Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.

You need to read up on Aurora Colorado where one of your heros decided to try and shoot a moterest, bit ended up shooting 3 other rioters. Charges are coming.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
George Floyd wasn't linked to any murders, but he was still a thug.
So he deserved to die?

It would suck if that's the case. I can think of a million reasons a person or ten could use that train of thought to kill me.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
George Floyd wasn't linked to any murders, but he was still a thug.
So he deserved to die?
No, but it happens to thugs quite a lot. 99 times out of 100 by the hand of another thug.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
George Floyd wasn't linked to any murders, but he was still a thug.
So he deserved to die?

Between the meth, fentany, heart disease and recent covid indicators, plus resisting arrest. . . I don't know if Floyd "deserved' to die. . . But he sure did his part to bring death upon himself.
Yeah, they just assault, destroy property, and work to completely tear down America.
Other than that, they are really good people.
To know the truth of the OP just read the posts from right-wingers on their board. We have a thread now posted by a rightist that applauds the mass murder and torture by the Pinochet regime as well as other Authoritarians. Read all the posts from wingers on this board on civil war for heaven’s sake. From Oklahoma City to Charlottesville right-wing extremists have a long history of violence.
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Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

It's not due to a lack of effort on the antifatardz part.

The loser fucktardz just can't do anything right.
Yup, like this idiot who pointed his gun at a motorist:
Is that the one in Austin? If so you are being dishonest.
What is dishonest about it? He was a little BLM/Antifa loser that tried to kill someone.
Kinda what I thought...they assault and destroy property. Not good but not the same as targetting life.

For those that seek to differ...remember...the Nazis took property, but targeted life.

So just because they haven't crossed one line they are mewling kittens and unicorn queefs?

And when it's your property I have a feeling you would feel differently.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.

Plenty of wounded police officers, including 3 blinded by lasers.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
Then who killed all the people during your democrat riots this year?
Kinda what I thought...they assault and destroy property. Not good but not the same as targetting life.

For those that seek to differ...remember...the Nazis took property, but targeted life.
You dont consider chucking a rock at someones head to be "targeting life"? What about the mob beatings with sticks and bike locks?
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
Don't worry. We don't think you're a murderer...yet.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.
As opposed to INCEL and MGTOW who've killed many in the last decade.
And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Then why has the left been acting like fascists, Goebbels? It's not the right who is engaging in cancel culture and rioting at universities when they don't like the speaker. It's not the right who is banning people from Big Tech platforms because they don't like their opinions.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.

So you should be a big fan. You two have a lot in common.
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.

No......fascism is is a left wing economic system. You can lie all you want, but you can't do it here without getting called out. Left wing fascism is socialism and that is the truth.

Hitler Was A Socialist, (And Not A Right Wing Conservative)

Mussolini’s fascism was a state socialism that was explicitly anti-Marx and aggressively nationalistic. Hitler’s National Socialism was state socialism at its worse. It not only shared the socialism of fascism, but was explicitly racist. In this it differs from the state socialism of Burma today, and that of some African and Arab dictatorships.

Two prevailing historical myths that the left has propagated successfully is that Hitler was a far right wing conservative and was democratically elected in 1933 (a blow at bourgeois democracy and conservatives).

Actually, he was defeated twice in the national elections (he became chancellor in a smoke-filled-room appointment by those German politicians who thought they could control him — see “What? Hitler Was Not Elected?”) and as head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, he considered himself a socialist, and was one by the evidence of his writings and the his economic policies.

To be clear, National Socialism differs from Marxism in its nationalism, emphasis on folk history and culture, idolization of the leader, and its racism. But the Nazi and Marxist-Leninists shared a faith in government, an absolute ruler, totalitarian control over all significant economic and social matters for the good of the working man, concentration camps, and genocide/democide as an effective government policy (only in his last years did Stalin plan for his own Holocaust of the Jews
‘Donald Trump has made warnings about the threat of antifa and “far-left fascism” a central part of his re-election campaign. But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.’

And yet again, fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

Trump is as ignorant as he is dishonest.

The real definition of fascism......

Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.

The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie.

Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners.

Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)
Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically.

In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace.Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Kinda what I thought...they assault and destroy property. Not good but not the same as targetting life.

For those that seek to differ...remember...the Nazis took property, but targeted life.

Antifa and black lives matter have murdered at least 18 people so far in their burning, looting and killing in the democrat party cities, you dope.
Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

It's not due to a lack of effort on the antifatardz part.

The loser fucktardz just can't do anything right.
True, incompetence could be a factor...on the other hand, like many opposition groups...actually taking life is abhorant. It isnt like they left a trail of failed bombing attempts.

They have left a trail of death, maiming, and hundreds of millions of dollars in just Minneapolis........

But losses stemming from the Floyd protests are likely to far exceed that. In Minneapolis, where some 400 businesses were damaged, owners and insurance experts estimate costs of the damage to exceed $500 million, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

In California, the state general services department says it spent $2 million repairing state buildings, from boarding up windows to repairing granite and removing graffiti. The state also spent over $38.2 million in California Highway Patrol overtime costs and $25 million deploying the National Guard.

In Seattle, taxpayers spent $6.3 million in overtime, $67,478 on riot gear and $31,172 on pepper spray, flash bangs and other less than lethal weapons, according to SPD. Police overtime in Portland, Oregon totaled $6.2 million.

LAPD patrol cars cost $80,000 each. Eight, according to the department, were totaled and 148 others were damaged, with broken windows, slashed tires and graffitti scrawled across the cars saying “murderers,” "kill all cops” and “say his name.” LAPD racked up $40 million in overtime -- but because the city is out of cash, a memo from Chief Michael Moore says officers must take comp time, leaving fewer officers on the street.


That was just last month. The numbers have escalated since.

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