big businesses (small businesses don't get the same major benefits of course). So hey, of couse Business Insider needs to interview the health expert.

For most of 2020, the little socializing Anthony Fauci did involved the neighbors right next door.

Fauci has lived in the same neighborhood in northwest Washington, DC, for more than 40 years, and the combination of his busy schedule and pandemic safety concerns confined his social life to a small radius.

"I haven't gotten the day off in a year and three months," Fauci told me recently.

When Fauci and his wife did gather with neighbors, they took no chances: The households stayed socially distanced and outdoors, even in the fall and winter when the weather got chilly.

"Whenever we would get together, we would do it outside, freezing our butts off, wearing a mask, having a dinner or having a drink outside on my deck," he said.

Then Fauci, who has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, got vaccinated. In a much-photographed moment (see above), he got his first Moderna shot on December 22. In the months that followed, others in his age bracket followed suit.
I love listening to this guy, he is so informative! He seems so honest and not at all political, which is important.

I can see why businessinsider wanted to interview him, all the massive debt due to this virus is great for crony capitalism for any underperforming big businesses (small businesses don't get the same major benefits of course). So hey, of couse Business Insider needs to interview the health expert.

For most of 2020, the little socializing Anthony Fauci did involved the neighbors right next door.

Fauci has lived in the same neighborhood in northwest Washington, DC, for more than 40 years, and the combination of his busy schedule and pandemic safety concerns confined his social life to a small radius.

"I haven't gotten the day off in a year and three months," Fauci told me recently.

When Fauci and his wife did gather with neighbors, they took no chances: The households stayed socially distanced and outdoors, even in the fall and winter when the weather got chilly.

"Whenever we would get together, we would do it outside, freezing our butts off, wearing a mask, having a dinner or having a drink outside on my deck," he said.

Then Fauci, who has served as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, got vaccinated. In a much-photographed moment (see above), he got his first Moderna shot on December 22. In the months that followed, others in his age bracket followed suit.
Fauci is the biggest political horndog ever created....
Sorry bout that,

1. Little Big Man, belies you, on the one hand he waives a wand of magic reason, that ever changes, on the other hand he's killing you with a black sword.
2. Those who died and are dying, at his hand died, and die, and their people are clueless.

I was in the airport last week and some idiot on CNN said they would vote for Fauci for president...I almost passed out laughing....
PLEASE LIBS...turn that bullshit off....stop brainwashing yourselves....

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