Anti-Christian Anti-Trump lunatic captured before he could target churches


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.
But they passed a bill that lets people with mental illness buy guns. Lol.
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.
Mentally ill? He was white, right?
There is another long thread on this.

The wacko was caught in the woods in Wisc.

He never made it out of the state.

Somebody saw him and called it in.
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.
Mentally ill? He was white, right?
Yah a white guy.

NOT BLACK this time.

The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.
He doesn't sound any more insane than fake, or taint, or old rocks, or any of the other fanatical leftwads on here.
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.

Reagan closed all of the state mental hospitals while he was Governor , which became a trend across America... This is why you see everyone in the streets , like this guy..

The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.

Reagan closed all of the state mental hospitals while he was Governor , which became a trend across America... This is why you see everyone in the streets , like this guy..

The mental institutions were closed at the demands of progressives who bought into "medical treatment" studies (which turned out to be frauds) that would make it possible to medicate and release all the crazy folk.

So they could then funnel that money into welfare programs that would give them food and money to use on the street.

"Many of the psychiatrists involved as practitioners and policy makers in the 1950's and 1960's said in the interviews that heavy responsibility lay on a sometimes neglected aspect of the problem: the overreliance on drugs to do the work of society.

"The records show that the politicians were dogged by the image and financial problems posed by the state hospitals and that the scientific and medical establishment sold Congress and the state legislatures a quick fix for a complicated problem that was bought sight unseen."

"Dr. Robert H. Felix, who was then director of the National Institute of Mental Health and a major figure in the shift to community centers, says now on reflection: ''Many of those patients who left the state hospitals never should have done so. We psychiatrists saw too much of the old snake pit, saw too many people who shouldn't have been there and we overreacted. The result is not what we intended, and perhaps we didn't ask the questions that should have been asked when developing a new concept, but psychiatrists are human, too, and we tried our damnedest.''

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''

"One of the most influential groups in bringing about the new national policy was the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, an independent body set up by Congress in 1955. One of its two surviving members, Dr. M. Brewster Smith, a University of California psychologist who served as vice president, said the commission took the direction it did because of ''the sort of overselling that happens in almost every interchange between science and government.''

''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..."

Reagan closed the mental institutions at the behest of leftist politicians and insane progressive Yale "psychiatrists".
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.

Reagan closed all of the state mental hospitals while he was Governor , which became a trend across America... This is why you see everyone in the streets , like this guy..

The mental institutions were closed at the demands of progressives who bought into "medical treatment" studies (which turned out to be frauds) that would make it possible to medicate and release all the crazy folk.

So they could then funnel that money into welfare programs that would give them food and money to use on the street.

"Many of the psychiatrists involved as practitioners and policy makers in the 1950's and 1960's said in the interviews that heavy responsibility lay on a sometimes neglected aspect of the problem: the overreliance on drugs to do the work of society.

"The records show that the politicians were dogged by the image and financial problems posed by the state hospitals and that the scientific and medical establishment sold Congress and the state legislatures a quick fix for a complicated problem that was bought sight unseen."

"Dr. Robert H. Felix, who was then director of the National Institute of Mental Health and a major figure in the shift to community centers, says now on reflection: ''Many of those patients who left the state hospitals never should have done so. We psychiatrists saw too much of the old snake pit, saw too many people who shouldn't have been there and we overreacted. The result is not what we intended, and perhaps we didn't ask the questions that should have been asked when developing a new concept, but psychiatrists are human, too, and we tried our damnedest.''

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''

"One of the most influential groups in bringing about the new national policy was the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, an independent body set up by Congress in 1955. One of its two surviving members, Dr. M. Brewster Smith, a University of California psychologist who served as vice president, said the commission took the direction it did because of ''the sort of overselling that happens in almost every interchange between science and government.''

''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..."


But in that same article:

In California, for example, the number of patients in state mental hospitals reached a peak of 37,500 in 1959 when Edmund G. Brown was Governor, fell to 22,000 when Ronald Reagan attained that office in 1967, and continued to decline under his administration and that of his successor, Edmund G. Brown Jr. The senior Mr. Brown now expresses regret about the way the policy started and ultimately evolved. ''They've gone far, too far, in letting people out,'' he said in an interview.

Reagan closed the state mental hospitals along with others, and these people with mental illness need to be suicidal in order to be seen and assessed in the hospitals..Then they let them out in 48 hours.

Reagan closed the mental institutions at the behest of leftist politicians and insane progressive Yale "psychiatrists".

Ok since I brought up Reagan...I went up to the beautiful Redwood forests some years back and saw a sign dedicated to Reagan when he was

He cut down 3/4ths of the forest...he said once you have seen one tree you have seen them all..He hated trees.

That is how the republicans view mentally ill people..

The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.

Reagan closed all of the state mental hospitals while he was Governor , which became a trend across America... This is why you see everyone in the streets , like this guy..

The mental institutions were closed at the demands of progressives who bought into "medical treatment" studies (which turned out to be frauds) that would make it possible to medicate and release all the crazy folk.

So they could then funnel that money into welfare programs that would give them food and money to use on the street.

"Many of the psychiatrists involved as practitioners and policy makers in the 1950's and 1960's said in the interviews that heavy responsibility lay on a sometimes neglected aspect of the problem: the overreliance on drugs to do the work of society.

"The records show that the politicians were dogged by the image and financial problems posed by the state hospitals and that the scientific and medical establishment sold Congress and the state legislatures a quick fix for a complicated problem that was bought sight unseen."

"Dr. Robert H. Felix, who was then director of the National Institute of Mental Health and a major figure in the shift to community centers, says now on reflection: ''Many of those patients who left the state hospitals never should have done so. We psychiatrists saw too much of the old snake pit, saw too many people who shouldn't have been there and we overreacted. The result is not what we intended, and perhaps we didn't ask the questions that should have been asked when developing a new concept, but psychiatrists are human, too, and we tried our damnedest.''

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''

"One of the most influential groups in bringing about the new national policy was the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, an independent body set up by Congress in 1955. One of its two surviving members, Dr. M. Brewster Smith, a University of California psychologist who served as vice president, said the commission took the direction it did because of ''the sort of overselling that happens in almost every interchange between science and government.''

''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..."


But in that same article:

In California, for example, the number of patients in state mental hospitals reached a peak of 37,500 in 1959 when Edmund G. Brown was Governor, fell to 22,000 when Ronald Reagan attained that office in 1967, and continued to decline under his administration and that of his successor, Edmund G. Brown Jr. The senior Mr. Brown now expresses regret about the way the policy started and ultimately evolved. ''They've gone far, too far, in letting people out,'' he said in an interview.

Reagan closed the state mental hospitals along with others, and these people with mental illness need to be suicidal in order to be seen and assessed in the hospitals..Then they let them out in 48 hours.


So they started the policy before he took office, dumbass. He just continued the policy, which ALL the colleges and psychiatrists were pushing.
Reagan closed the mental institutions at the behest of leftist politicians and insane progressive Yale "psychiatrists".

Ok since I brought up Reagan...I went up to the beautiful Redwood forests some years back and saw a sign dedicated to Reagan when he was

He cut down 3/4ths of the forest...he said once you have seen one tree you have seen them all..He hated trees.

That is how the republicans view mentally ill people..


What utter horseshit, he didn't cut down anything and you sound unhinged yourself.

That aside, though, I agree we should never have released them. Let's throw all the lunatics back into the loony bins. I despise psychiatrists, psychologists. I've never seen a crazier, more dishonest group of hacks. I propose we toss them in, followed by you.
"My wife worked for the chief of the psychiatric department at the Brentwood VA in California during the early 80s. From the mid-70s to mid-80s there was a strong 'patients rights' movement generated by the mental health advocate community. Although there were many facets to this movement, one of the primary elements was a re-examination of the criteria for institutionalizing patients.

The point of contention revolved around interpretations of what it meant for a patient to be able to 'take care of himself.' Prior to this the interpretation was rather strict; if a patient could not earn an income and provide shelter and food for himself (and if there were no family members able to care for him), then he would normally be institutionalized.

Begining in the late 70s, the advocacy groups began to demand a lower standard. As long as a patient could merely wash and dress himself, and could perform the mechanical tasks of shovelling food into his mouth, then every effort was made to force the institutions to release them. My wife's boss spent many months both in court and testifying before the state assembly trying to stop this lowering of standards. Unsuccessfully.

Predictably, most of the newly discharged patients were unable to take care of themselves in any meaningful sense of the word, and became the homeless people on the street. It's no coincidence that the decline in California's mental health insitution population closely matched the sharp increase of homeless (in California, at least) during the same period. In fact, for about two years, my wife literally was on a first name basis with every homeless person we ran across in the Westwood/Santa Monica area. They were all former patients who had been 'sprung' from the VA by well meaning advocate groups who then simply walked away and left these guys hanging.

Reagan was not involved in this movement, nor was he a symptom or symbolic of it. Quite the contrary. The people who 'liberated' the inmates tended to be on the opposite end of the political spectum. In fact, it was the ACLU who provided legal representation to force the VA to release these patients."
Crazy lefturds. Reagan kicked people out of institutions
The hysterical lunatic sent some sort of threatening manifesto to Trump, held up a gun store, then vowed to start targeting churches. After that, he went on the lam.

They caught him.
"Janesville Chief of Police David Moore said that police were concerned a mass shooting could have occurred."
The witness who found him said:
""He seemed angry at the way he views society, how he believes money is controlling society," Gorn told the AP. "He wanted me to see what he had written to various people."

Fugitive who mailed manifesto to Trump captured in Wisconsin

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.
Mentally ill? He was white, right?
Yah a white guy.

NOT BLACK this time.

Thus the "mentally ill" as opposed to "terrorist" or "thug".
Reagan closed the mental institutions at the behest of leftist politicians and insane progressive Yale "psychiatrists".

Ok since I brought up Reagan...I went up to the beautiful Redwood forests some years back and saw a sign dedicated to Reagan when he was

He cut down 3/4ths of the forest...he said once you have seen one tree you have seen them all..He hated trees.

That is how the republicans view mentally ill people..


What utter horseshit, he didn't cut down anything and you sound unhinged yourself.

That aside, though, I agree we should never have released them. Let's throw all the lunatics back into the loony bins. I despise psychiatrists, psychologists. I've never seen a crazier, more dishonest group of hacks. I propose we toss them in, followed by you.

I don't know what he hated about Redwoods..

I have 7 in my backyard and they are beautiful ~

1. “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do.”Ronald Reagan

2.:Redwood National Park; namely, “A tree is a tree. How many more do you have to look at?”Once you have seen one , you have seen them all.. Ronald Reagan
"My wife worked for the chief of the psychiatric department at the Brentwood VA in California during the early 80s. From the mid-70s to mid-80s there was a strong 'patients rights' movement generated by the mental health advocate community. Although there were many facets to this movement, one of the primary elements was a re-examination of the criteria for institutionalizing patients.

The point of contention revolved around interpretations of what it meant for a patient to be able to 'take care of himself.' Prior to this the interpretation was rather strict; if a patient could not earn an income and provide shelter and food for himself (and if there were no family members able to care for him), then he would normally be institutionalized.

Begining in the late 70s, the advocacy groups began to demand a lower standard. As long as a patient could merely wash and dress himself, and could perform the mechanical tasks of shovelling food into his mouth, then every effort was made to force the institutions to release them. My wife's boss spent many months both in court and testifying before the state assembly trying to stop this lowering of standards. Unsuccessfully.

Predictably, most of the newly discharged patients were unable to take care of themselves in any meaningful sense of the word, and became the homeless people on the street. It's no coincidence that the decline in California's mental health insitution population closely matched the sharp increase of homeless (in California, at least) during the same period. In fact, for about two years, my wife literally was on a first name basis with every homeless person we ran across in the Westwood/Santa Monica area. They were all former patients who had been 'sprung' from the VA by well meaning advocate groups who then simply walked away and left these guys hanging.

Reagan was not involved in this movement, nor was he a symptom or symbolic of it. Quite the contrary. The people who 'liberated' the inmates tended to be on the opposite end of the political spectum. In fact, it was the ACLU who provided legal representation to force the VA to release these patients."
Crazy lefturds. Reagan kicked people out of institutions

That is a comment by a member on a forum for snopes ...It is someones opinion not a fact..:smoke:

The guy is obviously mentally ill.... which we will keep seeing more of because the Republicans love to cut away at mental health funds ... especially for the Vets.

All lefties are mentally ill.

And you are wrong. We will be seeing fewer and fewer of them as we start lodging them where they mental institutions, or in prison.

Reagan closed all of the state mental hospitals while he was Governor , which became a trend across America... This is why you see everyone in the streets , like this guy..

The mental institutions were closed at the demands of progressives who bought into "medical treatment" studies (which turned out to be frauds) that would make it possible to medicate and release all the crazy folk.

So they could then funnel that money into welfare programs that would give them food and money to use on the street.

"Many of the psychiatrists involved as practitioners and policy makers in the 1950's and 1960's said in the interviews that heavy responsibility lay on a sometimes neglected aspect of the problem: the overreliance on drugs to do the work of society.

"The records show that the politicians were dogged by the image and financial problems posed by the state hospitals and that the scientific and medical establishment sold Congress and the state legislatures a quick fix for a complicated problem that was bought sight unseen."

"Dr. Robert H. Felix, who was then director of the National Institute of Mental Health and a major figure in the shift to community centers, says now on reflection: ''Many of those patients who left the state hospitals never should have done so. We psychiatrists saw too much of the old snake pit, saw too many people who shouldn't have been there and we overreacted. The result is not what we intended, and perhaps we didn't ask the questions that should have been asked when developing a new concept, but psychiatrists are human, too, and we tried our damnedest.''

"Dr. John A. Talbott, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said, ''The psychiatrists involved in the policy making at that time certainly oversold community treatment, and our credibility today is probably damaged because of it.'' He said the policies ''were based partly on wishful thinking, partly on the enormousness of the problem and the lack of a silver bullet to resolve it, then as now.''

"One of the most influential groups in bringing about the new national policy was the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health, an independent body set up by Congress in 1955. One of its two surviving members, Dr. M. Brewster Smith, a University of California psychologist who served as vice president, said the commission took the direction it did because of ''the sort of overselling that happens in almost every interchange between science and government.''

''Extravagant claims were made for the benefits of shifting from state hospitals to community clinics,'' Dr. Smith said. ''The professional community made mistakes and was overly optimistic..."


But in that same article:

In California, for example, the number of patients in state mental hospitals reached a peak of 37,500 in 1959 when Edmund G. Brown was Governor, fell to 22,000 when Ronald Reagan attained that office in 1967, and continued to decline under his administration and that of his successor, Edmund G. Brown Jr. The senior Mr. Brown now expresses regret about the way the policy started and ultimately evolved. ''They've gone far, too far, in letting people out,'' he said in an interview.

Reagan closed the state mental hospitals along with others, and these people with mental illness need to be suicidal in order to be seen and assessed in the hospitals..Then they let them out in 48 hours.


So they started the policy before he took office, dumbass. He just continued the policy, which ALL the colleges and psychiatrists were pushing.


1967 Ronald Reagan is elected governor of California. At this point, the number of patients in state hospitals had fallen to 22,000, and the Reagan administration uses the decline as a reason to make cuts to the Department of Mental Hygiene. They cut 2,600 jobs and 10 percent of the budget despite reports showing that hospitals were already below recommended staffing levels.

1967 Reagan signs the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and ends the practice of institutionalizing patients against their will, or for indefinite amounts of time. This law is regarded by some as a “patient’s bill of rights”. Sadly, the care outside state hospitals was inadequate. The year after the law goes into effect, a study shows the number of mentally ill people entering San Mateo’s criminal justice system doubles.

President Ronald Reagan (Library of Congress)
1981 President Reagan repeals Carter’s legislation with the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This pushes the responsibility of mentally ill patients back to the states. The legislation creates block grants for the states, but federal spending on mental illness declines.

Did the Emptying of Mental Hospitals Contribute to Homelessness?

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