Anti Trump Inauguration events in your community. Tell us about it.



Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!
Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!

I can't help feeling a little bad for you, rdean.
I will ignore this pageant as per usual, simply another homage to corporate state power.
Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!

Hope you and the other snowflakes have fun.
I will be getting a full day supply of popcorn

Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!
The nearest city to where I live is already protesting. They began protesting the day after the election. Most of them didn't even vote.

They took some time off, and now they are back. They are a bunch of hippie punks, drug addicts and losers.

I went into the city and had my photo taken with the riot police. They were totally cool. We took a group photo.

It was a blast! :lol:
Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!
I don't attend parties for losers. You enjoy your pointless participation trophy, loser.
You a member of this group?

CrimethInc. | Facebook
Ten Reasons to Go Hard on January 20
Why Break Windows?
First, as countless others have argued, because property destruction is an effective tactic. From the Boston Tea Party to the demonstrations against the 1999 World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, property destruction has been an essential part of many struggles. It can pressure or punish opponents by inflicting an economic cost. It can mobilize potential comrades by demonstrating that the ruling forces are not invincible. It can force issues that otherwise would be suppressed—we would certainly not be having a nationwide conversation about race, class, and policing were it not for the courageous actions of a few vandals in Ferguson. Finally, it conveys an uncompromising rejection of the prevailing order, opening space in which people may begin to imagine another.

Property destruction charges don’t look good on a résumé or in a campaign for city council, but perhaps this is a good thing. It means that political vandalism is usually a selfless act—and even when it isn’t, it has to be its own reward. There is more reason to suspect paid nonprofit activists and aspiring politicians of ulterior motives than to question the motivations of vandals. This may explain why activists and politicians cast such aspersions on them.

Shop windows represent segregation. They are invisible barriers. Like so much in this society, they simultaneously offer a view of “the good life” and block access to it. In a polarizing economy, shop windows taunt the poor with commodities they cannot afford, status and security they will never attain. For millions upon millions, the healthy food, medicines, and other goods they need are the breadth of an entire social class away from them, a gulf they will not cross in a lifetime of hard work—a gulf represented by half an inch of plate glass.

To smash a shop window is to contest all the boundaries that cut through this society: black and white, rich and poor, included and excluded. Most of us have become inured to all this segregation, taking such inequalities for granted as a fact of life. Breaking windows is a way to break this silence, to challenge the absurd notion that the social construct of property rights is more important than the needs of the people around us.

One reactionary argument goes that vandals are wrecking “their own neighborhoods,” but this is a disingenuous way to speak about those whose names do not appear on any deeds. Indeed, when developers speak of “improving” these neighborhoods, they mean the de facto expulsion of the current population. The problem in Ferguson and everywhere like it is not that the economy has been interrupted; the problem is the routine functioning of the economy itself. In a profit-driven society, the more that poor people work and pay rent, the poorer they will end up relative to those who are profiting on their labor—that’s where profit comes from. It is dishonest to blame the victim here, as if more submissiveness could produce a different result. In a pyramid scheme, somebody has to form the bottom tier, and ever since the colonization of the so-called Americas that has always meant black and brown people.
Trump Tower Chicago Inauguration Day Protest A peaceful, nonviolent demonstration is planned for the evening of inauguration day. Organizers hope to show "discontent toward the rhetoric that won the president-elect the election and continues to empower similar rhetoric." Fri 1/20, 5 PM-midnight, Trump International Hotel and Towers, 401 N. Wabash.

See you there!

I can't help feeling a little bad for you, rdean.
Funny, because I feel bad for Trump followers. It's terrible when you can see a train wreck from a very long way off. You know how bad it's going to be. The closer it gets, it's obvious how bad it will be. I saw it with Bush. And it damaged the country terribly. Trump will be much worse.
Funny, because I feel bad for Trump followers. It's terrible when you can see a train wreck from a very long way off. You know how bad it's going to be. The closer it gets, it's obvious how bad it will be. I saw it with Bush. And it damaged the country terribly. Trump will be much worse.

You leftist losers don't know how to make your time on this earth valuable.

All these protests, all these attacks, all these conspiracy theories, and what have you got to show for it? Nothing. Trump will be our new President at the end of this week in spite of everything you tried

But do liberals ever learn anything from their mistakes? No, they're liberals, they don't have common sense. So arrange more protests, incite more riots and attack more people which will be likely. And THEN what will you have to show for it? Nothing more than today.

And then you can't figure out why you've accomplished nothing, can't figure out why the country is turning against you, can't figure out why you're losing power. You just figure keep doing the same stupid shit and eventually people will join along.

The definition of insanity is????
Funny, because I feel bad for Trump followers. It's terrible when you can see a train wreck from a very long way off. You know how bad it's going to be. The closer it gets, it's obvious how bad it will be. I saw it with Bush. And it damaged the country terribly. Trump will be much worse.

You leftist losers don't know how to make your time on this earth valuable.

All these protests, all these attacks, all these conspiracy theories, and what have you got to show for it? Nothing. Trump will be our new President at the end of this week in spite of everything you tried

But do liberals ever learn anything from their mistakes? No, they're liberals, they don't have common sense. So arrange more protests, incite more riots and attack more people which will be likely. And THEN what will you have to show for it? Nothing more than today.

And then you can't figure out why you've accomplished nothing, can't figure out why the country is turning against you, can't figure out why you're losing power. You just figure keep doing the same stupid shit and eventually people will join along.

The definition of insanity is????
Anything good that conservatives have was either given to them by liberals or stolen from liberals. Besides strife and damage, what is it they create? They can't even name anything worthwhile.
It will be interesting to see what the crowd does at the inauguration. President Obama had nearly two million people. Estimates that Trump will have less than eight hundred thousand. I wonder if those protesting Trump will out number those there to cheer him on.

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