Anti-Semites in St. Louis are making lists of Jews and marking their homes with the star of David

Way ahead of ya.
Why Listen to Any Media That Ignore This Disarmament?

So you don't live near Gaza. Why weren't the victims armed? Why, with all our own gun rights advocates, does nobody point this out? This is proof that we need military-type weapons to stop all the sleeper cells the multiculties allowed to come here.

Commenting on one mass murder at a restaurant in America, one Israeli was quoted as saying it couldn't have happened in Israel, because all Israeli citizens are armed. When did that change?
I'd prefer he gets rid of Muslim sympathizers.

Judaism is vastly worse than Islam.
Islam is so strictly against greed, they are not even allowed to charge compounding interest.
Moslem stick to their own country and have no ambitions to harm others.
The only reason they are forced to emigrate is we installed dictator in so many Moslem countries so we could steal their oil.
Like Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Iran (1953), Egypt, etc.
One of many...were you part of the mob?

No. I condemn what occurred in the video. The teacher has a right to support Israel and a right to practice Judaism without the fear of retribution. The students in the video I consider bad Americans.
This is where we are in Joe Biden's America.

This is happening in Cori Bush's district, by the way. A DemoKKKrat socialist, Holocaust denier, Hamas supporter, and known anti-Semite.

No doubt the FBI is too busy to notice
This is where we are in Joe Biden's America.
  • First it was blacks with the fascist democrats.
  • Next up was that MAGAs.
  • Seems the far left hate and fear-mongers have found their new terrorist target: people who were simply born as or worship as part of the jewish faith.
Freedom of religion: next up to come under attack by the far left totalitarian Marxists.

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