What can we expect from a Kamala Harris administration?

Dummy, what’s this?

Jackass, let me dumb this down to your level so that you can understand it:
  • Trump said nothing about suspending the Constitution (your still unhinged unproven claim).
  • Trump said he would NOT be a dictator.
  • Trump said he would never abuse power.
  • Then Trump added (sarcastically/semantically) "except for Day One" where he would close the border and open up energy production.
That is not being a dictator, numbnut, unless YOU are DEAD SET against protecting our nation and boosting energy.

You see dimwit, Trump was referring to two two things: what BIDEN did on Day One to enact more executive orders than any president in history effectively undoing all of Trump's border protections, and two, he was referring to using his executive authority as well, which is by design autocratic, unilateral, or in Trump's parlance, to "dictatorially" (unilaterally) use the power of the office to immediate fix both the border and energy problem.

Damn, I forgot how goddam stupid and ignorant you were.

Now I know that a shit-fer-brains like you who listens to a radical network of extremist partisans like MSNBC has far too low an IQ to get that, and no doubt, STILL WON'T, but I'm sure this is within the grasp of any normal 14 year old.
Jackass, let me dumb this down to your level so that you can understand it:
  • Trump said nothing about suspending the Constitution (your still unhinged unproven claim).
  • Trump said he would NOT be a dictator.

Moron what part of DICTATOR ON DAY ONE do you not fucking get? It's directly from his video taped prime-time interview and it doesn't get more explicit than that.

Here is Trump, calling for suspension of Constitution:

  • Then Trump added (sarcastically/semantically) "except for Day One" where he would close the border and open up energy production.
That is not being a dictator, numbnut, unless YOU are DEAD SET against protecting our nation and boosting energy.

Trump in fact said he will be a dictator on day one as a response to a question of people being concerned about him ABUSING HIS POWER IN A DICTATORIAL MANNER.

If he wanted to say he will not abuse his power then all he had to talk about was how he won't do that.

What the hell does he have to say so morons like you would hear him? This degenerate can't pass even the lowest bar for presidency and has no bussiness being anwyhere near White House.
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Moron what part of DICTATOR ON DAY ONE do you not fucking get?

I get that YOUR OWN VIDEO proves you wrong that he said and meant a lot more than that, and did not mean literally just a dictator if elected. Just HOW do you think he could declare himself or anyone a dictator for life in this country, you pustulating twit?
Trump in fact said he will be a dictator on day one as a response to a question of people being concerned about him ABUSING HIS POWER IN A DICTATORIAL MANNER.
He said he would never abuse his power. Apparently you also have intermittent deafness as well.

If he wanted to say he will not abuse his power then all he had to talk about was how he won't do that.
Why am I explaining what I already explained that should not need explained with anyone with an IQ above 70? Got it--- you're an idiot.

What the hell does he have to say so morons like you would hear him? This degenerate can't pass even the lowest bar for presidency and has no bussiness being anwyhere near White House.
You must be one of those idiots who claimed Trump would also take us to WWIII if elected, who did the exact opposite while ignoring that Joe Biden actually DID drag us into two wars, and since in office, actually HAS acted like a dictator, thumbing his nose at the Supreme Court doing whatever the hell he wants while trying to throw all of his political rivals in prison.
At least Kamala has not stated she wants to be a dictator or will seek retribution and political show trials for her “enemies.”
Dictators never tell you they want to be a dictator or an 'angel of retribution.'


Reparations, causing the Federal government to print even more money for even more inflation.

Assumingly, she would continue the rest of Potato heads policies, like an open border and war on fossil fuels, etc.

The bad part is we will be able to understand her word salads.

Personally, I prefer Joe Biden's gibberish no one can understand.

So far the only viable alternatives to Joe seem to be Kamala and Michelle.

So we get Kamala who has proven inability to accomplish anything or be creative or smart in any way to solve any problem or get anything done. Or, we get Michelle who has never had to make a serious decision about anything of consequence to 330 million Americans ever and would be at the mercy of her less than successful husband to tell her what to do? Both would be totally controlled by the deep state.

With Kamala we get cackling and word salads instead of intelligent decisiveness.

With Michelle we get 'healthy' school lunches the kids won't eat.
So far the only viable alternatives to Joe seem to be Kamala and Michelle.

So we get Kamala who has proven inability to accomplish anything or be creative or smart in any way to solve any problem or get anything done or Michelle who has never had to make a serious decision about anything of consequence to 330 million Americans ever and would be at the mercy of her less than successful husband to tell her what to do? Both would be totally controlled by the deep state.

With Kamala we get cackling and word salads instead of intelligent decisiveness.

With Michelle we get 'healthy' school lunches the kids won't eat.

For the American voter, it all comes down to likeability.

Vacuous reasoning I know, but this is how we got to this point.
I get that YOUR OWN VIDEO proves you wrong that he said and meant a lot more than that, and did not mean literally just a dictator if elected.

He said he would be a dictator day one.

You say he is kidding.

I say you are both fucked in head.
Dumbass, he said he would abuse it on DAY ONE.
He said he would never abuse his power. Geesh, you can't even follow your own video. And the thing about day one, he said he would use it to fix our open border and to release energy production. OH NO! :laughing0301:

Why do you come here to piss yourself like this?
I did not know that pissing on you was pissing myself.

I say you are both fucked in head.
You should know as chief fucked-in-the-head. But you are not only very stupid but boring and tiring as well. Time to put you on Ignore. Bye Chump.
He said he would never abuse his power.
He specifically said he would abuse it on day one bullshit peddler.

Anyone who watched that video knows that and I seriously don’t know wtf is wrong with you to try to deny it.
No one is declaring war. MAGAt's just need to realize that despite what a bunch of old drunk guys wrote 248 years ago about the "qualifications" for the U.S. presidency it's actually a bit more than that.
You just can't pick the guy sleeping beside the shopping cart in the alley behind Walgreen's to be your candidate.
Or a felon.
Or a con-man.
Or a Fascist.
Biden is all 3 of those and you fools want him reelected. What does that say about YOU?
He specifically said he would abuse it on day one bullshit peddler.

Anyone who watched that video knows that and I seriously don’t know wtf is wrong with you to try to deny it.
It was joking sarcasm, it's amazing how dumb you libs are.
Moron what part of DICTATOR ON DAY ONE do you not fucking get? It's directly from his video taped prime-time interview and it doesn't get more explicit than that.

Here is Trump, calling for suspension of Constitution:

context idiot, context.
In other words, don’t believe Trump’s own words!
but we should believe these words?

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had sexual relations with that woman..."
"I never had classified data on my server"
"I did not delete 30,000 emails"
"Biden is healthy and active"

Additionally Trump never said what you libs claim he said. You fools do not understand sarcasm or humor.
You fools do not understand sarcasm or humor.
humor…holy shit.

We’ve already heard “humor” about Russia funding him some emails, “humor” about Trump using his office and DOJ to go after political opponents, we’ve heard “humor” about Trump refusing to concede the election and the hilarious attack on the United States Congress it resulted in.

Haha! So funny! :cuckoo:
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