Anti-Cop groups gives To Do list for police encounters; And they're RIGHT!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010

Gotta be fair and acknowledge when a group I disagree with gets it right. Rabidly anti cop group "Cop Block" made a video of 5 Must Do things when encountering cops. And they're right.

FIRST....although Cop Block and myself have very drastically different views on law enforcement. ..I gotta commend them for one thing they say, regarding police ID (#2 below). They say "Police departments dont commit acts of wrongdoing, individuals do". Absolutely right. An individual...who happens to be a cop...may decide to violate his oath. Not his department or patch or peers. they are:
1- Video. Sure. Cops do it. So can you. Any cop who tries to stop video recording without a legitimate public safety concern is wrong. Just remember...cops dont have to allow you into their personal space. Video from a reasonable distance.

2- Get their name and badge number. If you get a ticket...its on the ticket already. But ask for ID. Thats your right...because there ARE dangerous criminals impersonating cops. Be sure your really a cop. "Sir..can I have your name and badge number to ensure you really are law enforcement? ".

3- Ask..."Am I being detained?" If ARE free to leave. If you are not. Terry vs Ohio SCOTUS ruling says you can be "detained" even if you havent committed a crime...but circumstances around you raise a reasonable suspicion for the cop to investigate. ..and hopefully confirm your innocence!

**Cop Block is also to be commended...for saying stay calm. Dont lose your cool.

4- Dont answer questions. Cop Block says dont answer any questions. Thats a 5th amendment right. So..they recommend it. I dont...unless you're guilty haha. is the cops job to make a case and get evidence. Not yours to provide it. You have the right to refuse questions.

5- Do not consent to searches. Also your right. They may have probable cause to search or frisk (weapons only). But do not have to consent.

AND...they never say to physically resist arrest. For a bunch of cop haters...they got this one right. Know your rights. Dont lose your temper. Dont fight. Know its an individual. .not a department. ...who commits wrongs.

Good place to start.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question. Its not illegal to refuse to answer questions or not consent to a search. Those rights are in the Bill of Rights since 1776.

Since 99.9% of police encounters are peaceful and routine and non eventful....and most are with normal Americans maybe speeding or happen to be wearing similar clothing that a reported theif had on...then these situations dont usually happen.

But...for those that really want to go this route..its legal. The cop probably will look at you weird. But if he arrests you for got a big paycheck coming.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question. Its not illegal to refuse to answer questions or not consent to a search. Those rights are in the Bill of Rights since 1776.

Since 99.9% of police encounters are peaceful and routine and non eventful....and most are with normal Americans maybe speeding or happen to be wearing similar clothing that a reported theif had on...then these situations dont usually happen.

But...for those that really want to go this route..its legal. The cop probably will look at you weird. But if he arrests you for got a big paycheck coming.
This is why so many people are so surprised when they are arrested. Sure the police can just let you go. They don't have to. If suspected of a crime you can be arrested. If you are suspected of having something in your car and refuse a search the police must get a warrant to search the car. This means it will be impounded and held until a warrant is issued. Then the police will tear it apart.

You certainly have rights but not without consequences.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question. Its not illegal to refuse to answer questions or not consent to a search. Those rights are in the Bill of Rights since 1776.

Since 99.9% of police encounters are peaceful and routine and non eventful....and most are with normal Americans maybe speeding or happen to be wearing similar clothing that a reported theif had on...then these situations dont usually happen.

But...for those that really want to go this route..its legal. The cop probably will look at you weird. But if he arrests you for got a big paycheck coming.
This is why so many people are so surprised when they are arrested. Sure the police can just let you go. They don't have to. If suspected of a crime you can be arrested. If you are suspected of having something in your car and refuse a search the police must get a warrant to search the car. This means it will be impounded and held until a warrant is issued. Then the police will tear it apart.

You certainly have rights but not without consequences.

Partly true.

If they have probable cause that something illegal is in your car...they dont need a warrant. Supreme Court law. Carroll Doctrine. They just need probable cause.

If your car smells like booze they can search for open booze containers without a warrant.

People get outraged and declare "You dont have a warrant!". They dont need one.

I wish high schools taught a class on this stuff to our kids.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question. Its not illegal to refuse to answer questions or not consent to a search. Those rights are in the Bill of Rights since 1776.

Since 99.9% of police encounters are peaceful and routine and non eventful....and most are with normal Americans maybe speeding or happen to be wearing similar clothing that a reported theif had on...then these situations dont usually happen.

But...for those that really want to go this route..its legal. The cop probably will look at you weird. But if he arrests you for got a big paycheck coming.
This is why so many people are so surprised when they are arrested. Sure the police can just let you go. They don't have to. If suspected of a crime you can be arrested. If you are suspected of having something in your car and refuse a search the police must get a warrant to search the car. This means it will be impounded and held until a warrant is issued. Then the police will tear it apart.

You certainly have rights but not without consequences.

Partly true.

If they have probable cause that something illegal is in your car...they dont need a warrant. Supreme Court law. Carroll Doctrine. They just need probable cause.

If your car smells like booze they can search for open booze containers without a warrant.

People get outraged and declare "You dont have a warrant!". They dont need one.

I wish high schools taught a class on this stuff to our kids.
You are right but not applying your understanding correctly.

If the police have probable cause they don't need a warrant. If they don't have probable cause they need a warrant or consent. If they don't have consent the car will be held until they get a warrant.

If an officer asks to search your car and you say no. You have rights. The police may do nothing but send you on your way. Or the car might be impounded and held until they get a search warrant. In which case you will pay impound fees even if nothing is found.

I wish schools taught a class in this stuff. It is called The Talk. Generally it is thought that parents should never have to give the talk to children. Actually everyone should have the talk.
Refuse to answer questions or consent to a search pretty much means an arrest. This could be a good thing if enough people resist. The more that resist the more arrests. The more arrests the more crowded holding is. The more crowded holding is the longer processing takes. It might take a couple of days to get to an individual which is fitting for someone who refuses to answer a question. Its not illegal to refuse to answer questions or not consent to a search. Those rights are in the Bill of Rights since 1776.

Since 99.9% of police encounters are peaceful and routine and non eventful....and most are with normal Americans maybe speeding or happen to be wearing similar clothing that a reported theif had on...then these situations dont usually happen.

But...for those that really want to go this route..its legal. The cop probably will look at you weird. But if he arrests you for got a big paycheck coming.
This is why so many people are so surprised when they are arrested. Sure the police can just let you go. They don't have to. If suspected of a crime you can be arrested. If you are suspected of having something in your car and refuse a search the police must get a warrant to search the car. This means it will be impounded and held until a warrant is issued. Then the police will tear it apart.

You certainly have rights but not without consequences.

Partly true.

If they have probable cause that something illegal is in your car...they dont need a warrant. Supreme Court law. Carroll Doctrine. They just need probable cause.

If your car smells like booze they can search for open booze containers without a warrant.

People get outraged and declare "You dont have a warrant!". They dont need one.

I wish high schools taught a class on this stuff to our kids.
You are right but not applying your understanding correctly.

If the police have probable cause they don't need a warrant. If they don't have probable cause they need a warrant or consent. If they don't have consent the car will be held until they get a warrant.

If an officer asks to search your car and you say no. You have rights. The police may do nothing but send you on your way. Or the car might be impounded and held until they get a search warrant. In which case you will pay impound fees even if nothing is found.

I wish schools taught a class in this stuff. It is called The Talk. Generally it is thought that parents should never have to give the talk to children. Actually everyone should have the talk.

Yeah sort of.

But to get a need probable cause...or a judge wont sign it.

I think you are referring to an immobile car. Like on someones driveway. The Carroll Doctrine applies to vehicles in use on roads or parking lots. Cops never need warrants for those as long as theres PC.

But a parked, unoccupied car? Yes they'd need a warrant then.

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