Anti-Abortionists Hypocrisy at it's Finest

If I were you, I wouldn't be accusing others of trying to control anyone's health.

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Let the companies fall for that crap, and start putting signs like that up. They think their businesses are in jeopardy now. It won't be good. It's hard to believe that companies would fall for such idiocy, especially after the suffering they have been put through for the last two years.

Time to open up, and quit being played.

As far as the OP, well sorry but I don't trust anything a leftist post.
I think these conversations are getting a little out of control everybody needs to step back take a deep breath and relax. I'm thinking of my water lilies blooming in the summertime in the pond in the backyard
You might enjoy that to
Now I've moved on, I'm thinking about the turtles sunning on the logs in the pond and how they slip so gracefully on and off of the log at the slightest disturbance.


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If you read the article you'd know those things. Like I said it wasn't very in-depth they didn't investigate high ranking republican officials like trump, it was just a few cases that were in the news anyway.
Your link sent me to a merchant. That is against written rules of USMB. That you ought to have checked but instead used it as a springboard to diminish a poster you differ with. Carry your own water. Name names or stay lame.
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Let the companies fall for that crap, and start putting signs like that up. They think their businesses are in jeopardy now. It won't be good. It's hard to believe that companies would fall for such idiocy, especially after the suffering they have been put through for the last two years.

Time to open up, and quit being played.

As far as the OP, well sorry but I don't trust anything a leftist post.
You think you've suffered. This pandemic is so far from over it isn't funny. Yes, it's gone on far too long, and that's part of the problem. Now we have two viruses on stage one that is very transmissible and mutable. The other which is more deadly. As one of the supervisors pointed out last night in our county emergency Management meeting, " it's a real recipe for disaster. " If these two mutate into one it has the possibility of becoming the most prolific pandemic ever killing millions upon millions if not billions. That is where we're at now just in case you wanted to know I know you don't want to hear it but that's what some of the people in the know are starting to realize. And again this is not fear monitor it's just revealing the possibilities of how bad this could get so you could start to prepare. Very few people have life insurance and or funeral preparations made.
Your link sent me to a merchant. That is against written rules of USMB. That you ought to have checked bht instead used it as a springboard to diminish a poster you differ with. Carry your own water. Name names or stay lame.

Your link sent me to a merchant. That is against written rules of USMB. That you ought to have checked bht instead used it as a springboard to diminish a poster you differ with. Carry your own water. Name names or stay lame.
I went back to post #2. I downloaded the site and press the search button and got the information you requested they named 4 republicans; Scott Lloyd, Elliot Brody, Tim Murphy and Scott DesJarlais. Now you see what I mean, they see like nobodies to me. I'm sure there's a lot more meat to this issue. I'm going to post this site one more time, it should work. I do not know how to test it cuz it's not underlined when I printed out here but you got the information you asked for hope you're finally happy.
IF this is a demonstration of what you might laughingly call a sense of humor then I feel sorry for you.

I do not need my morals questioned by people who think separating children from their parents gun point is good idea.
Lol. Try English one of theses days. If you are talking about children being seperacted by gun point exactly what does that have to do with abortion? Unless you have an unusual idea of abortion. But then again really have no idea what you are going on about.
Reminds me of a story a friend told me. We went to high school together, after high School I went to nursing training ( LPN, aka known as Low Paid n.Nurse. By the way RNs are Real Nerds ), graduated, worked at the state hospital for a while, then joined the Air Force. During that time my friend joined the Peace Corps. He was sent to some South Pacific island nation, Tuvalu maybe. Anyway, the king of this island nation had a feast in his honor when he arrived. Four men carried up a sea turtle from the beach and threw it on its back on to the roaring bonfire. There was a whole lot of entertainment. When that was over the king took a machete and carved off the carapace / bottom part of the shell of the sea turtle and carved a hunk of flesh off right above where the turtle's heart was. It was considered the prize delicacy of the turtle and he offered this to my friend. My friend took one bite and was amazed at the super beautiful taste in his mouth but he glanced over at the turtle on the fire and he could see his heart was still beating. He felt like throwing up but he couldn't that would be an insult to the king. I will always remember that story.
SCOTUS and POTUS are run by Catholics, the people in power that allow abortions

So what?
Biden isn't a practicing Catholic, and the leftwingers on the Supreme Court aren't practicing Catholics. Did you have a point?
Biden isn't a practicing Catholic, and the leftwingers on the Supreme Court aren't practicing Catholics. Did you have a point?
I beg to differ, Biden attends Mass on a regular basis. Personal values cannot be reflected by members of the government and our courts, or at least they should not be reflected in policy and court decisions. Public offices cannot be subject to the whims of any religion.
You should try it again. They never asked me for money. I pressed the search button put in Republican hypocrisy about abortion and it came right up.
You need to link directly to whatever story you are talking about.
Personally, I consider the article was largely a disappointment, it didn't mention in any big names like Trump, or any of the other big Republican leaders
I suspect one of the reasons Trump doesn't release his tax returns is because he has deducted donations to far left organizations like Planned Parenthood.
I suspect one of the reasons Trump doesn't release his tax returns is because he has deducted donations to far left organizations like Planned Parenthood.
Or maybe he had the nerve to include all the women he's paid off through the ages.

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