Anti-science California ignores CDC mask guidance; people will remain masked until Newsom says it's time

The DemoKKKrat party is the most anti-science organization in the world right now.

The state of California announced Monday that will not ease its mask requirement until June 15, bucking guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said it is safe for fully vaccinated people to skip face coverings in most situations.

California State Health Director Dr. Mark Ghaly said in a press conference that the purpose of the delay is to afford businesses additional time to make operation changes due to CDC’s updated guidance.

“This four-week period will give Californians time to prepare for this change, while we continue the relentless focus on delivering vaccines particularly to underserved communities and those that were hard hit throughout this pandemic,” Ghaly told reporters.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) recently stated that he plans to end nearly all restrictions on June 15 if coronavirus cases drop lower.
But you wouldn't believe the CDC or that lying Fauci would you?
Why the turnaround?

Excellent point.

It's called "fault finding". As a basic evolutionary development, it has it's basic value. "This smells funny", "I don't like the color". It's a safe tack to take, to not eat things that smell funny or have the wrong color.

It isn't intelligent though and useless for understanding science. It depends entirely on ignoring the context, even completely changing the context. As you point out, they can't even manage to evaluate their own complaint in the context of other complaints that they make.

In terms of science, before nature can be understood, it is required to understand how and why it works the way it does. With their entire mental gyrations centered around finding fault to complain about, all they see is how things don't work well and nothing about how things do work.
They are "95% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 in those without prior infection.
So what is the efficacy for people who have been previously infected? Why are they not publicizing that number? They don't seem to have a problem telling us it is required, why the secrecy? If it is not as effective in those with previous infection, why bother?
Concerned American indeed- reportedly, over the last flu season 2 strains of flu totally gone. I even read a report where they say there’s no possibility of these 2 strains returning but I can’t find that link again grrr I would laugh if it wasn’t so ludicrous. Remarkable isn’t it!
BLUE COLLAR hey- is your product plant or animal based? As you might know, that determining factor is crucial. Or, are you saying that you actually have the preventative “cure” that could’ve been used instead of these treatment vaccines?
The DemoKKKrat party is the most anti-science organization in the world right now.

The state of California announced Monday that will not ease its mask requirement until June 15, bucking guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said it is safe for fully vaccinated people to skip face coverings in most situations.

California State Health Director Dr. Mark Ghaly said in a press conference that the purpose of the delay is to afford businesses additional time to make operation changes due to CDC’s updated guidance.

“This four-week period will give Californians time to prepare for this change, while we continue the relentless focus on delivering vaccines particularly to underserved communities and those that were hard hit throughout this pandemic,” Ghaly told reporters.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) recently stated that he plans to end nearly all restrictions on June 15 if coronavirus cases drop lower.
Your ignorance is only superseded by your arrogance.

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