NPR Poll Tells Us What We Already Know: The modern Home of Anti-Semites in America is the Democrat Party

Everyone should take the time to read the transcript of Chuck Schumer’s speech the other day regarding anti-semitism. The ironic thing about it is that he lays out the case that it is his party that is responsible for anti-semitism. He reference Germany and Hitler but it never sinks in that he is on the wrong side of the aisle. Of course he mentions Trump and the so called “Muslim ban“ but he never mentions Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The evidence is right in front of his face and he even brings it to light, but like many hard-core Democratic Jews, he just doesn’t seem to get that it is by and large Christians in the US that are on the side of Israel and Democrats that are not.

1 Dec 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The bottom line is this: the modern home of antisemitism is the Democrat Party.
That’s not to say that being a Democrat makes you an anti-semite. Hardly. 7 in 10 Jews are Democrats, and many non-Jewish Democrats are anything but anti-semites.
But let’s face facts: the home of antisemites in America is the Democrat Party. While 80% of Republicans and nearly 70% of Independents support Israel, only 45% of Democrats do.
Americans' sympathies overall lie with Israel in this conflict, but Democrats are split
By a 61%-30% margin, respondents said their sympathies lie more with Israelis than Palestinians, but that's driven by Republicans (79%) and independents (67%), who overwhelmingly support…
— Dumisani Washington (@DumisaniTemsgen) December 1, 2023
It’s pretty hard to ignore these dramatic differences.
Most of the Republicans I see who are critical of supporting Israel do so because they lean toward isolationism, disdaining support for Ukraine as well as Israel. Most of the Democrats who are viciously attacking Israel are big supporters of Ukraine and the Palestinians. The people ripping down posters of Jewish hostages are, in many cases, sporting Ukraine flags on their bios.
The difference is clear: as the young Turks of the Democrat Party move up the political ladder, the Democrat Party is becoming more and more hostile to Jews.
38% of Americans say Israel’s military response to Hamas has been too much. This is up from 26% in the week following the October attack. 17% say the response has been too little, a decline from 27%, and 38% think the attack has been appropriate. This is down from 44% previously.
Americans, though, are more likely to sympathize with the Israelis (61%) than the Palestinians (30%). While Republicans (79%) and independents (67%) are more likely to express greater sympathy toward Israel, Democrats divide. 45% say they have greater sympathy for Israelis, and the same proportion (45%) say their sympathies are more with the Palestinians.
This is a huge problem for both the Democrat Party and for the Jewish progressives–and over 50% of Jews call themselves liberals, which is double the general population.

Soon, Jews will have to make a choice–stick with the antisemites for ideological reasons or ally with the classical Liberals in the Republican Party, whose ideological commitments to Western values are stronger than their ideological differences with liberal Jews.

To the roughly 80% of Jewish voters who are “Always Democrats”:
Your mother told you when you were a tot on the carpet listening to her, The Democrats are for the little guy, for the disadvantaged, and the Republicans are for the richest people and are against Jews.
Your mother was wrong.
The hatred of the DSA Democrat Socialist Left for Israel and Jews is no surprise at all, - except for the naïve, who take campaign slogans and promises at face value. But anyone with any knowledge of history and politics knows that the Left has no permanent favored groups, only those that it pretends to favor in exchange for the unwavering loyalty of those groups. The only true loyalty of the Democrat Socialist Left is to itself or, rather, to its own power. Ultimately, when the Left gets the power it wants (which is to say, dictatorial power), the first groups hunted down, imprisoned or executed are its closest allies - one need look no further than any Communist regime, ever.
Lately and very explicitly, it is now the turn of my idiot co-religionists to learn this hard lesson, as the Left tosses them under the bus because they found a larger group of new suckers to use, which group just happens to despise Jews with a hatred unrivaled in all of history except for Nazi Germany.

Yet another thread slagging Democrats. Sewing the seeds of hate and division and offering no solutions.

Criticizing the Israeli government for murdering more Palestian civilians in one month than have been killed in the Ukraine in a year. Since when did criticizing ANY government equate to racial animus????
Everyone should take the time to read the transcript of Chuck Schumer’s speech the other day regarding anti-semitism. The ironic thing about it is that he lays out the case that it is his party that is responsible for anti-semitism. He reference Germany and Hitler but it never sinks in that he is on the wrong side of the aisle. Of course he mentions Trump and the so called “Muslim ban“ but he never mentions Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The evidence is right in front of his face and he even brings it to light, but like many hard-core Democratic Jews, he just doesn’t seem to get that it is by and large Christians in the US that are on the side of Israel and Democrats that are not.

Trump moving the Embassy was all about his Evangelical base and NOTHING to do with his love of Israel, because Trump is the biggest anti-Semite in the USA. As a bonus, the move caused riots, and more than 50 people were killed in the violence as Trump and Ivanka drank champagne with BeBe.

Donnie loves it when people die. It makes him feel powerful.

Trump has openly courted the KKK, and other white nationalist voters who openly hate on Jews, and that includes many evangelicals sects who blame Jews for murdering Jesus. He didn't say one word about the Tiki Torch march in Charlottesville, or the Tree of Life Shooting.
Trump moving the Embassy was all about his Evangelical base and NOTHING to do with his love of Israel, because Trump is the biggest anti-Semite in the USA. As a bonus, the move caused riots, and more than 50 people were killed in the violence as Trump and Ivanka drank champagne with BeBe.

Donnie loves it when people die. It makes him feel powerful.

Trump has openly courted the KKK, and other white nationalist voters who openly hate on Jews, and that includes many evangelicals sects who blame Jews for murdering Jesus. He didn't say one word about the Tiki Torch march in Charlottesville, or the Tree of Life Shooting.

^^^^ Cognitive dissonance. ^^^^

Do a cursory glance on these message boards and note how many Democrats exhibit ant-semitism vs how many Republicans. Even the Jewish Democrats on these board find themselves arguing with fellow Democrats.

Believe what you will, but you have it EXACTLY backwards. Schumer lays it out in his speech, but he doesn’t get it either. Astounding really.
We send money and weapons to Israel and the people on the receiving end of those weapons fly planes into our skyscrapers. This isn`t hard to figure out. It`s past time to cut that colony loose.
Jewish Progressives must stand up together either saying cut the cord to Israel or support them. This middle ground crap has to end. For this affects all the other people in our nation and it seems the younger generations are swaying towards the Islamic side. I do not know if people will tolerate explosions at stores, restaurants, stadiums, trains, etc. in this nation.
The poll evidences a concern for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis' safety.

The problem for Israelis is American youth, the demographic, that the parties.
Everyone should take the time to read the transcript of Chuck Schumer’s speech the other day regarding anti-semitism. The ironic thing about it is that he lays out the case that it is his party that is responsible for anti-semitism. He reference Germany and Hitler but it never sinks in that he is on the wrong side of the aisle. Of course he mentions Trump and the so called “Muslim ban“ but he never mentions Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The evidence is right in front of his face and he even brings it to light, but like many hard-core Democratic Jews, he just doesn’t seem to get that it is by and large Christians in the US that are on the side of Israel and Democrats that are not.
Calling oneself a Christian doesn`t make them a Christian as Mahatma Gandhi pointed out.
" I love your Christ but not your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." When Gandhi says you suck, you really do. :)
Boy, that sure hit a nerve with the leftists. :laughing0301:

Indeed, DSA Democrat Commies don't like to be reminded that they're repeating the same ideology that their KKK predecessors created in the U.S.
Remember they lynched Blacks, Italians, Catholics and Jews.

I'll give you a clue, anyone who cannot condemn the 10/7 attack that targeted civilians and some American citizens, and subsequent taking of hostages, because they hate the Zionist regime is an antisemite

Sounds like you are the one that needs a clue - polling in question didn't ask about condemnation of 10/7 attack.
feel free to highlight the question that asked about Hamas. I will be happy to wait while you look.
The majority of Dems support Palestinians, and 75% of the Palestinians support the barbaric, torturous massacre of innocent Jews carried out by the HAMAS terrorists. Thus, except for a minority, support for Palestinians = support for HAMAS.
Calling oneself a Christian doesn`t make them a Christian as Mahatma Gandhi pointed out.
" I love your Christ but not your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." When Gandhi says you suck, you really do. :)

Ok, so then it is largely Republicans, regardless of religion, that support Israel. I‘m not sure how that helps Schumer’s case. The vast majority of anti-Israeli sentiment is on the Democratic side of the aisle. Schumer even said it in his speech and yet it still doesn’t quite sink in.
dimocraps aren't Anti Semitic. At all.

They're not anti-binary, pro-abortion, anti-religion, anti-family or much of anything else.

They are anti-civilization; they are anarchists. Period. The front page of the communist handbook tells them to "Tear It Down!"!. Why? Simple, they think the only thing holding them back, the only thing keeping them from power, the only thing preventing them from installing their 'society-by-'science'' (A Leninist term) is the current establishment.

Which is true. Why wouldn't we, the unwashed masses, the uneducated, the uncivilized proles..... Why wouldn't we want a society like, say -- North Korea. Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, Castro's Cuba..... Why wouldn't we want that? They do. No shit, they really do.

Know why? Simple. It puts them at the top. They decide who faces the guillotine to day, who eats, who starves, who ascends to the halls of power, who gets an education, who doesn't.

the dimocrap FILTH party is (and I'm not even religious at all) The Anti-Christ.

The only reason they prefer Hamas over Israel is simple, Israel is civilized and Hamas are raping, murdering, terrorist scum. Just like them!

Look at how they run their Cities. NYC, Oakland, Sang Frang, LA, Chi-Town. Find a dimocrap-run city, state, you-name-it and you'll find criminality and scumbaggery. Period.

It is a serious mistake to think that dimocrap FILTH are Anti-Semitic. That lets them off the hook for what they really are.

The scum of the Earth. ALL of them.
Dems do not support Hamas

Palestinians do not support Hamas as strongly as you claim

Stop lying
Lie #1, and

Lie #2

Scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH do support Hamas. Maybe not completely and totally all of them. But that's not the question, douchebag.

Any support Hamas gets from political entities in this Country is from dimocrap FILTH. Like you. You, personally may not support Hamas (yeah, right), don't know, don't care. But ANY support Hamas gets in this Country is your fellow travelers...... The scummiest scumbags on the Planet's surface.

Palestinians are such lying scumbags, they support whoever they're told to support. A neutral poll was take that showed Palestinians supported Hamas by 87%.

Before the terrorist raid --

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After a decade in which Democrats have shown increasing affinity toward the Palestinians, their sympathies in the Middle East now lie more with the Palestinians than the Israelis, 49% versus 38%.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Does that description fit you well? Or are you part of the minority of dims that supports Israel over Hamas?

About what I thought. Time for some word salad, now

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