Anti-abortionists attempt to bring a pandemic with the Zika virus

Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
Anyone with any common sense would realize that a poison that will kill mosquitoes, will do the same to humans. Go huff some Raid and see what happens.

Complain to the science world who says in very extensive studies that says otherwise.
Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.

What has that got to do with where it originated?
What your post was about.

Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.

What has that got to do with where it originated?
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?

What is wrong with including rare exceptions?
Is that an answer to my question? I don't understand...

Rare cases whether it be hydrocephaly or other types of things, in areas that would be something along the same lines.
Rare can include many things.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.

Your dishonesty is appalling...trying to pretend that anti-abortionists have not been doing everything they can to overturn Roe v. Wade, is sleazy. Fucking fascist!

I am not pretending anything.
I put up facts.
I ask again.
Where has abortion been completely banned?
A few or handful on the right who wants that is not all or everyone on the right.
Stop the labeling.
What your post was about.

Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.

What has that got to do with where it originated?

So the environmentalists all around the world worked to get all of DDT banned.
Low doses for mosquitoes all around the world should be able to use it so that we don't have these deformed babies.
There are a few countries that still use it.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.

Your dishonesty is appalling...trying to pretend that anti-abortionists have not been doing everything they can to overturn Roe v. Wade, is sleazy. Fucking fascist!

Fascism is the mindset that says a child is not a child until it lives too long and develops too much to be denied anymore.

Fascism is the mindset that says "if it doesn't look like me or act like me. . . It is something less than me."
Fascism is like ISIS, who tries to force their ideology on women, to make them have children that they can abuse. The evangelical right is the same. Like ISIS, they force children already born, into poverty and suffering for their whole lives. They are both an ideology of hate, pretending to be holy.

It was liberalistic leftards who created the welfare class that runs multiple generations deep in the U.S. It was liberalistic leftards who removed men and their responsibilities as fathers from the home/ family unit - by telling women they don't need a man and by paying welfare in increasing amounts to unwed mothers based on the numbers of children they have out of wedlock.

It is the liberalistic leftards who have left 50 MILLION dead children in their wake as they continue to deny even the most basic of human rights to children in the womb.

It is the liberalistic leftards who continually undermine the family structure with their agenda to legalize drugs and prostitution while creating 'sanctuary' cities to lure and to encourage and even to reward illegals coming into the country and ILLEGALLY taking jobs away from those who are LEGALLY trying to provide for their families.

The list go one and on from there.

When you are calling other people 'fascists?'

You are projecting.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?

What is wrong with including rare exceptions?
Is that an answer to my question? I don't understand...

Rare cases whether it be hydrocephaly or other types of things, in areas that would be something along the same lines.
Rare can include many things.
I think that's the premise of this OP. So you agree with that?
And bugs cannot build an immunity to insecticides?

What your post was about.

Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
A world of deformed, mentally disabled generation, caused by the holier than thou's banning of abortion. Millions of couples forced to care for children that will never be able to think, or be a productive part of society.

The holier than thou's are not smart enough to realize that this will cost themselves trillions of dollars. The holier than thou's were so happy when AIDS first came out. They thought it was going to wipe out those they hated...gays and blacks. They had a chance to stop it, but Raygun wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of it for over four years until it was an epidemic. The cons are creating another problem that won't be able to be fixed.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.

What has that got to do with where it originated?

So the environmentalists all around the world worked to get all of DDT banned.
Low doses for mosquitoes all around the world should be able to use it so that we don't have these deformed babies.
There are a few countries that still use it.
Where has abortion been completely banned in the USA?
Limiting it to 20 weeks is not complete banning.
Is 5 months gestation far enough along to determine if hydrocephaly is present?

What is wrong with including rare exceptions?
Is that an answer to my question? I don't understand...

Rare cases whether it be hydrocephaly or other types of things, in areas that would be something along the same lines.
Rare can include many things.
I think that's the premise of this OP. So you agree with that?

And bugs cannot build an immunity to insecticides?

What your post was about.

Do you really mean to make this statement when the virus originated mostly from Brazil.
How utterly preposterous.

It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.
It's the left who got DDT banned, using little to no evidence of harm to the wildlife.
A very weak amount would kill these mosquitoes.
It is the right who don't want them to be deformed in the 1st place, but can't be prevented, because we can't kill them off with that very effective insecticide.
It was banned because of the money.
Follow the money tails to what has been passed by both parties for the last 40 years. It has nothing to do with us the people.

What has that got to do with where it originated?

So the environmentalists all around the world worked to get all of DDT banned.
Low doses for mosquitoes all around the world should be able to use it so that we don't have these deformed babies.
There are a few countries that still use it.

Yes they do, especially if over used and in large amounts. I am talking very small amounts of strength. Just enough to kill that type of mosquito in order to protect our pregnant women here in America.
There is a balance here.

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